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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.satanism,alt.politics.satanism,alt.pagan,talk.religion.misc,alt.gothic, From: catherine yronwodeSubject: Re: Goths, Satanism, MM, and the NEW HERD Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2004 07:50:01 GMT SOD of the CoE wrote: > > I agree again (gasp!). in fact I tend to agree > also with the ex-Mr. LaVey (can we call him Levy > yet? huh? huh?) Not many do, as a google search on < Howard Stanton Levy > will reveal. Strangely, most of the sites that mention the famous Jewish Satanist's birth name are written in German. However, if you leave off the Stanton part, and just search on < Howard Levy >, you will soon arrive at, the online home of *another* Howard Levy who, like Howard Stanton Levy, was bon Jewish and who, just as the Satanist-Jewish Howard Levy did, has made a profession of music, playing piano, mandolin, and harmonica. However, unlike Howard *Stanton* Levy, who played organ and piano in low-class dives in San Francisco and denied his birth name and birth religion, this other Howard Levy has won a Grammy award and remained Jewish. He performs regularly in a synagogue in Chicago. Cordially, cat yronwode
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