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To: alt.satanism From: (Helel ben-Shaher) Subject: Re: Baphomet (Was: The Left Handed Path - An Analysis) Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 07:19:13 -0600 (CST) Very interesting attempt make the mother goddess into Baphomet. The name can be traced to the Knights Templar and one Pope during the Crusades. It was believed to be an idol of two faces merged as one head. Most likely the Templars inherited the concept from the Hashashin sect. Later the Baphomet became part of European occult tradition and Eliphas Levi created the famous goat Baphomet, a hermaphroditic occult symbol. The most recent examples are the modern Baphomet used by the Church of Satan and Giger's Baphomet in the Giger Tarot. As for being the bride of Satan, Lilith already had the role before Baphomet was adopted by the Templars. Leviathan was traditionally the serpent goddess, or dark aspect of the goddess, identical with Lotan, Tiamat, Ua Zet, and Apep. So basically Lilith or Leviathan would make a better counterpart to Satan, Baphomet would symbolize their union. Hall' l' T' h'm ha-b' th ha-L'vyatan!
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