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Discovery of English Qaballa

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.thelema,talk.religion.misc,alt.divination
From: (333)
Subject: Discovery of English Qaballa (LONG Rvw)
Date: 18 Jan 1999 12:52:37 -0800

49990118 IIIom Hail NvHwdRakwt!

do as you please, for that is my Law.

my review of "The Discovery of English Qaballa", by CSmith:

[from ]
#                             By Carol Smith
#                  Sanctioned By Fr. P-ACHAD-O 9=2 A.A. 
#    The Key to the English Qaballa

#    Aleister Crowley did not write the Book of the Law -
#    he was the scribe writing under the direction of the
#    praeter-human intelligence Aiwass.

a similar claim is made for Muhammad and many Western religious
prophets. it is not my intent to either confirm or argue with
statements such as this. in this review series (on EQ), I will 
instead usually bypass or omit them in favor of statements about 
the technical aspects of English Qaballa and other QBLs from 
which it has apparently derived.

#    That the numerical qaballa which has been revealed
#    in previous articles could not have been devised by
#    any human intelligence is self-evident....

compare the various Western numero-sensationalists such
as those who argue about the centrality of the number 19
in the construction of the Qur'an, or similar contentions
about the King James Bible or the Five Books of Moses (Torah)).

re the origination of the English Qaballa's preferred gematria
   as it was discerned within the Evul Book in a grid-like
   pattern constructed by the scribe:
#    There are letters along the top of the page, and it would
#    seem to be obvious to continue with the alphabet in the
#    manner indicated, but the clue is in the numbers down
#    the side. A is written instead of 1 which suggests that B
#    is 2, C 3, and so on. Fill in all the squares on the
#    grid in this manner... , repeating the alphabet
#    when one gets to Z. To proceed to the next step the
#    instruction is written on the page, for those who have
#    eyes to see "Then this line drawn is a key."
#    The line drawn is a diagonal line across the page. If one
#    reads any diagonal across the square one gets the order
#    of the English Alphabet to be used in the
#    English Qaballa. Whichever diagonal is read the order of
#    the letters is obtained...). There is only one order
#    which all the letters in this order from 1 to 26 and one gets
#    the English Qaballistic Alphabet thus:-
#    A L W H S D O Z K V G R C
#    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
#    N Y J U F Q B M X I T E P
#    14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

looking at this text (or at least a facsimile within the
compilation published as "The Holy Books of Thelema" by
Weiser in the chapter "Liber XXXI", I notice that the
graph to which Ms. Smith refers appears to differ
significantly from how she describes it, since the placement
of the letters and numbers do not admit of 'substitution':

	  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h
 [the one is missing]



that is, they imply a cartographic graph, rather than
a cipher (since b-h are on the same line as 1 and no
letters appear in the same row as the other numbers).
therefore, while Smith and others of her cult may wish
to accept it as a 'clear implication', on the face of
it we can find nothing of the sort.

#    The Order and Value of The English Alphabet 

#    The other method of obtaining the English Qaballa using
#    the key of 11 has been explained in Vol. 5 No. 1. Even
#    on this page there is a reference to it... "Then this line
#    drawn is a key.. and Abrahadabra". Abrahadabra is an
#    eleven lettered word emphasising the elevenfold nature
#    of the key.

apparently this refers to the 11shift-permutation.  I omit
further specious 'proof' which 'explains' that this 
permutation is "the key of it all".

#    So this page of Liber Al not only says there is a hidden
#    key, and reveals it, but also shows where it will be
#    discovered. This proof is irrefutable, it is there in
#    black and white for all to see. The gods which
#    fashioned the Book of the Law, directed the formation
#    of the English Language, and left a key to it's hidden
#    meaning are here, now among us all.

now we can understand the justification, whether or not we
are willing to follow the system and/or agree with the
rationale about its necessary value.

I will continue with further reviews of EQ documents in
other upcoming posts.

free love, right now!
-- (emailed replies may be posted); cc me replies;;

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