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2 faced policies

Subject: 2 faced policies



Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 12:08:58

Attachments: msg2.html

Subject: Must Read!!]

Interesting information from Odal. However, COS wants to be out of the loop. WE ALSO WANT COS OUT OF THE LOOP. Ergo, ....

To: <>

From: "Odal" <>

Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 12:24:49 +0100


Subject: [satanicreds] Peter Gilmore to resign from the CoS!! Must Read!!

I've been playing "connect the dots here" - I'm sure this would interest some of you...

I'm sure you've all read this - from Peter Gilmore:

"The Church of Satan has never required anything of its members except that they hold the writings of Anton LaVey as their basis for membership in this organization. Members are free to build their own personal viewpoints on this foundation. If people have substantial disagreements with LaVey's work, or wish to promote something else as the basis for Satanism, like the "dark doctrines," then they should not be members and should tender their resignations immediately. "

AND - and here's the good part - you've all seen the article BY PETER GILMORE on the cos website called "A Map for the misdirected" - right? Let me quote THAT article then...

The Church of Satan has always looked for knowledge to science, both Western and the "hidden sciences" of the East, much of which is encoded in what are called the "Dark Doctrines." We call this "Undefiled Wisdom," and this is the ever-deepening understanding of the nature of the beast-called-Man and the Universe in which he exists. We don't accept faith or mysticism. We demand bedrock knowledge-Understanding-which can come from outward research and observation as well as carnal intuition. We also acknowledge that people have varied abilities to grasp such knowledge. Like ability in music or mathematics, you either have the talent to see these things or you do not-it is not a matter of effort, but nature. We particularly cherish people who train their natural abilities and become virtuosos. We've explored these domains from the very beginning of the Church of Satan, and some "multi-cultural" tid-bits were released in The Satanic Rituals. For many years we've been publishing in The Black Flame the work of Phil Marsh and Tani Jantsang (who both expound in detail upon these Dark Doctrines, which have been largely ignored in the West, as well as their relationship with the hard sciences). Don't accept the tales of Johnny-come-latelies who now claim that they were first to seek out this material. They were busy bouncing from organization to organization is search of an identity while we were bringing hard-core data to the real international Satanic community-the Membership of the Church of Satan and the de facto Satanists who are part of our meta-tribe.

Need I say more???


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