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To: alt.satanism From: rmerciless@aol.commit2hell (RMerciless) Subject: Re: Left hand Path FAQ Date: 21 Jul 2001 18:54:30 GMT Bwahahahahaha... !!! What a laugh! This poor deluded moron is sucking up to an organization that would never let him join and, if they did, would soon be showing him the door. With his literal belief in the existance of Satan, Ron DOES seem to fit in with the ToS ethos except for one big problem. He is an utter nutcase! They won't have anything to do with him, no matter how much butt-kissing and cheer leading he does from the outside. It is just hillarious to see him doing this cheerleader bit for an organization that holds him (rightly) in contempt. Ron now posts >Following LaVey's betrayal of the Satanic Priesthood in 1975 CE, the >Infernal Mandate was passed on to Michael Aquino by the Prince of >Darkness himself. Therefore, the organization claiming to be the >"Church of Satan" since that time is *not* legitimate. Yet Ron Mershon was a member long after this point and strove constantly for recognition therein. He WAS recognized, of course, as a complete idiot and loser. Seeing that he would not ACTUALLY rise in the organization, he then started LYING that he had. In one particularly funny instnace he lied to christian televangelist Bob Larson who responded by mocking Mershon's claim to his face on the air! Even a Christian is not THAT gullible. Next Mershon lied by saying that he was going to be the new leader of the Church of Satan. This just is TOOOO funny! So now he sit here parrotting and trying to recycle old worn-out ToSisms about the Church of Satan -- an organization he was desperately trying to be a part of during this very period he now claims it was "not legitimate." What a piss ant moron! All of that said, I do want to slide in a plug for "Seven Faces of Darkness" by Don Webb as a worthwhile book to read. It contains some good history and a number of decent magical insights useful to anyone on the Left Hand Path. Yes, its written from a Setian perspective. But even if you don't buy into that ethos, aesthetic or theology one can still find useful material in the book. -RtM
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