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Black Mass?

To: alt.satanism,alt.magick.tyagi,talk.religion.misc
From: (nocTifer)
Subject: Re: Black Mass?
Date: 21 Dec 1997 23:01:59 -0800

49971221 aa2 Hail Satan!   Yuletide Hailings too!  longest night!

Marina Waltz :
>Could someone please let me know exactly what the Black Mass is, 

"the Black Mass" is a misnomer.  mostly a projection, somewhat
historical (French), co-opted into modern Satanism as a valuable
if rebellious concept applied in the unprogramming of deluded
religious, it has many meanings as a phrase.

>or, if the information is available on-line somewhere please point
>me in the right direction?  

you might find some in the TOKUS Satanism archive (which can be
reached through the TOKUS web site:

and we recommend you also look elsewhere than the Propaganda files).
here's a sample from /propaganda/acad.90sc.txt:


[most omitted]

The heart and centre of the persecution of witches was that they were
Satanists, that they had rejected the rightful God and given their
allegiance to his arch-opponent, and that in their 'sabbaths' or
meetings they worshipped the ruler of evil, carnality and filth.
Some of those accused as witches do seem to have taken the Devil for
tehir god, worshipping him as an equal opponent of the Christian God,
over whom he would eventually triumph.  They looked to Satan for power
and pleasure in this world and for a happy future in the next, and
they vilified Christ as a traitor and a cheat, who had made promises
which he did not keep, and who had gone away to live in heaven while
Satan remained with his faithful on earth.  The fierce hatred and
contempt felt for Christianity comes out in many of the confessions
extorted from witches and in accounts of the Black Mass, which they
were accused of performing at the sabbath, in adoration of the Devil,
as a blasphemous degradation of Christian ritual and as a celebration
of the flesh and matter, as against the spirit....

In modern times Satanism appears more often in print than in real life.
There is a vivid account of the Black Mass in J. K. Huysmans's novel
_La-Bas_, probably drawn from life.  In his _History of Witchcraft and
Demonology_, Montague Summers quoted from an Italian newspaper a
description of a Satanic chapel discovered in the Palazzo Borghese
in 1895.

        The walls were hung all round from ceiling to floor
        with heavy curtains of silk damask, scarlet and black,
        excluding the light: at the further end there stretched
        a large tapestry upon which was woven in more than life-
        size a figure of Lucifer, colossal, triumpant, dominating
        the whole.  Exactly beneath an altar had been built,
        amply furnished for the liturgy of hell: candles, vessels,
        rituals, missal, nothing was lacking.  Cushioned
        prie-dieus (kneeling desks) and luxurious chairs, crimson
        and gold, were set in order for the assistants; the
        chamber being lit by electricity... arrayed so as to
        glare from an enormous eye.

[rest omitted]


        _Man, Myth and Magic_, liber 16, RAS->SCI, heading for
           SATANISM, ed. Richard Cavendish and Brian Innes,
           M.Cavendish Corporation, 1995; p. 2283-5.


>I'm looking for  a little more information than what can be 
>found in the FAQ, 

contrary to what has been promoted in my 3 month forced absence,
there are many more than 3 FAQs.  

>and my searches so far have not been especially fruitful.

you aren't looking in hard copy very well then, since it is in
the reference section of most libraries.  if you're just looking
online, well the TOKUS site may have some bits for you.  I think
I didn't key in all the Black Mass material because it was akin
to the witchcraft stories in Malleus Maleficarum in many cases
and didn't speak directly to what constitutes 'Satanism' except
in modern usage (as an anti-programming device).

I'd be happy to expand on any of the above for your benefit
within this and other newsgroups in response to your questions
if you cc them to me.

blessed beast!
(emailed replies may be posted);; 408/2-666-SLUG
  join the esoteric syncretism in alt.magick.tyagi; 

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