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To: alt.satanism,alt.satannet,alt.tasteless,alt.politics.white-power,alt.skinheads,alt.politics.nationalism.white,alt.magick.tyagi From: (Lupo LeBoucher) Subject: Re: Is it OK w/Anton LaVey if he is jewish? Date: 29 Jul 1996 13:25:12 -0500 In article <>, Blackjackwrote: >On Sun, 28 Jul 1996 16:40:26 GMT, (m w grossmann) >wrote: > >>StukaPilut scribbled something like: >> >>>Not to mention the fact that "Satan" is a Jewish concept taken from a >>>Jewish Mythos.... >> >>Concept? Mythos? Err... no. Judaism has neither heaven nor hell. Satan >>was a creation of the Cult of the Dead Jewish Carpenter. > >Modern Rabbinic Judaism has no concept of Satan or Hell (tho it has a >concept of heaven, different from that of Xianity.) many Jewish sects >during the time of Jesus had some concept of an evil Anti-God and of >some form of devine punishment. The character od Satan first appear >(in a vastly differant form) in the Hebrew Old Testament book of Job. >The concept of Satan entered Xianity through its Jewish roots. I also used to be of the opinion that "Satan is a Christian god" but it seems that, rather than being a medeaval inventions, Satan is something of an amalgam of a number of threads existing in early imperial ROman times in the middle east. No doubt there are some later additions, but most of the mythos of the fall seems to have been in place at the alleged time of Jesus' life. It would be interesting to specifically break down the various historical threads leading to the modern historical conception of "Satan." Even a distinction as simple as the one between the snake in the garden of eden, and the fallen angel idea of Satan and Azazel is often overlooked. -Lupo
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