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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.satanism,alt.politics.satanism,talk.religion.misc,alt.pagan.magick From: "JN"Subject: Re: Defining Satanism and Member/Epitome Valences Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2004 19:54:59 GMT "SOD of the CoE" wrote in message news:fdFUb.12888$ > CoS members who are patriotic are so out of a Herd > mentality. like SCruz CoS nazi-put-ons, their fire- > stoking was mean-spirited and bad-boyism. they didn't > seem to have very clear notions about what fascism > would do to them were it to become the general > political climate. this is in part why I think that > Deboo and intelligent Satanists oppose states of > this nature (perhaps coming to oppose statism itself, > shifting more toward the anarchist hippy pole some > Satanists find too fluffy :>). such contexts allow > for a greater diversity of Satanism, rather than > require a clamp-down on all alternatives to the > rigidified corporate dogma. I would not say all nor limit it to an organization. The pseudo-patriotism in these parts is sickening. I see it more as mindlessness, it is selling the american people short to even associate them with the radical conformity of some "satanists". It is ill-willed and contrary to a love of liberty. I remember the SCruz Pseudo-Nazis. They were unwittingly funny in their humorlessness.They were essentially laughed out of town. I have made the argument about what fascism would look like here, they just don't get it. JN
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