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Hard-Core Wicca

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.religion.wicca,alt.pagan,alt.pagan.magick,talk.religion.misc,talk.religion.newage,alt.satanism,alt.animals
From: (lorax666)
Subject: Hard-Core Wicca
Date: 6 Sep 1997 12:29:40 -0700

49970718 aa2 Hail Satan!

[my correspondent's text omitted per the standards of the original forum]

instead of ceremonial imagination play, let's throw in some solid
practical lifestyle pointers.  here are some suggestions for making
the worship of Gaia (and whatever attendant deities you care to
associate with Her) more rational and consistent with your ethos.


raise a goat.  care for and come to love this goat like it were the very
child of thy loins.  if the chemistry is right, become the goat's lover
and instructor in the art of magick.  when the 6th day of the 6th moon
of the 6th year is at an end, kill that goat as quickly and painlessly
as possible and with a great deal of honor and love for the sacrificial
victim.  have a feast in honor of the parasitism of all life.  cry and 
mourn the passing of your goat-kin.  rejoice at the goatmeat you consume.

begin a petry dish culture.  watch the progression from spotted growth to
mammoth over-reproduction and total consumption of food supplies lead
to the death of the entire living community.  raise cockroaches in a
container.  feed them as much as they will eat out of a finite food
supply.  watch as they bloat themselves and over-reproduce until the food
is gone, unaware of the finiteness of their host's stores.

study some demonology.  notice how many of the old gods are listed in the
ranks of the 'demons'.  invoke them and listen to the wisdom they have to
teach about death, disease, curtailment of human ignorance through the
slaying of the stupid, darkness, animals which humans loathe, waste, and 
the beauty of scavenging.  get to know Christianity and become fairly
familiar with its Satan undergod.  invoke Satan and come to know the
Shadow of the culture into which you were born.  compare and contrast 
with the lighter deities of your favor.

study some Jungian psychology.  notice that the Shadow as Jung describes
it is composed of all of ourselves that is natural which society shuns 
and we repress.  analyze the likely components of such an entity.  
dialogue with it in yourself.  invoke it into your consciousness and 
grapple with its potency until a reconciliation may be achieved between 
the conscious and unconscious psyche.  draw on this experience to work 
toward the same process within the people and society around you.

blessed beast!

lorax, anti-drone of the evul wikkhunz from Hel
(emailed replies may be posted);join the AMT syncretism!!;call: 408/2-666-SLUG!
see; "Clement of Rome taught that God rules the world
with a right and a left hand, the right being Christ, the left Satan." - CGJung

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