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The Lowerarchy of the Klippoth

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.consciousness.mysticism,alt.magick,talk.religion.misc,alt.pagan
From: (Gnome d Plume)
Subject: The Lowerarchy of the Klippoth
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 18:44:19 GMT

***Okay, sports fans. You've all been patiently awaiting the Demonic
line-up for this season! This is what all the fuss has been about. It
is certainly not rabbinical kabbalah. It is later than the Zohar and
not even fully justified in Zoharic terms. It is certainly polluted
with Christian demonic names (e.g. Lucifuge) but it is part of late
European Jewish magic, and it has become a part of Hermetic magick via
this transmission. Steve Savedow, who translated the *Sepher Raziel*
used this system as a basis for his klippothic Goetia experiments
which all turned out to be abysmally "evil." Like it or not, this is
the state of the klippoth today in magical practice. We (along with
Scholem and Waite) note that responsible Jewish writers on Kabbalah
have scrupulously avoided this subject. Rosenroth also details this
system. The original Jewish literature on this demonic "lowerarchy"
apparently does not appear in English--but Waite's scholarship is
certainly valid on this respect, as long as his disclaimers are
carefully considered. Enjoy.....*****


From THE HOLY KABBALAH by Arthur Edward Waite, pp. 256-8

The world of ASSIAH, or of matter, is that into which Adam descended
at the Fall, and beneath it is the abode of evil spirits, the Shells,
Envelopes and CORTICES of the later Kabbalah.(l ) It contains the
orders of retrograde spirits corresponding by inversion to the angels
of YETZIRAH and the arch-fiends corresponding after the same manner to
the archangels of the Briatic world.(2 ) They are usually enumerated
as follows : 
I.- THAUMIEL, the doubles of God, said to be two-headed and so named,
because they pretend to be equal to the Supreme Crown. This is
properly the title of the averse SEPHIRA corresponding to KETHER. The
cortex is CATHARIEL, according to the Supplements of the ZOHAR. Satan
and Moloch are said to be the arch-demons, but the attributions are
hopelessly confused throughout, partly owing to the obscure
classifications of the ZOHAR and the contradictions of later
II.-CHAIGIDIEL, a term connecting with the significance of placenta,
or, according to other authorities, with that of obstruction, in the
sense of an impediment to the heavenly influx. This averse SEPHIRA
corresponds to CHOKMAH. Its cortices are the OGHIEL or GHOGIEL, which
cleave to illusory or material appearances in opposition to those of
reality and wisdom. This explanation is, of course, very late. The
arch-demon is said to be ADAM BELIAL, and so again is Beelzebuth. The
Dukes of Esau are connected with this number. 
(1)- For some information on Kabbalistic demonology, see DIE KABBALA :
ihre Hauptlehren und ihr verhaltniss zu Christenhum. Innsbmch, 1885. 
(2) - But there are also many material correspondences which are not
of shells and demons. )
III. SATHARIEL, the concealment of God, meaning that : this averse
SEPHIRAH, unlike BINAH or Intelligence, hides the face of mercy. In
the Supplements of the ZOHAR it is termed SHEIREIL, from the hirsute
body of Esau. The Dukes of Esau are referred alternatively to this
number, instead of to  the averse correspondence of CHOKMAH, by the
same work. 
LUCIFUGE is said to be the arch-demon, but this is obviously not a
Kabbalistic term: it is known, however, to the grimoires and to some
late demonologists of the Latin church. 
IV. GAMCHICOTH, or GOG SHEKLAH, disturber of all things, the averse
correspondence of CHESED. According to  the Zoharic Supplements the
cortex seems to be AZARIEL. , The arch-demon is ASTAROTH in late
V. GOLAB, or burning, in the sense of incendiarism. This .is the
averse correspondence of GEBURAH and the antithesis of the Seraphim or
Fiery Serpents. The cortex is USIEL. The arch-demon of late Kabbalism
VI. TOGARINI, wranglers, (1) because, according to Isaac de Luria,
this averse correspondence of TIPHERETH Strives with the Supernal
GEBURAH. The cortices are called ZOMIEL and the arch-demon is
(1 )Editor's note: "Wranglers" are obviously a recent corruption
deriving from the little known appelation of the term "Togarini" to
Jewish cowboys in West Texas circa 1890. -Gnome)
VII. HARAB SERAP, dispersing raven, referring to the idea that this
bird drives out its young, the averse correspondence of NETZACH. The
cortices are the THEUMIEL and the arch- demon is BAAL CHANAN. 
VIII. SAMAEL, or embroilment, corresponding to HOD, the supernal
Victory .The cortices are THEUNIEL according to the Supplements of the
ZOHAR, and ADRAMELEK is the name assigned to the arch-demon by late
IX. GAMALIEL, the obscene, in averse correspondence with YESOD, which
signifies generation of the higher order. OGIEL, which other
classifications attribute to the averse correspondence of CHESED,
seems to be the cortex mentioned in the Zoharic Supplements, and the
arch-fiend is LILITH, according to late Kabbalism.(According to the
ZOHAR she is a Stryge who slays infants. )
X. LILITH  is, however, according to another tabulation, the averse
correspondence of MALKUTH, with whom Kabbalism connects NAHEMA, the
demon of impurity . 
In Zohariic doctrine, however, the chief personalities in ASSIAH are
SAMAEL, who is to some extent the averse Adam Kadmon, and his bride
LILITH. The Sephirotic attributes are obscure and incomplete, but in a
general way it is : that as in the Holy Kingdom so is it in that of
iniquity ,(note 2) as in  the circumcision so also in the
uncircumcision. SAMAEL said to be the uncircumcised and his bride is
the prepuce which, it adds significantly, is the serpent.(note 3) 
I have given space to this portion of the psychical  hypotheses of
Kabbilism, most of which is post-Zoharic, not because it is of
inherent importance, or can be regarded other wise than as a
disfigurement of the metaphysical doctrine but because we shall have
later on to give account of the connection between the Kabbalah and
Ceremonial Magic; and the doctrine of angels and demons is necessary
to an understanding of this connection (Note 4 ) It should be added
that not only is a methodized doctrine of the Celestial and Infernal
Hierarchies not found in the ZOHAR, but there is no adequate material
for the construction of such a doctrine. 

(Notes) 1. A succubus who brings forth spirits and demons after
intercourse with men, the ZOHAR, which in various places develops this
idea further. 
Hence the true name of Satan is said to be that of YHVH
reversed.--Pike, MORALS AND DOGMA, p. 10Z. He is reproducing Eliphas
I R. Simeon ben Yohai in TIKKUNIM, or Supplements, No. 18. See BETH
ELO by R. Abraham Cohen Irira. c. ii., KABBALA DENUDATA, ii., Part 3,
Tract 1, i.e. PNEUMATICA KABBALISTICA, pp. 188 et seq. 
& The TALMUDS abound with legendary history and teaching on this
subject, for they are like a storehouse of folklore as well as of
jurisprudence. It has been even proposed  that the medieval notion of
vampirism is to be traced to Talmudic fables concerning Stryges. See
A. Brierre de Boismont, DES HALLUCINATIONS, &etc. Second ed. p. 39)
Paris. 1852. 

*****I also suggest perusal of Tractenberg's *Jewish magic and
Superstition.*  *****


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