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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.satanism,alt.politics.satanism,talk.religion.misc From: (SOD of the CoE) Subject: Naming the LHP (was The NEW Church of Satan?????) Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 22:44:57 GMT 50010730 VIth Year of the Adversary of the Aeon! om Hail Satan! Michael Lewis/"Draedon": > ? > > How many 'We are the real/best Church of Satan' organisations > are there going to be? unpredictable. the nature of time and religion seems to result in a variety of names for social groups by which some novel and identifiable differentiation from tradition may be seen. this is reflected in the internet and domain name registry, as it provides novel identifiers for cyberspatial regions. the larger (an dmore interesting to me) issue of how the LHP changes location, form, name, and content, and how to go about distinguishing its current location of intensity, is seldom addressed in forums such as these. you can find one explanation for it (the Great Martyrdom Cult or GMC) in one of the many FAQs available within alt.satanism. > I'm a member of alt.satanism, a flimsy kind of membership, since alt.satanism is a public forum. > I don't need to be a member of any other community or organisation > to keep in touch with other satanists. good for you. :> some apparently find value in association with more private groups or those with similar ideology. some value moderation and the restraint from flammage (rather than use a killfile they either go moderated or seek less public venues). depth of involvement necessitate time dedication and attention to administrative detail. most communication about general materials can be done in public forums without travesty. another interesting topic is what we should EXPECT from membership in any group (whether a public forum or some more formal and closed enterprise) for our efforts. it is my contention that org-Satanism is often detrimental to its participants, but this assertion follows on the variety of testimonials from ex-org-Satanists and from my own experiences with religious groups and orders. blessed beast! Satanic Outreach Director, Church of Euthanasia: Satanism Archive: -- emailed replies may be posted ----- "sa avidya ya vimuktaye" ----- "that which liberates is ignorance" hoodoo catalogue: send postal address to
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