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A Gift for the Prince - A Guide to Human Sacrifice

Subject: A Gift for the Prince - A Guide to Human Sacrifice

In ceremonial rituals involving sacrifice, the Mistress of Earth [
sometimes called 'The Lady Master' ] usually takes on the rle of the dark
or 'violent' goddess, Baphomet, and the Master of the Temple that of either
Lucifer or Satan - the sacrifice being regarded as a gift to the Prince of
Darkness. This gift, however, is sometimes offered to the dark goddess, the
bride of our Prince.

Human sacrifice is powerful magick. The ritual death of an individual does
two things: it releases energy (which can be directed, or stored- for
example in a crystal) and it draws down dark forces or entities' . Such
forces may then be used, by directing them toward a specific goal, or they
may be allowed to disperse over the Earth in a natural way, such dispersal
altering what is sometimes known as the'astral shell' around the Earth.
This alteration, by the nature of sacrifice, is disruptive - that it, it
tends toward Chaos. This is simply another way of saying that human
sacrifice furthers the work of Satan.

Sacrifice can be voluntary, of an individual; involuntary, of an
individual or two; or result from events brought about by Satanic
ritual and/or planning (such as wars). Voluntary sacrifice results
from the traditional Satanist belief that our life on this planet is only a
stage: a gateway or nexion to another existence. This other existence is in 
the acausal realm where the Dark Gods exist. The key to this other
existence is not negation, but rather ecstasy. A Satanist revels in life
because by living life in a joyful, ecstatic   way, the acausal that exists
within us all by virtue of our being, is   strengthened. For Satanists, not
only the manner of living is important, but also the manner of death. We
must live well and die at the right time, proud and defiant to the end -
not waiting sickly and weak. The scum of the Earth wail and tremble as they
face Death: we stand laughing and spit with contempt. Thus do we learn how
to live.
Voluntary sacrifice usually occurs every seventeen years as part of the
Ceremony of Recalling: the one chosen becomes Immortal, living in the
acausal to haunt the edge of the minds of those un-initiated.

An involuntary sacrifice is when an individual or individuals are
chosen by a group, Temple or Order. Such sacrifices are usually
sacrificed on the Spring Equinox, although if this is not possible for
whatever reason, another date may be used. While voluntary sacrifices are
always male (and usually twenty-one years of age) there are no restrictions
concerning involuntary sacrifices other than the fact that they are usually
in some way opponents of Satanism or the Satanic way of living.

Great care is needed in choosing a sacrifice: the object being to
dispose of a difficult individual or individuals without arousing
undue suspicion. A Temple or group wishing to conduct such a sacrifice with
magickal intent must first obtain permission from the Grand Master or Grand
Lady Master.

If this is given, then detailed preparation must begin. First, choose the
sacrifice(s) - those who removal will actively benefit the Satanist cause.
Candidates are zealous interfering Nazarenes, those (e.g. journalists)
attempting to disrupt in some way established Satanist groups or Orders,
political/ business individuals whose activities are detrimental to the
Satanist spirit, and those whose removal will aid the sinister dialectic
and/or improve the human stock.

There are three methods of conducting an involuntary sacrifice: (1) by
magickal means (e.g. the Death Ritual);
(2) by some person or persons directly killing the sacrifice(s); (3) by

Both (2) and (3) can be undertaken either directly by the
group/Temple/Order and its members, or by proxy. Proxy involves the Master
or Mistress finding a suitably weak-willed individual and then implanting
in the mind of that individual - usually by hypnosis - a suitable

Whatever method is chosen, a date for the sacrifice should be set and on
that date a suitable ritual undertaken. This ritual is most usually the
Death Ritual - if method (3) is chosen, the Ritual is performed twice:
first, seven days before the chosen date, and then on the date itself while
the member/proxy is undertaking the sacrifice. The energy of this latter
ritual is then directed (or temporarily stored), or dispersed over Earth,
by the person conducting the ritual.

Method (2) involves the Ritual of Sacrifice. The victim or victims are
brought or enticed to the area chosen for the Ritual, bound by the Guardian
of the Temple and at the appropriate point in the Ritual sacrificed by
either the Master or the Mistress using the Sacrificial Knife. The body or
bodies are then buried or otherwise disposed of,care being taken if they
are found for suspicion not to fall on any of those involved. Those
involved, of course, must be sworn to secrecy and warned that if they break
their oath, their own existence will be terminated. Breaking the Oath of
Sacrifice draws upon the individual or individuals who break that Oath, the
vengeance of all Satanic groups, Order and individuals - and this vengeance
is both magickal  and more direct, the Master or Mistress of the Ritual
appointing  Guardians to hunt down and kill those who have broken the Oath.

Those who participate in the Ritual of Sacrifice must revel in the
death(s) - it being the duty of the Master and Mistress to find
suitable participants.

   ONA 1984 eh (revised 1994 eh) ^^^^^^^^^

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