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Glamour magic

To: alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic
From: "Magus Clarin" 
Subject: Re: Glamour magic
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 05:05:02 -0700

    I really fnd it hard to find any negative aspects to the popularity "The
Craft" has given to Wiccanism, etc
    By generating interest in the young people who have seen it it has
attracted more people, with more fresh ideas and creative perspectives into
the world of mysticism.  So some may start in not so great of manners, but
who is to say this is bad.  Odds are, if someone is going to get into the
darker side of mysticism, they are not going to do it from seeing "The
Craft".  They are going to do it because it is in their nature to be drawn
to that aspect.
    All of us started down our current path if mysticism in one of a huge
variety of ways.  All of us learned about the existence of magick and became
interested for our own reasons and in our own ways.  Who are we to decide if
one way is better than another.
    These kids who run around acting all spooky are not generated by seeing
the movie, most of the ones I know (almost all that live in my town) either
never saw the movie or hated it.  As for kids making Books of Shadows based
on the movie, I think it is great.  That Book of Shadows shows an interest,
and though it's roots may be useless for anything more than entertainment,
it will lead them to books which are useful.  Many of us who are solitaries
learned basic ideas from books we read, and expanded them in our own ways,
doing whatever worked.  Some of our roots are no better than movies, yet we
have developed into produtive and active members of the Pagan community, so
I strongly disagree that these young people's beginning pursuits into
mysticism can be called stupid.
    Finally, I have found that all these young people running around have
actually made it more acceptable to be a witch.  From what I've seen, as
these young people learn more and more about their chosen Pagan path, their
parents learn more as well and, in the end, become more accepting of other
    I think that this recent surge in the popularty of Paganism among
symbolizes a great and powerful opportunity for us to change the way the
world views us.  I also think that too many of us are afraid of that change,
and not unjustifiedly.  Human nature is to fear change.  It is my opinion
that instead of shunning and laughing at the awkward beginnings of the
interested young, we should help guide them and teach them what they want to
learn.  Finally, and most importantly, I think we should listen to them, new
ways of thinking and some fresh ideas will yield growth.
    It was not my intention to offend, so if I did I'm sorry.  I am asking
all Pagans everywhere though, to please think about what I've said, and give
the interested young some respect and more importantly soem help.

    Blessed Be,
    Magus Clarin

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