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To: alt.magick From: "Demitrius"Subject: Re: Black Mass Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 21:22:56 GMT > Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no historical "Black Mass" in > latin or any other language. Any that exist today are contemporary > creations. Very likely any so-called historical Black Mass was simply a collective fabrication. If you would like to reconstruct your own so-called historical Black Mass you should consult the Compendium Maleficarum by Guazzo (I believe), and Demonalatry of Remy. Most college libraries should have a copy of one or the other of these. Otherwise you should be able to get them at a very affordable prices from Dover Publications. (If memory serves me correctly these could get very nasty, so I am unsure as to why you would want to perform it in the first place.) As far as the Latin goes, you are on your own. Perhaps you could work in collaboration with someone who is fluent in the language, or if you are really diligent, take the time to learn it yourself. Demitrius.
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