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Bay Area Pagan Assemblies

To: alt.pagan
From: (Mark S. Bilk)
Subject: Re: Bay Area Pagan Assemblies (9410.bapa-sf.msb)
Date: 49941005

Quoting: |Logan68  

|Is that the San Francisco Bay Area? If it is, how can I get some
|information about them?

I've had some great experiences at BAPA--it's a very 
friendly group.  Excellent magazine, too.  The events are
open to the public.

Bay Area Pagan Assemblies is a northern California-based non-profit group
whose mission is "securing Pagan religious freedom and facilitating the
practice of Paganism."

BAPA hosts two monthly events in Palo Alto, CA: Gaia's Gateway and Gaia's

 o Gaia's Gateway is an open circle which serves as a place for local
   Pagans to meet and celebrate, as well as an introduction to Paganism
   for those who want to learn more.  A different tradition is featured
   each month.  Each Gateway begins with an informative talk, followed
   by a ritual.  
   6-9 p.m. on the last Sunday of the month.

 o Gaia's Heartbeat is a Pagan drumming circle (at 7 p.m.), preceded by
   an hour of volunteer effort.  Bring drums, rattles, tambourines, and
   other musical instruments, and a pillow to sit on.  Join us in
   attuning to the heartbeat of Mother Gaia.

   6-9 p.m. on the second Sunday of each month.

Both events are held at the Palo Alto Unitarian Church, 505 E. Charleston 
(between Alma and Middlefield), Palo Alto, CA.  A $5 donation is requested
to cover the cost of the facilities.  (Free to BAPA members).

BAPA publishes the _Pagan Muse & World Report_, a bi-monthly magazine of
news, reviews, essays and letters, plus announcements and contact infor-
mation for local groups and organizations.  It focuses on current and
ongoing Pagan issues and follows media reporting of Pagan-related

Sample issues are $3.95 (cover price); subscriptions cost $23/year ($19 to
BAPA members).  To order your sample copy or purchase your subscription,
send a check to the address below.  Reseller information: The _Pagan Muse &
World Report_ is distributed through BookPeople (Oakland, CA).

BAPA membership is $35/year (individual) or $55/year (family); members
receive a monthly newsletter, discounts on BAPA classes and _Muse_
subscriptions, and free attendance at BAPA public circles.  For an
information packet, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:

P.O. Box 850
Fremont, CA 94537-0850

408-559-4242 (408-559-GAIA)


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