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Victims - A Sinister Expose

Subject: Victims - A Sinister Expose

   It should be understood that all acts undertaken by a Satanic novice
   to gain experience are perpetrated/done against those (the victims)
   whose character has been revealed to be or shown to be, by their
   deeds, defective. This character is judged from a Satanic perspective.

   The actions of a Satanic novice in the real world, arise as a
   consequence of that novice following, at the time of a particular act,
   a particular stage of the Satanic way to Adeptship and beyond. Thus,
   each act has a purpose and an intent which are beyond the moment(s) of
   that act. The purpose is to achieve experience (and consequently that
   maturity of character which experience brings), and the intent is
   Satanic - i.e. the individual is participating in Satanism by their
   desire to so experience and profit from that experience.

   All such Satanic acts are directed and calculating, and as such they
   arise from a conscious decision, not from a 'loss of self-control' nor
   from a desire or desires which overwhelm the individual. The novice
   chooses the act or acts, consciously, as part of their training - they
   are not led into them, by others, nor are they drawn into undertaking
   them because of some feeling/desire which holds them in thrall and
   which (mostly unconsciously) motivates them. [Note: We are here
   concerned with acts involving victims - not acts (e.g. magickal
   ordeals) which involve the novice alone.]

   The acts are part of a particular practical, real-life rle which the
   novice chooses and assumes for a particular time, and as such the acts
   are defined by that rle. That is, the nature of the act is defined by
   the rle. Since this is a rle, Satanically chosen, the act itself
   expresses Satanism in action. Thus, all such acts involving victims
   conform to certain Satanic principles, the most important of which is
   that the victim(s) of such acts are victims of their own nature. The
   act or acts which may result in them being the victim of those acts,
   are really 'natural' consequences arising from the defects of
   character which the victim possesses and which are revealed by the
   defective deeds of the victim.

   It bears repeating that all Satanic acts done by a novice to achieve
   experience and which involve victims, are done against those who have
   revealed themselves to be of defective character. Of course, it
   requires some judgement - or instinct - to determine character in
   others and thus assess them as potential victims. But it is one of the
   purposes of Satanic training to develope this judgement (and hone the
   instinct) which arises from maturity. The Satanic practices
   themselves, and the guidelines established for Satanic acts, enable
   novices to find suitable victims while they are still developing
   Satanic judgement and character. One of these practices is the testing
   of potential victims - the real-life tests revealing the true nature
   of the target and thus serving to confirm or not the choice of target.
   It is part of a novice's training to participate and then devise and
   undertake such tests which expose the character of a target.

   The use of victims by Satanists has been misunderstood. Victims are
   always carefully chosen following an assessment and judgement of them
   (usually by a Master or Lady Master) - the victims stands revealed by
   their deeds and their life. The victims are then tested (usually three
   times) to give them an opportunity to show potential and reveal their
   true nature - that is, they are given a sporting chance. Only after
   these tests have confirmed their suitability - their defective nature
   - will they become victims. Hence, Satanic victims can never be
   children: all victims must have done something which reveals their
   defective nature. This 'doing' is always of a certain type: it reveals
   them for what they are, generally worthless scum whose culling, for
   example, benefits evolution. That is, the actions/life of the chosen
   victim are indicative of weakness - of all those traits of character
   which genuine Satanists despise. Things such as cowardice, treachery,
   sycophancy, fear, bullying, lack of self-control ...

   Hence, there is no such thing as an 'innocent' Satanic victim: the
   victims of Satanic acts get what they deserve. Victims are thus
   instruments of Satanic change - raw material which the novice uses
   (and often disposes of) to learn from.

   Naturally, this Satanic practice - of acts which involve victims - can
   be and has been misused: used as an excuse by weak individuals in
   thrall to their desires and passions to justify their actions. But
   this is irrelevant. Satanic practice is like a gun - it is neutral. It
   can be used, for noble or ignoble purposes. Like a gun, a Satanic
   practice is an artifact, a creation, an expression of evolution
   itself. How the practices of evolution are used depends on the
   individual - that is, it returns the responsibility to the individual,
   allows them to make a choice. There is not, nor can ever be in
   Satanism any authority to ban, to control, such acts - for such
   restrictions are a denial of conscious liberation, a denial of
   individuality. They patronize individuals and prevent them developing
   into higher, self- aware, and wise beings.

   Furthermore, there is no responsibility, devolving on persons like
   myself or any genuine Satanic Master, for anyone who may use Satanic
   acts for their own, un-Satanic ends - that is, as an excuse for their
   own weakness and failure of self-control. The practices are as they
   are - it is up to each and every individual how they are used, or even
   if they are used. The responsibility of choice is theirs and theirs
   alone - to deny them that choice, even the possibility of that choice
   (and thus to deny them the possibility to evolve further, to Adeptship
   and beyond) is to deny conscious evolution itself. ONA 1990 eh

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