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Asatru, Aesir cult

To: alt.magick,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.freemasonry,alt.pagan,talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.asatru
From: (Anders Saadio,EPL/4130,sa)
Subject: Re: Asatru, Aesir cult (Was: Re: Freemasonry was once Thelemite?)
Date: 30 Jul 1996 10:57:46 GMT

In article , (Carl Anderson) writes:

>In article <4ti2q5$>, 
>> FYI, Swedish and Icelandic is rather close making it possible for us to
>speak with
>> one another without an interpreter.

>   Well, you are the first native Swede (or Icelander) I've heard to say
>_that_.  Most of other non-Icelandic Scandinavians I know speak _English_
>with Icelanders, given the differences between Icelandic and the mainland
>languages (unless both they and the Icelander speak Danish ;)

>   Even my pretty bad Swedish is good enough for me to communicate with
>speakers of some Norwegian dialects, but Icelandic?  

You have a point there. It is a lot easier to speak _English_ with each other
but I still find it possible to understand Icelandic even though am I a Swede,
not easy but possible.

>> Is it possible that the wrong Icelandic words were used when the Aesir
>cult was
>> reinvented in the US?

>   Well, of course!  You think the US educational system teaches people
>Scandinavian languages?  Just be glad they managed to _find_ a few of the
>words, whether or not they use them according to rules of Scandinavian

>> What I'm saying is this, the current form of the Asatru has nearly
>> nothing to do with the Aesir cult as it was performed about one thousand
>years ago 
>> when it was forced away.

>   No one anywhere is now.  No one knows enough about what it was like then.
>However, some people are doing their best even if they don't speak a
>word of of Icelandic (or Modern Swedish ;)  Perhaps it would be best if
>those people who know Scandinavian languages, or have studied heathen
>Scandinavian culture at university could *help* those who have not had
>such opportunities, rather than incurring flame wars ....?

It was not my intention to start a fire. I've ended up with some 'friendly'
mail in my mailbox due to my postings suggesting that since there are no 'real'
knowledge about the old Aesir cult then I'm wrong and a nitwit, they used another
word, and since I was wrong they were automayically right. That does not compute.
There is a possibility that they have managed to get some of _it_ up and running
but to say that all is as _it_ was before is just not correct. Some even suggested 
that it was acceptable to perform human sacrifice. I guess whom they were thinking of.
I have nothing against the friendly Asatru of today and find the historical Aesir
cult quite fascinating to read about as a part of my countrys history. What I do
not like is the type of abomination of the 'Aesir cult' that some extreme individuals
claim to perform.


Cheers to you to Carl

PS. I hope the flaming stops, if not I will remove alt.freemasonry from my replies
    since I can not see what this has to do with freemasonry.

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