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To: (ZAZAS-L Satanist Elist) From: (boboroshi/CoE) Subject: (Z) Not Like Most Satanism!! (LONG, intvw, CoE) Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 19:04:18 -0700 (PDT) 980901 IIIom for your reading pleasure. [from ; this is an interview from 'Not Like Most', the Satanist magazine, issue #6; for more information about NLM, check out their website at ] INTERVIEW: Boboroshi of The Church of Euthanasia by Matt G. Paradise [; my comments in [brackets] -- bobo] The Church of Euthanasia, like The Church of Satan, has no physical address. As well neither should; after all, both the CoE or the CoS wouldn't give their detractors the satisfaction of putting a tactile face to the herd's bogeymen. And, to be perfectly honest, there is just no fun in that, either. And fun is important. A sense of humor keeps the Satanist not only tolerable, but healthier in the process. The CoE is well-versed in humor, too. Staging such hilarity (with a point) as "spontaneous" demonstrations through downtown Boston to some creative rearrangement of billboard messages, this legally recognized religion knows how to have a good time. And, again, make a point. The CoE's point is clear in its "four pillars:" cannibalism, sodomy, suicide, and abortion. (It's FOR them, not against.) Through its efforts of publishing, lecturing, merchandising, and Dada actions, the Church of Euthanasia is at the forefront of the anti-overpopulation movement. Since many Satanists are interested in this global threat, it seemed appropriate for us to go to the Church of Euthanasia's Satanic Outreach Director. (Didn't know the CoE had one, did you?) No, this person isn't out to rescue you from the horrors of eternal damnation. Boboroshi the SOD (preferred title) instead recognizes that many of us are concerned with the out-of-control breeding of the human sheep (and widely support other people's decisions to remove themselves from the problem... permanently). If need be said, the Church of Euthanasia serves Satan well. We corresponded with Boboroshi (currently 38 and residing in San Jose, CA [1 - see notes at end of article for updates]) about the CoE, the CoS, and all things in between. This interview was completed in October of XXXII A.S. NOT LIKE MOST: How did you get involved with the Church of Euthanasia? BOBOROSHI: On Earth Day in 1996, I found the CoE webpage. I realized upon first glimpse that it reflected my values and approach to religion: hard-hitting and unafraid to support Satan directly. The One Commandment which all members must abide is "Thou Shalt Not Procreate." I had already had a vasectomy, so this was also aligned perfectly to my will. I sent in the $10 fee and received some literature (SNUFF IT!) that I thoroughly enjoyed along with a membership certificate. NLM: What about the CoE's philosophy do you see compatible with the Church of Satan's body of thought? B: Like the Church of Satan, the Church of Euthanasia has a diversity of thought within its publications, and though there are some major influences in this regard (Rev. Chrissy Korda! for example), there is no High Priest who shapes and fashions intellectual aesthetic (we don't have "Sins", "Rules" or "Laws," for example). Most of the popular CoE philosophy seems to focus around the leap to species awareness and the active, death-positive paradigm from within which we fashion our relationship to Satan (wild nature). Out of all this, there appears to be a similar attitude toward nature (for the CoS, usually human; in CoE, moreso the non-human), in that we actively seek to dissuade people from harming animals (even eating flesh for food, unless it be human: i.e.: the Pillar CANNIBALISM), let alone the typical animal sacrifices which are a part of some religious worship. The CoE also strongly supports consensuality and the empowerment of the individual in modes not dissimilar from that of LaVey (though perhaps more extremely). This manifests most clearly in our support of women's right to terminate pregnancy (i.e.: ABORTION) and an individual's right to end their lives when and, within reason, how they see fit (i.e.: SUICIDE). There is a healthy support of nonprocreative sexuality (i.e.: SODOMY) which I think CoSatanists would find conforms to their ideals about healthy indulgence. Placed in the framework of consensuality, the major incompatibility seems to manifest individually rather than across the spectrum on any one point. LaVey's doctrines don't seem to outright forbid suicide, for example, nor do they say much about ecology. Where he comes closest to CoE ideas is when he speaks of the problem humans are creating through overpopulation and how we can benefit from taking the focus off sex-for-reproduction and ritual purification schemes. NLM: What other "occult" religions have common ground with the CoE's philosophy? What are those similarities? B: There are a number of Satanic and Neopagan groups and individuals whose ideas sound similar to the variety of expression to be found within the pages of SNUFF IT. Radical calls for mass-sterilization, genocide, worship of nature, the Wiccan Three-fold Law of Return, channeling the message of an alien intelligence; these all make appearances in membership text. However, few if any focus with such clarity upon the real issues liable to affect the lives of humans and other animals for centuries to come, (those surrounding death and procreation), preferring instead to pass on the catastrophic mess to future generations. Neopagans often make a show of "worshiping nature," for example, and yet what this usually amounts to is watered-down ceremonialism that integrates caricatures of pre-Christian gods echoed by anthropologists. Satanists sometimes speak about serving their own and their children's interests, and yet rarely do they begin to think as a species, determining with intent an appropriate lifestyle along with a message to steer the herd. Humanists, atheists and the odd radical ecologist will find more to their liking in the CoE's texts and behaviors than the 'occult' or religious. This is because we don't usually bother with dubious notions about "spirituality" or an "afterlife." Our focus is firmly upon what many mature Satanists would identify as "reality" and we are attempting to shift the role of humans from consumerist parasites bent on the death of the host to animals integral to the whole who recognize and value that wild nature who supports us all (Satan). Call it "broader-vision" if you like. There are some thematic similarities which I find ironic, of course, such as that the Pillars, taken together, appear to support very similar types of activities as might be found at what are ecclesiastically called "Satanic" or "Sabbatic" events (lots of pleasure-centered sexuality, abortions, termination of life -- we insist on consensuality, and the consumption of the flesh of human adults and fetuses). Most in the modern occult world can't get their minds around things so "icky" as cannibalism, bestiality, incest and necrophilia; however. Even consensual human sacrifice goes too far. I consider such things to be strongly implicative of the message of the Church of Euthanasia and am in the process of crafting a liturgy involving these activities. In fact I've begun seeking necrophiliacs to whom I might will my body, perhaps on condition of carrying out this type of ritual. NLM: Explain what your CoE position of "Satanic Outreach Director" entails. What is your background qualifying you for this responsibility? B: The Church of Euthanasia includes people of many types, from Satanists like myself to enlightened Christians who have awakened to the deeper significance of their Eucharistic religion. When I joined the CoE I was encouraged to develop my own ideas, integrate them into what the church was doing, and strive for an explosion of consciousness (through media, where possible; later, perhaps engaging activism). I found that the Four Pillars and One Commandment were sufficient as the basis of a beautiful Satanic religion, which I was in the process of creating prior to becoming a member. This manifested formally three months ago [2] in an ordeal by which The Order of Kaos Under Satan (TOKUS) was created within the CoE. Based in part on my activities online and in part on my vision of what I wanted to do, Rev. Chrissy and the other directors decided upon the excellent title "S.O.D." I was engaging a special role: the mission to the neuvoreligious, a kind of Paul to the Gentiles. At first this mostly took the form of networking information and evangelizing online, occasionally contributing the odd bit to SNUFF IT. Since then my activities have begun to assume a more visible and political character. I've started contacting and exchanging information with Satanists generally and exposing the local Underground (goth/punk/industrial/arcane) to a taste of the CoE-Satanic wrath. Later I'll bring the message more forcefully to the greater religious communities (having already had some success with the Neopagans whose company I shared). Recently I've been conducting more interviews with the media, have taken out an advertisement for the Church in "City Revolt," [3] have begun a thorough scoping of allied political culture where I live in San Jose, Kalifornika [4]. My first stop was the Pro-Choice Coalition, with whom I am working as a representative from the CoE to celebrate the upcoming anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision (January 22, 1998). Besides publicizing the church and getting its message heard, I am watching for those of like-mind who may be interested in engaging what I would call "daDa activism" and what some members of the CoE might call "religious service." You can get a feel for what I'm talking about by consulting issues of SNUFF IT. My qualifications for the SOD position include a good decade of work in administration in an organization supporting libraries, have had what I consider to have been a Satanic upbringing (heavily centered on ideals such as individualism, rebellion against oppressive authority, and the respect and glorification of our animal selves). My fascination with things arcane and religious brings me very close to the neuvoreligious. I had conducted a survey of the field of Satanism from a variety of perspectives prior to discovering the CoE, had already set in motion what would later become my pact with Satan (wild nature) as I learned more about the church, and have since constructed one of the most comprehensive overviews on the subject in cyberspace (see The TOKUS website) while simultaneously participating in substantive discussion to effect changes in materials purporting to concern Satanism published by Neopagan organizations like the Church of All Worlds. My drive to write and communicate with others (often via computer, but more and more often in meatspace as things turn local [5]), my dedication to Kali and service to Satan provide me with inspiration and energy. It should be noted that my title is descriptive. It was applied to me as I manifested my role in the church. I invented the role and the name came after it. There were no configured prerequisites. As I know it this is how all CoE operatives function -- do what you can as you are able for the church and for Satan, we'll see what place you have in the overall scheme. It is remarkably similar to what I have heard about the Church of Satan's operational procedures and authority. NLM: How do many of the CoE members you know respond to Satanism and your efforts? B: From what I can see the members of the CoE are VERY scattered, perhaps excepting the Boston area where the church started out and continues. For this reason I have met less than a half-dozen members despite the hundreds of members in the world. Via email I've met a few more, and overall I've had a positive response. There are the usual presumptions (child-sacrifice, worship of Satan, etc.) which are quickly abandoned, and the closest member to whom I live (same house) has created TOKUS with me as a Satanic faction, if this is any indication. Most members are probably of the EarthMom-worship-through-activism school and may have little interest in "crazy new religions." After disillusioning the reflection of the Urban Legend of Satanism (which I'm sure you have adequately debunked in your publication) there is little more comment from CoE members. As long as we're working toward the same goals of species awareness and population reduction, there is general support. My activities constitute an intensification of Neopagan values and an emphasis on the empowerment of the individual. For this reason it is not usually that I take the Pillars differently but that I take them so firmly to heart that may alarm other members in the church. The power to determine how and when we die is integral to the character of our lives and what results from our passing. Typically Satanists only consider their lives. The CoE emphasizes the results and I like both. NLM: In an alt.satanism posting, you stated that LaVey's more recent writing is "evolving out of modernism." Can you elaborate? B: This is incorrect. I posted some text of Brenda Mobley's where she makes this claim. I don't usually use the term 'modernism' in this sense and I engaged her in conversation in part to elicit some definition from her. I will say something about LaVey's writing, however. I think that he is, like many others who have come before him, better religious than he is a writer of text. A shrewd marketeer, I think he places himself in the right place and in the right form to achieve the effect he has claimed to desire. Often I have seen his as an echo of some of the popular philosophers and poets of the Satanic literary tradition, and he "spins" the media well enough that one may discern currents of political and religious irony. NLM: What are some of your other Satanic internet activities? B: Other than construction of the TOKUS website, I have participated in discussions among Satanists within a variety of forums for years, sometimes exchanging ideas and reflections of practice. In fact I've just created an email list (ZAZAS-L [6]; send 'subscribe zazas-l' to the following address: which will exclude feuding, focus on Satanic ideals and practices, and dump its content to the alt.satanism Usenet newsgroup to inspire relevant exchange. In terms of activities, the term "Satanic" really has two meanings for me: that associated with Satan by virtue of culture (e.g. Church of Satan, or what an individual has learned 'Satan' is or symbolizes), and that which informs my Satanism that may not be found in anthropocentric or organized varieties (i.e. wild nature in human, other animal, or vegetative forms). As regards Satan as SHe appears within humans, I associate Hir with the willful liberation promoted by philosophers of Thelema (Rabelais, Crowley, to a certain extent Nietzsche, others, many in what would be called conventionally Satanic tradition). Crowley was a heavy influence on me, and for many years I served as a conduit for information about and in association with my Order (cOTO). I also edited a directory facilitating internet research on magical and mystical subjects, called "The Mage's Guide to the Internet" (MaGI). I'm updating that now for WWW-access, though still focusing on text-caches rather than ephemeral websites and am seeking mirrorsites for it and the esoteric archives from which it draws. Beyond occasional sermons and the odd activist post to religious forums I don't think my service to Satan in the wilderness really comes through online. It is mostly a meatspace activity -- reducing my consumption, withdrawing my support from convenience which destroys plants and animals (like automobiles and the pavement they require, or the meat industry which encourages desertification and the popular industrial machine we have outgrown). Taking it past my own life is the difficult part, one which I'm beginning to explore in some depth. NLM: Have you written for any Satanic publications? B: Other than internet publishing I have written for a creative journal I started and passed on to one of my kin (Watermelon Sugar), and a few articles for Circle Network News early in my involvement with Neopagans. My text was not generally designated for any specific publication though it has occasionally made it into occult periodicals (a TOPY 'zine carried an essay "On Black Magick and the Left Hand Path" and the magazine "Magick" ran an excerpt from one of my old online files). The MaGI was published as part of a compendium of FAQs offline, but all of these latter developments were re-publications. I've barely read any Satanist periodicals [7], though Peggy Nadramia was kind enough to send me some publications associated with the CoS. What I have seen includes a couple issues of The Black Flame and of course we have most of LaVey's books. Recently I sent some SNUFF ITs to a variety of Satanist organizations and individuals and in some cases received gratis copies in return. I find Jeffrey Deboo's text to be the most substantive of modern Satanists and he appears to enjoy the CoE's publications. NLM: With or without a connection to Satanism, the Xtians will obviously have their problems with the CoE's Four Pillars and Dada activities. Just how anti-Christian is the CoE? B: The CoE isn't antagonistic toward any single religion or paradigm. We are predominantly behavior-based in our religious sermons and services. There is an obvious set of values symbolized by the Pillars and these are often contrasted with those of the Roman Catholic Church as an inversion. However, as LaVey says in The Church of Satan, just because we may be in direct opposition to many Judeo-Christian values, this does not mean that these religious structures provide the basis from within which we are acting. It just so happens that Christian society has chosen to adhere to values and principles which will ultimately prove destructive to us and to the biosphere. When this changes (or the religions begin to seize hold of the species awareness we are fomenting) then there needn't be any divisions between us. We can show them how becoming, killing and eating gods should be carried out (in ritual). If the Church of Euthanasia is "anti-"anything I'd say it is anti-stupidity. We don't hide from what human beings are doing to Satan and what likely repercussions are going to come of this. We accept death and the freedom of people to do what we like with our bodies (encouraging using them as a means of feeding our growing numbers) while keeping in mind the realistic data from ecological sources that most religious ignore. We understand that everything we have today was provided more or less free by the natural world and that crapping or laying waste to our food and medical supply while enjoying the benefits of a couple-thousand-year party is total insanity. NLM: Has Kevorkian joined yet? B: Not of which I am aware. I'm not even sure he knows of the church, though we consider him a saint for his efforts. It is important for us to make plain that "euthanasia" (good death) is to us much more than assisting the suicide of the terminally-ill, though it does include this. It means a revaluation of a chosen death in every sphere, from death of sperm, ova and fetuses all the way to the way adults die and what we should do with their bodies. NLM: What can we expect in the future from the CoE? B: I suspect you'll see more and more of the church obtaining access to and manipulating popular media [8], and if my dreams materialize there'll be daDa activism in places other than Boston where the bulk of active membership currently resides. Eventually I suspect there will be extravaganzas where members take their own lives as part of the Spectacle. Doing so would qualify them immediately for saint status, and we are in the midst of considering methods easily available and effectively employed as and when we desire to take the last exit. From TOKUS (we draw membership only from CoE) you may see some sort of publication (like a 'zine which explores the shadow of human culture and ourselves, giving a voice and face to Satan beyond the bogey-like masks and nightmares [9]). or we may focus our efforts more politically and locally, watching the disintegration of urban culture, taking action to steer some of the Satanic response in directions that serve the Infernal. TOKUS is in its infancy as yet and we will do best to expand our membership somewhat before committing our energies. Generally from the Church of Euthanasia you can expect the clarion of the Aeon of the Adversary, in words and action, from spraying fertility clinics with 9-foot high penises and crucifying a mom-doll birthing a cannibal-cutie to providing Satan with a voice on public airwaves and demonstrating proper methods of population reduction. blessed beast! [End of interview] =================================================================== [notes added after the interview by boboroshi: 1-I was 36 at the time, and while I used to reside in San Jose, I have since changed residence. 2-on 960606 the Aeon of the Adversary began as a blood pact with the Infernal One, the account of which is to be found at and forms corpus of TOKUS holy writ, along with such documents as Crowley's "Liber Oz" at and the Manifesto Satanika, at 3-the magazine (now called 'Zero Magazine') has a website at the following URL: whose editor is a very nice guy, so go ahead and send him email congratulating him on having Satanist ads in his publication 4-I've begun some communications with the liberal sex culture in the bay area and am researching ecological anarchism and what is known as permaculture before trying to tackle environmentals 5-my move to a more rural atmosphere may bring with it involvement in front line ecoprotection; I'm still watching for CoE kindred 6-within which you may well have seen this publication 7-I'd read as much as I could find online, which included quite a bit about the Temple of Set, a smattering of Satanism that someone'd been kind enough to scan in (NZ's Graeme Wilson, some Order introductory materials, like ONA, OTS, others -- see the TOKUS collection) and I'd read reviews in reference sections of libraries, Lyons' _Satan Wants You_, some bits of _Satanism and Witchcraft_ by Michelet, publications I'd collected over the years from anti-satanism religious groups and 'helpful' Pagan people (see the Propaganda directory at TOKUS for more), as well as some bytes of alt.satanism over the years. 8-this is definitely beginning to happen; Rev. Chrissy has begun a smash set of tours for hir musical endeavors, inclusive of 'Save the Planet Kill Yourself' EPs and 'Demons in My Head' CDs (the latter are still available as far as I know, you can contact Rev. Chrissy at 9-for the time being I have put ideas for a 'zine on hold given Jeffrey Deboo's warnings and a shuffle of home fronts; perhaps I'll find a way to make it into a kind of scanned website that combines accessability and copyright with grimoire and ombre.] blessed beast! ======================================================================== boboroshi: --- TOKUS-COE Office: 408/2-666-SLUG --- Emergency Contraception:18005849911 To unsubscribe send "unsubscribe" to To unsubscribe send "unsubscribe" To subscribe send "subscribe" to
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