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Class- magic II

To: (owl)
From: (Sherry Michael)
Subject: Class- magic II
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 1995 00:36:34 -0500 (EST)

> ****"Wicca 101" Class 6 - magic II, teaching coven of the Three Crescents****
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> This class is, in essence, a segment of my first Book of Shadows 
> (manuscript of your tradition).  In this class we will go over various and 
> common systems of magic with some examples of rituals for beginners. This
> is in no way complete, but is here to give you some exposure and a starting
> point to see what calls to you. Feel free to steal/use/modify any rituals here
> for your own use (Most likely I pilfered them from someplace else anyway!).
> Besides systems of magic for "spellworking" purposes, this 
> class addresses some other various issues such as magical names, astral 
> projection, dreams and spirit animals. Some things are excluded such as 
> medicinal herbalism and ceremonial magic systems because I feel these 
> things would be better taught by a herbalist or a member of Thelema, 
> which both I am not. 
> Before reading this class, recall the steps of ritual in magic I:
> Cleanse, cast a circle, ground and center, focus and build up of power, 
> release of power and earthing. These steps should be followed for these 
> and any of your own rituals and meditation.
> More often than not I have found the goal of a Working fits in one of 
> these general categories: 
> 	Banishment - the removal or exorcism of something. Used in 
> 	healing, riddance of bad habits and the occasional devil possessed 
> 	child. (*wink*)
> 	Shielding - protection of the self, another or an object or place 
> 	usually from negativity. The circle is the classic shield.
> 	Attraction - drawing something desired to you, another, etc. Used 
> 	in the ever popular romance and money spells and often utilized 
> 	by me during midterm and final exams for good scores and study habits.
> 	Divinitory - future forecasting. Used to help identify trends for 
> 	questions and problems and what the result of these may be. 
> 	Tarot, runes, I-Ching and palmistry are some of the thousands of 
> 	oracles consulted through the ages.
> 	Celebratory - seasonal holidays, prayer, and other forms of worship 
> 	as discussed in past classes. 
> 	Meditative - meditation, scrying, trancework, dreams and astral
> 	projection. Alteration of consciousness to commune with deities and 
> 	spirit guides, work through problems, relaxation and enlightenment.
> Most of the systems I will discuss can be used successfully for many of these
> types of goals. I will mention when one system is specifically  suited for a 
> certain category.
> I am calling a "system" of magic as one form, or technique, used for 
> creating a ritual. Many systems can be combined and used together in one 
> ritual (for one goal). The systems I will discuss are: color magic, 
> candle magic, herbal magic, binding, symbolic magic, tailsmans and 
> amulets, elemental magic, poppet/representational magic and sex magic.
> 1) Color Magic- This is one of the most used systems, and is almost always
> combined with others in ritual. It shouldn't amaze you that color is used 
> to represent moods and desires in magic, because color is so often used 
> in everyday life to express and bring out emotions.  Red is often used in 
> fashion to express sensuality and boldness, and yellow in interior design 
> to offer light and cheer to a room. Below is a few representations of 
> color and their magical meaning. These may differ from tradition to 
> tradition:
> 	Black- absorption and banishment of negativity, infinity, space
> 	White- purification, protection, harmony, justice, healing
> 	Green- earth, fertility, luck, health, money
> 	Red- fire, energy, sex and love, determination, courage
> 	Yellow- air, higher learning, inner mind, divination and clairvoyance
> 	Brown- (sometimes earth) stability, physical objects, family
> 	Purple- power, respect, authority
> 	Blue- water, peace, tranquility, protection
> 2) Candle Magic- This is also a form that is usually used in combination 
> with other systems. Candle magic represents the power of Fire (see 
> elemental magic). Common uses for candles in magic include burning away 
> negativity (sometimes the source of the negativity is drawn on paper and 
> burned), focusing power into a candle and then burning the ENTIRE candle 
> to release the energy, using the candles as representations of an 
> entity or person (see representational below).
> There is debate what kinds of candles are best to use. Beeswax is natural 
> and smells great, but they cost a lot. Standard wax candles are fine, but 
> I would avoid scented candles if working with oils and incenses too
> (besides I think they stink!). Shape and size does not matter, use what you 
> like and what you can find. 
> It is best if you don't use ritual candles for dinner candles. Likewise, 
> keep the candles you use to light you altar and circle separate. If you 
> empower a candle for a certain goal, remember to burn the whole thing and 
> never re-use it. You can blow/snuff it out and burn it down later if 
> necessary. If you don't burn the whole thing, you won't release all the 
> energy.
> A point to note is that some suggest to snuff out a flame instead of 
> blowing it out. The theory is it is an insult to the element fire to use 
> another element (air) to put it out. On the other hand, some think it is 
> an honor to use the life-giving air in our bodies to blow the flame out. 
> Decide for yourself what you like.
> 3) Herbal Magic - Besides medicinal properties, many herbs have been 
> attributed with magical properties. Herbs can be used in many forms; 
> oils, tinctures (alcohol herbal extract), incense, powders, etc. Often 
> Herbs are used in conjunction with other systems. Some uses for these 
> products are: oils can anoint people and tools, incense can be offered 
> to the god/desses and herbs can be used in teas or part in magical sachets.
> When using herbs and herbal products, consider the quality of the 
> product. When collecting herbs and plants, never do so on a roadside or 
> other environmentally stressed place. When collecting plants, be 
> considerate of it. Never remove too many plants of a population, and try 
> to avoid killing the whole plant if possible. A simple prayer of thanks 
> to the plant is also appropriate. When buying oils and incense for 
> magical purposes you should try to buy REAL plant extract. I have found 
> that artificial plant products just don't work as well. However, real herb 
> products and oils are costly.
> WARNING: Never use plants without knowing if they are poisonous or 
> harmful. Some plants cannot be ingested or burned as incense. If you plan 
> to use herbs magically or medically, PLEASE purchase a few good books 
> for guidelines on usage.
> 4) Binding- This is my personal favorite method. Binding, sometimes 
> known as knot magic, can be very effective for a beginner. It consists of 
> tying objects, thoughts, energies, etc. into a cord. Binding can be used to 
> "hold" or bring things to you. You can also banish by releasing the 
> tied knots. All sorts of string and yarns can be used to 
> make cords for binding magic, and in any color (see color magic). 
> I use cotton embroidery floss and braid my cords from that. If you have 
> long hair, that can also be used (my dearest always wonders why I braid 
> his long hair so often!). Knot magic can be incorporated into drawing 
> Celtic knotwork and all sorts of sewing and knitting crafts.
> 5) Symbolic Magic- This is the use of symbols and numbers to represent 
> almost everything. Our famous pentacle is a symbol of the four elements 
> plus ether (true soul) contained as a whole. The number three is often 
> used to represent the Goddess in Her aspects, and the number 13 is 
> significant due that it is the number of months in a lunar year. Symbols
> can be effective if they are self-created or found in other sources. Sigils 
> are symbols that are usually made to represent yourself (like a signature) 
> and are put on objects for protection (think of old signet rings and sealing
> wax). If you are interested in numbers and symbols, research rune systems and
> numerology.
> 6) Tailsmans and Amulets- These are objects that are charged magically for 
> many different reasons. These are usually worn ( often pieces of jewelry) or 
> carried for protection, relief of illness, etc. Besides jewelry, tailsmans
> can come in other forms. Fetishes and other small statue can be a tailsman.
> Often herbs, crystals and other objects are placed in a small bag called a
> sachet, and carried.
> Sometimes all sorts of objects (like magical tools) are charged like 
> magical batteries. Usually with energy that is left after a ritual, 
> (energy that is usually earthed) is instead stored into an object. This 
> object can then be used as a source to draw energy from when needed. 
> However, take care: if you lose the object all your investment of energy 
> is also lost.
> 6) Elemental Magic- This is a system that uses  the four elements: 
> earth, air, fire, water and is often combined with others. Each element 
> carries certain properties, colors and other things such as chakras, stones, 
> symbols, etc. I have seen many, many variants of these, and you can even 
> develop your own relationships over time. I offer mine as an example:
> ==========================================================================
> earth    north	    green   jasper/salt stability    triangle pnt dwn, 
> 							line across center
> air      east 	    yellow  florite     creativity   triangle pnt up,
> 							line across center
> fire     south      red     garnet	energy	     triangle pnt up,
> 							no line
> water    west       blue    solidite    tranquility  triangle pnt dwn,
> 							no line
> 7) Poppet/Representational Magic- You should all be familiar with the ever 
> popular "vodoo dolls". Poppets are wax, clay or cloth figures that are 
> used to represent someone who a spell is focused on (including yourself). 
> Sometimes a drop of blood, hair, spit, etc, is added to the figure to 
> "personalize" it. Poppets can be used with great success, and ethically, 
> especially in healing Workings. A photo, or any abject that reminds you 
> of a specific person/being will also work well.
> 8) Sex Magic- This is the use of orgasm and the build up to it as a way 
> to build and release energy towards a goal. Any sexual act, such as 
> masturbation, oral sex, intercourse, etc. is effective. The goal should be 
> kept in focus the entire act, holding off orgasm as long as possible. 
> During climax you should release the built-up energy. If this is a 
> couples' activity, ideally both partners should be participating with the
> visualization.
> Below I have given a few sample "spells" (I really dislike that word!). 
> Hopefully these will give you an idea of how some of these systems can be 
> used and help you come up with your own ideas. (Note: I would avoid 
> using "spellbook" rituals. Try to modify/create one of your own. Your 
> creation of the actual rite adds that much more power to it. However, 
> don't be afraid to look at other spells and rituals in books to help you 
> get started).
> This is my most effective divination tool, but it does require some 
> creativity. This runic system contains 13 runes, 12 "reading" runes and 1 
> "identification" or "self" rune. Having only 12 runes makes the system 
> easier to memorize then full Nordic sets, while still making them effective.
> First you must create the symbols and decide what meanings each rune will 
> have. My set of "meanings", or what the runes represent are below as a 
> sample only. Please modify at will:
> Man:   male influence
> woman:   female influence
> death:    An ending or completion
> poison:   illnesses, ill will, lies
> home:   family, stability
> material goods:   any object or possesion
> love:   romance or influence from partner
> gifts:   giving of yourself or getting a gift: promotions, material 
> 	 goods, praise, enlightenment.
> joy:   comfort, happiness, tranquility
> confusion:   emotional unease, stress, doubts
> anger:   conflicts and fights between people, agression, confrontation
> Money:   wealth, jobs, finacial matters
> Now, create your own symbols for each "meaning". For example, use the 
> skull and crossbones for death, a house shape for home, etc. For ideas 
> look at Nordic runes, tarot cards, hieroglyphics and other alphabets. For 
> the "self" rune, you may choose your name, a personal sigil, etc. (I use 
> the hieroglyph for "m"; it's an owl). Keep the symbols as simple as 
> possible.
> You are now ready to make the runes. They can be made of wood, clay, 
> equally shaped flat stones, etc. I make mine from oven bake polymer clays, 
> sold under the brand names Sculpty and Fimo (I prefer/suggest Sculpty). This 
> clay comes in many colors (even glow in the dark), is sturdy and costs
> under $3 a pack. You can find it at most craft/art stores. You will need 2
> colors for these runes, a background color and a highlight color. I suggest a 
> bright/darker color for the background and a light color or glow in the 
> dark for the highlight (symbol) color.
> Roll 12 balls of background color, make sure they are almost equal size 
> (about dime size). Roll the 13th ball slightly larger then the rest. 
> Squeeze the balls of clay between forefinger and thumb, making equal 
> size/thickness disks. Do not make them too thin. The 13th rune should be 
> larger then the other 12.
> With a tool, inscribe each symbol on one side of each rune. Do not go 
> through to the other side. The goal is to make a "valley" inscription 
> where clay will be inlayed in later, so the inscription should be thick.
> Inscribe the 13th "self" rune on both sides. While inscribing, visualize 
> what that rune will represent. Bake all according to manufacturer's
> instructions. Be very careful not to overbake!
> After the runes have cooled, soften the contrast color well by kneeding. 
> Take a small amount of clay and push it into the inscription to create an 
> "inlay" effect. Rub the surface of the rune vigorously to remove the 
> access. Bake again, remember to be careful of overbaking. Store finished 
> runes in a pouch or box when not in use.
> To read the runes, visualize your question and then toss them on a flat 
> surface. Whatever lies up close to the "self" rune has the most effect, 
> farther runes indicate slight or past/background influence. If runes lie 
> close together, they may be associated with each other.
> I have found that these come in handy for storage of tailsmans, runes 
> etc. This is another "arts and crafts" spell that incorporated binding 
> and knot magic.
> You'll need:
> small amount of cotton cloth
> thread and needle (or sewing machine)
> Embroidery floss or other silk or cotton string. (Thread is not thick 
> 						 enough, yarn is too thick)
> You may consider using color magic for the pouch. Most pouches I make are 
> for protection of the object involved, so for this example I will use 
> blue cloth and black string (to keep out negativity).
> Fold fabric in half so the fold will be the bottom of the pouch. Cut 
> fabric to the desired size in a square or rectangle shape, do not cut the 
> fold. Stitch sides. Fold down the top of the bag slightly to form a casting 
> for the string to go through. Stitch, leaving a small opening to thread 
> the cord through. 
> Braid 3 sections of the black string. This will form your cord for the 
> pouch. Make sure to make it long enough to thread through the pouch plus 
> some extra to tie knots. 
> Protective knot Spell: Tie seven equally spaced knots in the cord. With 
> each knot tying, visualize the object being *protected from* one of these: 
> damage, loss, theft, negativity, curses, misuse and carlessness (It is 
> important that you do not visualize the baneful item in itself, but you 
> visualize being protected from it). Thread the knotted cord through the 
> pouch casting. Place the object in the pouch, and draw the cord so it is
> closed. Tie the pouch closed (not too tight) and imagine a lock and key.
> It is done.
> (The seven knotted cord can also be worn for personal protection; when 
> tying visualize being protected from seven different things.)
> This is another binding spell that can utilize herbs, crystals, symbols, 
> and just about anything you wish. Ladders can be made to bring luck, 
> health, keep away negativity, etc.
> Create a rather large cord by braiding 3 yarn strands together. Consider 
> using color magic. Choose seven objects that reflect the goal of your 
> spell. For example, herbs, a crystal or stone, paper or cloth with a 
> symbol or word of your need drawn on it, objects of elements (feathers 
> for air properties, shells for water properties, etc). Tie each object 
> firmly to the large cord, and each tie make sure to visualize your goal.
> Display the ladder in the house, carry smaller ones with you as a 
> tailsman, or keep in a safe place.

> Many folks choose to make their own incense with actual resins and dried 
> herbs and flowers. The mixture is then burned on a charcoal block. 
> Resins, herbs and charcoal can be ordered through mail or purchased at 
> new age/occult stores. Burning many sticks or cones of purchased incense 
> together can also be used:
> Temple blend:
> 2 parts copal (or frankincense)
> 1 part myrrh
> 1/2 part sandalwood
> (if using purchased cones and sticks use:
> 1 copal and 1 myrrh OR 2 frankincense and myrrh combination
> 1 sandalwood
> To use: Burn at your household or outdoor altar as an offering to the 
> Lord and Lady, accompanied with prayers, invocations, etc.
> In many cultures, people were not named until adulthood. Giving a child a 
> "false name" to protect them from bad spirits until one was chosen (or 
> self-chosen) for them in adulthood. In other societies the mother would be 
> the only person who would know the child's real name. This all comes from 
> the concept that a person's true name has power, and knowing that name 
> can give others and bad spirits power over them.
> Names also are our prime identification with the world. Most of us did 
> not choose our name. Many people for various reasons change their given 
> name (officially or unofficially) to something they find more appropriate or 
> more descriptive of themselves. Being to name ourselves gives us a 
> certain power over our identity. Being able to select the right 
> name announces a comfort and a knowledge of our own selves.
> Choosing a magical name (or Craft name) is based on the above premises. 
> It is an announcement of dedication to the Path, a magical switch and 
> protection, and searching for the right name means knowing and searching 
> the self. Some people choose to keep their magical name secret from all 
> but the closest coveners or associates, while others use their magical 
> names with all pagans or in daily life. What you reveal depends on how 
> much power you think you name holds. I generally use "moonowl" (small 
> "m") in all pagan (and sometimes non-pagan) settings, but keep my REAL 
> magical name (Lunastrix, rough Latin for moonowl) for magical/ritual use. My 
> true name is not a big secret, but I do not want to over-use it. The 
> reasoning is that I use it for a "switch" or trigger. When I address 
> myself as Lunastrix, I know it is my name only to be used during ritual. 
> Therefore the name itself becomes part of the ritual, something separate 
> from the everyday.
> I wish I could give you a guide on how to choose the right name. You may 
> find that your "legal" name serves you. I didn't have to "look" for my 
> name, it can right to me when I wanted one. Exercises and meditations 
> confirmed the name was mine. If your name does not come to you, try 
> meditations, prayer, divination or even looking at various names of animals,
> god/desses and trees. Don't worry, it may take you a very long while to 
> find your name. Just keep looking and it will come. 
> Once you know your name, I suggest having a naming ritual (can also be 
> done during dedication/initiation rituals) to announce your new name to 
> the God/desses. Use your new name during all your ritual Work.
> Many pagans have a patron spirit that watches over them and helps them 
> during meditation and other Work. It is not unusual to meet "spirits" 
> while dreaming or meditating. One paticualar spirit may come to you over 
> an over again and make it clear that it has selected you to guide.
> Oftentimes guides are in forms of animals. A God or Goddess may also elect
> to be your spirit guide, and this also is not uncommon. 
> If you want to meet your guide, I suggest you try to use a contact 
> meditation like the following: (ground and cast a simple circle) Go to your 
> "safe place" I asked you to create in past classes. When you are there,
> decide to venture out of your haven, into a dark forest. Feel the forest
> swallow you in darkness until your sight is useless. You can only feel 
> branches of trees pull at your clothing as you pass, and the sounds of 
> your feet crushing the undergrowth. Wander around like this until you are 
> lost in the forest and have no sense of were your "safe place" lies. When 
> you realize you are hopelessly lost, stop walking. You feel a slight 
> panic from being disorientated. Listen now: what is that noise you hear? 
> Is it the sound of footsteps approaches? Wingbeats or the steps of an animal?
> Wait and listen as it approaches. You can just see a darker form moving in 
> the blackness...what is it like? Closer it comes until you can make out 
> the spirit's shape. Will it guide you back to your haven? Ask. If it 
> refuses, ask it to relay your plea to your true spirit guide and bid it 
> well. Continue walking until another noise comes. If the spirit will guide you 
> back, allow it to lead you through the woods. When you return to the safe 
> place, ask it any question you would like, and see what message it 
> brings. When you are done with the meeting, thank the spirit (or give it a 
> gift in your meditation) and slowly return to the present. (If you wish 
> to end your meditation at any time, open your eyes).
> Dream interpretation is very popular among Wiccans and non-Wiccans 
> alike. Symbols, animals, and other things in dreams can be translated 
> into different meanings. Many books on dreams offer such interpretations.
> Dreams are valuable because while asleep your subconscious comes out to 
> play. In dreams your subconscious is free to explore issues you may not 
> want to address while awake. Oftentimes these symbols are ways the 
> subconscious is trying to contact your consciousness. It is often helpful 
> to start a dream diary to keep by the bed so you can write down details 
> of a dream as soon as you remember it.
> Dreams can also be of another nature. Often called waking or lucid 
> dreams, these are dreams when you are aware that you are in a dream state 
> and can control the dream. In these dreams you can actively explore 
> issues you may have, or just explore your imagination. 
> Astral projection, or out of body experiences (OBE) can be useful tools for 
> Wiccans. Like meditation, astral protection can help you explore your 
> subconsciousness. Astral projection is not easy for many people, and takes a 
> lot of practice. If you are interested however, the befits are well worth 
> the practice it requires.
> ****
> Astral projection ( By Flint Weller
> There are many explanations of how the consciousness communicates with 
> the physical world.  Many cultures believe in a second, living body commonly 
> called the astral body.  As a scientifically minded person, I rely on facts and 
> form my own theories from my readings.  These ideas I form are based on 
> my own logic and are ever changing with the introduction of new ideas from
> other sources.  So, no one should consider my theories of astral projection as 
> coming from an expert in anything.  I'm currently a little slack in this 
> department as I haven't tried to project for over a year now... I seem to 
> have lost a reason to do so.  
> Basically, I consider the consciousness to be a non-dimensional entity (0 
> dimensions means a single point).  There are no limitations to the 
> perception of the consciousness (it has no eyes, yet can see everything.  
> it has no ears, yet can hear everything).  I consider the Astral body to 
> be a link between the consciousness and the material world.  How it does 
> this?, I haven't a clue.  I have never seen my astral body, yet I know I 
> see with two eyes, and walk with two legs.  I suppose the astral body is a
> duplicate of how we perceive our physical bodies.  I also believe that these
> ghosts that persons see are astral bodies with no physical body to reconnect
> to.  I think that the astral body and the human brain communicate much like
> a multi-channel radio, but once again...I don't know how.
> (There is one more body I have read about. It is the Ethereal body.  This 
> is supposedly the body which contains all these "vibes and energies" as 
> well as providing the aura.  This body is essential for the physical 
> body to live.  That is, this body can not stray from the physical body by 
> more than a few feet.)
> Astral projection is basically separating the astral body from the 
> physical. You can then travel anywhere you can think of, however, if you 
> don't think about a destination, you may find yourself ending up 
> anywhere.  I kind of like finding weird places I have never seen.  I don't 
> know how we are able to move about and see things as we do in the physical
> world.
> There are two problems I found when projecting.  First, I have a 
> habit of getting scared when strange things start to happen.  I prematurely 
> stopped projection numerous times due to, "How do I know I can get back 
> in?"  A second problem is that astral projection is done when the body is in
> a sleep state.  So, I often wonder whether I had a lucid dream or if I 
> projected.  I was finally able to overcome the fear of not reentering the 
> physical body after having read the Monroe Techniques for Astral Projection,
> which I am including at the end of this document.  The method Monroe 
> suggests is similar to the one I use. 
> The second problem is that I always wonder whether I just fell
> asleep and had dreamt a lucid dream, or If I projected.  For the most 
> part, I have concluded that I projected. This is due to me never having 
> lucid dreams at any other time, and that I was able to make decisions more 
> consciously then I do in dream states. 
> I recommend  _The Astral Projection Workbook_ by J.H. Brennan.  Sterling 
> Publishing Co., Inc.  New York.   It has a stupid title, but provides a 
> great deal of information for the beginner. I have also  read a 
> few good books based on some writings by a man named Oliver Fox. 
> *
> Note: After having studied many methods of Astral Projection, I have
> found that this is the easiest to do.  Monroe teaches these techniques
> in a week, but they can be easily done in a day, with proper
> devotion.  I feel that this technique is superior to others because it
> doe not require intense visualization, which many people cannot do.
> enjoy!
> (Taken from Leaving The Body: A Complete Guide to Astral Projection,
>  D. Scott Rogo, prentice Hall Press)
> One of the chief barriers people learning to project face is fear.
> Many are afraid that they may die, or be harmed in some way as a
> result of their projection.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.
> The Cantebury Institute, reknowned for its occult studies, executed an
> experiment in projection involving over 2,000 people.  None of them
> were hurt in any way by this, and now, three years later, none have
> complained of any newly arising problems.
> Once you are aware that you cannot be harmed by projecting, you should
> begin monroe's techniques, step by step.
> Step one:
> Relax the body. According to Monroe, "the ability to relax is the
> first prerequisite, perhaps even the first step itself" to having an
> OBE. (out of body experience) This includes both the physical and mental
> relaxation. Monroe does not suggest a method of attaining this
> relaxation, although Progressive Muscle relaxation, coupled with deep
> breathing exercises (inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3....  until 50 or
> 100) are known to work well.
> Step two: 
> Enter the state bordering sleep.  This is known as the hypnagogic
> state.  Once again, Monroe doesn't recommend any method of doing
> this.  One way is to hold your forearm up, while keeping your upper
> arm on the bed, or ground. As you start to fall asleep, your arm will
> fall, and you will awaken again.  With practice, you can learn to
> control the Hypnagogic state without using your arm.  Another method
> is to concentrate on an object.  When other images start to enter your
> thoughts, you have entered the Hypnagogic state.  Passively watch
> these images.  This will also help you maintain this state of
> near-sleep.  Monroe calls this Condition A.
> Step three: 
> Deepen this state. Begin to clear your mind.  observe your field of
> vision through your closed eyes.  Do nothing more for a while.  Simply
> look through your closed eyelids at the blackness in front of you.
> After a while, you may notice light patterns.  These are simply neural
> discharges.  They have no specific effect.  Ignore them.  When they
> cease, one has entered what Monroe calls Condition B.  From here, one
> must enter an even deeper state of relaxation which Monroe calls
> Condition C-- a state of such relaxation that you lose all awareness
> of the body and sensory stimulation.  You are almost in a void in
> which your only source of stimulation will be your own thoughts.  The
> ideal state for leaving your body is Condition D.  This is Condition C
> when it is voluntarily induced from a rested and refreshed condition
> and is not the effect of normal fatigue.  To achieve Condition D,
> Monroe suggests that you practice entering it in the morning or after
> a short nap.
> Step Four: 
> Enter a state of Vibration. This is the most important part of the
> technique, and also the most vague.  Many projectors have noted these
> vibrations at the onset of projection.  They can be experienced as a
> mild tingling, or as is electricity is being shot through the body.
> Their cause is a mystery.  It may actually be the astral body trying
> to leave the physical one.  For entering into the vibrational state,
> he offers the following directions:
>      1. Remove all jewelry or other items that might be touching your
>         skin.
>      2. Darken the room so that no light can be seen through your
>         eyelids, but do not shut out all light.
>      3.  Lie down with your body along a north-south axis, with your
>          head pointed toward magnetic north.
>      4. Loosen all clothing, but keep covered so that you are slightly
>         warmer than might normally be comfortable.
>      5. Be sure you are in a location where, and at a time when, there
>         will be absolutely no noise to disturb you.
>      6. Enter a state of relaxation
>      7. Give yourself the mental suggestion that you will remember all
>         that occurs during the upcoming session that will be
>         beneficial to your well-being. Repeat this five times.
>      8. Proceed to breath through your half-open mouth. 
>      9. As you breath, concentrate on the void in front of you.
>      10. Select a point a foot away from your forehead, then change
>          your point of mental reference to six feet.
>      11. Turn the point 90 degrees upward by drawing an imaginary line
> 	  parallel to your body axis up and above your head.  Focus
>          there and reach out for the vibrations at that point and
>          bring them back into your body.
> Even if you don't know what these vibrations are, you will know when
> you have achieved contact with them.
> Step five: 
> Learn to control the vibrational state.  Practice controlling them by
> mentally pushing them into your head, down to your toes, making them
> surge throughout your entire body, and producing vibrational waves
> from head to foot.  To produce this wave effect, concentrate of the
> vibrations and mentally push a wave out of your head and guide it down
> your body.  Practice this until you can induce these waves on
> command.  Once you have control of the vibrational state, you are
> ready to leave the body.
> Step six:
> Begin with a partial separation.  The key here is thought control.
> Keep your mind firmly focused on the idea of leaving the body. Do not
> let it wander. Stray thought might cause you to lose control of the
> state.  Now, having entered the vibrational state, begin exploring the
> OBE by releasing a hand or a foot of the "second body".  Monroe
> suggests that you extend a limb until it comes in contact with a
> familiar object, such as a wall near your bed.  Then push it through
> the object. Return the limb by placing it back into coincidence with
> the physical one, decrease the vibrational rate, and then terminate
> the experiment.  Lie quietly until you have fully returned to normal.
> This exercise will prepare you for full separation.
> Step seven: 
> Disassociate yourself from the body. Monroe suggests two methods for
> this.  One method is to lift out of the body.  To do this, think about
> getting lighter and lighter after entering this vibrational state.
> Think about how nice it would be to float upward.  Keep this thought
> in mind at all costs and let no extraneous thoughts interrupt it. An
> OBE will occur naturally at this point.  Another method is the
> "Rotation method" or "roll-out" technique.  When you have achieved the
> vibrational state, try to roll over as if you were turning over in
> bed.  /do not attempt to roll over physically.  Try to twist your body
> from the top and virtually roll over into your second body right out
> of your physical self.  At this point, you will be out of the body but
> next to it.  Think of floating upward, and you should find yourself
> floating above the body.  Monroe suggets you begin with the lift-out
> method, but argues that both are equally efficacious.
> If, after all this, you still can't project, I recommend purchasing
> Leaving The Body, by R.  Scott Rogo.  It only costs $7.95 and contains
> another eight or so techniques.  Not all techniques work for everyone,
> but chances are you'll find one that works for you in this book.  Good
> luck!
> Thich Van.
> *
> **
> ****
> 1) Of what you know about magic, what systems do you prefer? 
> 2) Start attempting to develop magical ritual for yourself. Try to 
> develop a "spell" for each of the Common goals in Part II.
> 3) Use The mailing list! Ideas for discussion: Astral projection and 
> dream experiences, ideas for ritual, etc.

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