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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.satanism,alt.islam.sufism,alt.sufi,alt.religion.gnostic,talk.religion.misc,alt.pagan From: (nagasiva) Subject: CGlasse: Yezidis (3) Date: 7 Jan 1998 22:47:29 -0800 [from Yahya M] [From The Concise Encyclopedia of Islam by Cyril Glasse:] Ahl-i Haqq (lit. "People of the Absolute, the Real, God). One of several sects called collectively `Ali ilahis ("the deifiers of `Ali"). The Ahl-i Haqq are a minor, heretical, dualist cult found among some Persians, Kurds, and Turkmens of Iraq and Iran. In Iran, they are concentrated in the west of the country, especially around Tabriz, but small groups can be found everywhere. They are closely related to the Yazidis of Iraq, and more distantly with the other dualist sects in the Middle East. Their doctrine teaches that there were seven Divine Manifestations beginning with a figure called Khawandagar; they believe that the Prophet's cousin `Ali ibn Abi Talib was one of these manifestations, and that the series culminated in the direct "founder" of the cult, a figure called Sultan Sohak (Ishaq), who lived in the 9th / 15th century. The cult practices the sacrifice of cocks, a bird which represents the liminal moment of daybreak. Thus the cock appears as a popular symbol in religions with light/darkness polarizations. The Ahl-i Haqq have a ceremony called sabz namudar ("making green") which may hearken back to the beliefs of the Manicheans that the Divine light is hidden in the world in the greatest concentration in plants (which is why the Manicheans were vegetarians). The beliefs of the Ahl-i Haqq, which vary from group to group, incorporate elements typical of the Gnostic or Manichean deviations found on the fringes of Islam, as indeed, around all religions. The Ahl-i Haqq believe in the transmigration of souls, and even in reincarnation; like the Yazidis and the `Alawis, they seem to be a byproduct of the Sevener movement, but without the Islamic clothing. EOF -- (emailed replies may be posted);; 408/2-666-SLUG join the esoteric syncretism in alt.magick.tyagi; -- (emailed replies may be posted);; 408/2-666-SLUG join the esoteric syncretism in alt.magick.tyagi;
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