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english qaballa and racist agendae

To: alt.magick,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.pagan.magick,alt.occult
From: richard sprigg 
Subject: Re: english qaballa and racist agendae (was re: gematria and ...)
Date: Fri, 01 Jan 1999 00:05:41 -0500

catherine yronwode wrote:

(snip of historical data, purely for space)
> In stripping the kaballah of its "Jewish" history, in declaring that
> they were revealing a "new" kabbalah for their "New Aeon," 

Not quite. Crowley does point out that "My kabbalah is not yours" on
several points in his writings. He advises students to go to the
sources, in the original language if possible.
I honestly think that in the context of early 20th century society, that
he had problems finding original sources. 
The message of the new aeon would find *any* exclusion unacceptable.
"The word of sin is restriction".

> The historical ignorance of some modern Thelemites, when displayed in
> usenet, may lead contemporary Jewish-American occultists to accuse them
> of being insensitive to the Jewish origin of the kaballah. If such
> Thelemites persist in their disbelief of history to the point of asking
> for "proof" of the kaballah's Jewishness, they may be accused of
> outright racism by impatient Jews (among whom i number myself).

Depends upon the inquiry, methinks: to try and find an earlier tradition
that may mesh with an earlier religion is simply scientific enquiry. 
To enquire into the nature of a relatively recent tradition in Judaist
thought is hardly racism: to meet serious enquiry with cries of
anti-semetism is to debase the term, and to make it less abhorrent. I
regard that concept with a cold shudder.

> Perhaps the cause of this conflict between "New Aeon" kabbalists and
> Jewish occultists is not Crowley's disbelief in the Jewishness of the
> kaballah (surely he knew of it!)

Indeed he did. That much is clear from his writings. Also clear is his
evident respect for the "Holy Quabbalah", and by extension, those who
developed it.

, but rather that an a-historic
> generation of contemporary Thelemites puts their complete trust in
> flawed or incomplete teachings which have falsely led tthem to think
> that "their" kaballah, as revealed by their lineage-founder, Mr.
> Crowley, is not Jewish in its root.

The curse of the magus is to speak truth, and see it twisted into
untruth. This is nothing new. The persecutions you mention earlier,
including blaming the Jews for the black death, came from a church
founded in memory of a Jew.

> That's all just speculation, of course, but, as Neil Fernandez points
> out here, and as Tim ("the American Qabalist") noted in usenet, there
> are more than a few Crowleyites running around loose who don't know that the kaballah is Jewish.

They are fools. 
Anyone who fails to follow the river to a source is a fool.
These are the people who *need* instructions on a shampoo bottle.
> Perhaps some Thelemite reading this can be encouraged to explain to the
> rest of us why so many Thelemites are, as Neil says, "unaware of the
> history of Jewish kabbalah as a '(magical/spiritual) tradition in its
> own right'...[and] see it rather as a set of techniques...or as a
> 'language'."

As a Thelemite for over twenty five years, I have no idea: when I want
to understand points of QBL, I have correspondents in Israel that I can
If I want to understand a point of Hermetic Kabbalah, there are other
individuals I will ask. 

> Are the words "technique" and "language" part of the instruction-set
> accompanying Thelemite teaching of the kaballah?

Likely back to the GD and before, this approach has been used by
hermeticists. I am unaware of any specific intent to ignore the source
or the context of development. Not being a member of any order, I
xcannot comment on what or how they impart the knowledge. 
I will comment in passing that decent ckabbalistic literature has only
become available fairly recently: going back to the late 60's there was
practically nothing to be had outside Regardie, Fortune, Mathers et al.

> It seems to be a common conception among Gentiles that the kaballah has
> fallen into disuse or disinterest among Jews or that few Jews study it
> and when they do, they do so in solitude. I am not sure why this is
> thought to be so; perhaps it has to do with the Jewish tendency toward
> maintining a low profile,

True. Jewish sources can be tough to obtain for a goy.
Individuals can be prickly, too. In the rush to study, it can be
overlooked that treating an individual's culture as an object of study
can be offensive. Native americans often express the same concerns.


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