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Re-Defining Satanism

[from ]

Subject: Re-Defining Satanism
    by Magdalene Graham
   Society of Dark Lily
   The slogan "Evil is Live spelt backwards" was effective (though
   "Devil" on the same principle put us in the past tense) but its
   shock value and therefore usefulness has long since receded. It
   is now counter-productive if being evil is regarded as a
   necessary qualification to be a follower of the Left Hand Path.
   So let us relegate that myth to the junk-heap, along with the
   other nonsense about Satanism being an offshoot of Christianity
   (even the Christians' bible testifies against that).
   Satanism is no longer a hook upon which the unenlightened can
   hang their guilt complexes. Two thousand years of being the
   "scapegoat" has inevitably left us on the defensive. In any
   statements for public consumption, we have expanded too much time
   and energy in explaining what we are not, and this preponderance
   of the negative has created a void rather than a valid exegesis.
   Now we are once again being accused of sacrificing babies and
   indulging in illegal sexual acts. People assume that we gain some
   advantage by so doing, though no-one has ever detailed how such
   acts could increase Knowledge, and Knowledge is what Satanists
   are seeking.
   Orthodoxy substitutes Faith for Knowledge. No-one can form an
   objective judgment without experience, but experience is
   forbidden to the followers of establishment religions. Belief is
   demanded. Centuries ago, this may have been a useful contribution
   to the stabilisation of Society (though the excesses of the
   Inquisition and similar efforts in all European countries and
   their colonies give rise to some doubt about this method being
   However, in the present day, it is illogical to think that the
   survival of nations and alliances would be affected by people's
   belief or lack of belief in any religious system. Freedom is
   today's demand, and freedom of thought is one of the essential
   Probably the greatest question on Earth is the inescapable fact
   of death. Freed from the tenets of orthodoxy and its improbable
   placebos, we want to know what really happens when our mortal
   body ceases to function. We also wish to learn how to become more
   effective whilst on Earth, how to achieve in many ways. Myths and
   legends do not interest us. We are concerned with Reality. We
   want to know. These four words summarise the Satanic quest.
   We do not believe that some mysterious and awesome deity (whether
   or not he has horns and a tail) is going to hand us that
   Knowledge in return for our allegiance (or that problematic
   entity the "soul"). Knowledge is achieved by learning, working,
   experimenting, experiencing and thinking. That is why the
   orthodox religions fulminate against us, because they are aware
   of the insecure foundations of their own dogma. It is our
   existence that threatens them.
   Faith is the true evil. Blind, unquestioning faith in a religion
   or a cause has made men go to war, commit unspeakable acts of
   persecution and terrorism against other human beings. The
   Satanist does not offer such allegiance. It is his principle to
   ask "Why?" One little word that could shatter empires. No wonder
   they are so afraid of us.

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