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To: alt.satanism,alt.true-crime,misc.activism.children,ba.general,alt.religion.christian From:Subject: Michael and Lilith Aquino ... do you know where your children are? Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 02:18:11 -0400 As a matter of fact, they don't ... it seems that their children aren't speaking to them! Pat "Lilith" Butch Sinclair Lewis Wise Aquino hasn't spoken to her children in years... and Michael Aquino's son Damien has disavowed his daddy (it appears the feeling is mutual: Michael's mother disinherited Damien. It seems she thought, well, that Michael wasn't Damien's daddy. Wanna clarify this for us, Mike?) Kinda odd that two Satanists who spend so much time trying to clear accused child molesters are on such lousy terms with their children, isn't it? Just a little food for thought...
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