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The Star Key Primer

To: alt.magick,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick.serious
From: Prophet718 
Subject: The Star Key Primer
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 1999 06:04:12 GMT

Copyright 1999 By Timothy Moss

	The Star Key is an english-based magical alphabet which has been
derived from clues found in The Book Of  The Law. Appying the key to
cryptic phrases in the book has yielded some compelling evidence for the
case of  superhuman authorship, and complete validation of its
authenticity. This primer shows a broad example of my discoveries.

	I am currently fine-tuning a complete kabala based upon this
arrangement. It portrays a comprehensive cosmology with highlighted
Thelemic aspects, and is compatible with The Book of Thoth. It appears
as though a system of attainment is contained with the Star Key kabala.

	The full details of the Star Key and its attributions will be
made available in my book, 718: The Star Key.


(A)ll___3____ (I)t____30___(s)ee___300

	Each word listed in the key defines the sound of the letter in
parentheses. Each sound is identified by an upper or lowercase
character. The only exception is the second sound for the letter A,
which is symbolized by two lowercase A’s: “aa”. With this method,
spelling, pronunciation, and letter values are all contained within the
spelling of a word.

	The alphabet can be used with totally fixed values as listed, or
with most of the vowels having a “floating” value, determined by the
user. “A” for example can have a value of  1, 2, or 3 despite the sound.

	There are several forms of spelling that are utilized:

	Form I: The word is rewritten to reflect its actual sounds.
	Form II: Utilizes Form I, but without one or more vowels.
	Form III: Standard spelling
	Form IV: Standard spelling less one or more vowels.

	The proper method for writing equations using the key
incorporates the use of an abbreviation for the form followed by the
equation. Example: POWER: f4 / pwr = 1100.

	To dispel the inevitable arguments against the use of alternate
spellings and floating values, I will examine the word KABALA with the
Star Key and show that variations in spelling and pronunciation reflect
a more accurate truth than a system with rigid guidelines.

	In The Book Of The Law, Nuit proclaims the tarot trumps and the
letters of the Hebrew alphabet to be part of  “my book”, meaning hers.
The value for the word KABBAL in Hebrew is: 20+1+2+2+1+30 = 56. Nuit
clearly states that 56 is her number.

	I can prove the same truth using the Star Key (“the key”). Nuit
says that 11 is her number also. 56 = 5+6 = 11. KABALA: f1 / kAbAla =
121 = 11x11.

	Changing the spelling of the word proves another aspect of
kabala. KABALL: f1 / kUbAll = 777. This is the name and number of
Aleister Crowley’s book on Qabala.

	Yet another change in spelling and pronunciation yields KABALA:
f1 / kUbAla = 718. This number will be shown as the number of the kabala
in regard to this key.

	I have by habit and convenience pronounced Kabala as KABALA: f1
/ kUbAlA With a fixed system of values, the word value is 720. By
allowing the value of the letter A to float between 1-3, this
pronunciation can equal 718 also. Utilizing this concept subtracts
nothing, and adds a method for fine-tuning certain words. Having the
letter A attributed to three values is no more arbitrary than having it
attributed to three sounds and a single value, which is the case with
the English translation of the Hebrew alphabet. In order to adhere to
the most stringent standard, I use very few floating values.


	Many of the key numbers revealed are noted numbers of Thelema
multiplied by ten or one-hundred, or with one-thousand added.  It makes
sense that new numbers are the only new symbols available for
constructing a new kabala. They also have the potential for
reflecting new truths mingled with established ideas.


	The Star Key is a kabala that taps the magical current of
HERU-RA-HA: f3 / heru ra hA = 930 = 93x10. This is a list of words that
equal 930:

	1. HERU-RA-HA: f3 / heru ra hA = 930
	2. WILL: f2 / whll = 930
	3. QUEEN: f2 / kwn = 930
	4. ISA: f1 / Isa = 930
	5. PROPHET: f1 / prophIt = 930
	6. WINGED: f1 / wInged = 930


	In the first and second chapters of The Book Of The Law, Nuit
and Hadit are identified with numbers. In her unmanifest form, Nuit
declares her number to be 56. When the two halves of her unmanifested
nature are combined, the 5 and 6, she is Hadit, whose number is given as
11. The number 1100 seems to sum up the various aspects of Nuit and
Hadit with precision and abundance. In I-22, Nuit states, “Now,
therefore, I am known to ye by my name Nuit, and to him by a secret name
which I will give him when at last he knoweth me”. SECRET NAME: f2 /
skrt nm = 1100. Of course when Hadit does come to know Nuit, he
understands that she is the Divine Whore: f1 / whor = 1100. This is the
pertinent list:

	1. O NUIT: f1 / o nuIt = 1100
	2. SECRET NAME: f2 / skrt nm = 1100
	3. I’M NUIT: f1 / im nuIt = 1100
	4. SECRET FLAME: f4 / secret flm = 1100
	5. WHORE: f1 / whor = 1100
	6. NAUGHT: f1 / naUght = 1100
	7. NOTHING: f1 / nuthIn = 1100
	8. POWER: f2 / pwr = 1100
	9. WHERE I AM: f4 / whr i m = 1100
	10. HOUSE O GOD: f3 / house o god = 1100
	11. POSITION: f3 / position = 1100

	The value of Nuit is NUIT: f1 / nuIt = 1010. This is the same
number as 1100, but with the positions of the digits changed.

956, 1900, 1919, 1956

	I derived a very special number from the alphanumeric puzzle in
chapter II-76 of Liber AL. By translating the numbers in the puzzle-text
to letters using the key, I discovered the letters Z, D, H, I, J, N, W
were missing from the text. The combined gematria values of these
letters prove to be an interesting arrangement. The values are: 1,
5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 800. The sequence is very balanced:
5x2=10x2=20x2=40x2=80x10=800. There is no other arrangement of letter
values that can accomplish this feat of multiplication. The total sum of
the letter-values is: 1+5+10+20+40+80+800 = 956.

	956 is nothing short of a “master number” for Thelema. The most
obvious word created by this value is KEY: f3 / key = 956. KEY: f1 / ke
= 56. The number of Nuit is reflected in both values.

	AMON-RA: f1 / AmUn rA = 956. This is the broadest conception of
the Sungod of Egypt and as such, 956 reflects the ideas of
Ra-Hoor-Khuit. 9+5+6 = 20, the value of the letter “I”, which is
attributed to the trump The Sun in the Star Key.

	HADITH: f1 / haduIth = 956. With this discovery, all three
principals of Thelema are reflected in the value 956.

	There is another word to be equated with 956, it is SECRET: f2 /
sekrt = 956. By changing the form, a related value is obtained. SECRET:
f2 / skrIt = 980. It is the same value for SUN: f1 / sUn = 980,  NUT: f1
/ nut = 980, and KHUIT: f3 / khuit = 980

	The phrase SECRET KEY is revealing as well. SECRET KEY: f1 /
sekrEt key = 1919. Nineteen is the number of the tarot trump The Sun.
When added using another form the result is similar. SECRET KEY: f4 /
skrt ky = 1900.

	1956 is a fat number that shows up frequently in the verses. 19
= The Sun + 56 = Nuit. It is a glyph of our Sun in the body of Nu. It
appears first in the phrase SECRET CENTRE: f1 / secrEt sEntre = 1956.
Also, SECRET ARDOURS: f2 / scrEt Ardourz = 1956, and SECRET HOUSE: f2 /
sekrt hoUs = 1956.

	In I-20, there is mention of a secret word that is the key of
the rituals. SECRET WORD: f4 / skrt wrd = 1955. SECRET WORDZ = 1956. In
the previous verse, the name Azure Lidded Woman is mentioned and
capitalized. AZURE LIDDED WOMAN: f2 / azUr lIddEd womaan = 1956.


	1. KHU: f3 / khu = 560
	2. SOLAR: f2 / slr = 560
	3. RULES: f2 / rlz = 560
	4. PLUTO: f4 / plt = 560

	560 = 56, the number of Nuit.


	Using the Hebrew alphabet, BABALON = 2+1+2+30+70+50 =156. Using
the key, BABALON: f1 / baabAlAn = 156. Atu XI of The Book Of Thoth
depicts Babalon riding the Beast. The constellation of Leo is assigned
to the card. LEO: f3 / leo = 156. KIBLAH: f1 / kIblaah = 156. PROPHET OF
RA-HOOR-KHU: f1 / prophEt of rahoorkhu = 2156. FOURFOLD WORD: f1 /
foUrfold word = 2156. 2156 divided by 3 = 718.6666666667.


	1. THELEMA: f1 / thelemA = 555
	2. THREE GRADES THEREIN: f4 / thr grdz thrn = 1515. (5+5+5)
	3. SACRED: f4 / skrd = 555.


	1. NOTHING: f1 / nothen = 666.
	2. THE KNOWN: f1 / the non = 666
	3. JEWEL: f1 / juell = 666
	4. NEPTUNE: f2 / neptn = 666
	5. 98 RULES OF: f2 / rls f = 568+98 = 666

	Note: In II-70, there is reference to the number 98: “If thou
drink, drink by the eight and ninety rules of art”. FO = 8+90 = 98, the
“foe” rules, or “rowdy rules”, are the most common rules of drinking.
Also, FUN: f2 / fhn = 98.


	Chapter III-19 of Liber AL is once and for all solved by the
Star Key - in no uncertain terms. The verse gives instructions to “count
well” the name of the stele called the “Abomination of Desolation”.
ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION: f2 / aabAmnashaan v dEzlashaan = 1,718.

	The other name of the Stele of Revealing was the one Aleister
Crowley ascribed to it: Stele 666, which was the museum catalogue number
of the stele. If the stele were one among hundreds in the museum, it is
likely the actual description in the catalogue was abbreviated. The true
name was most likely: ST 666. To “count well its name” implies counting
the name thoroughly. If one looks at the number 666 as three characters
drawn on paper, just like any other character in a name, the solution
becomes apparent. The three sixes are values for the letter E, so they
should be added together left to right, just as any alphabetic
characters would be. Upon converting the letters ST into numbers and
adding them all together, the full potential of the verse is fullfilled.
ST 666: f1 / steee = 718.

	The act of  “counting” a name implies the use of kabala. I think
it is quite profound that KABALA = 718. There is also another facet to
this grand lesson in kabala. The Author of Liber AL is making it clear
that 1,718 & 718 are considered by him to be the same number, or
symbolize the same idea. This means that numbers are more than just
rigid, quantitive measurements; the presence of a majority of digits in
any two numbers links the two numbers together. It also seems likely
that 1000 is a platform of sorts for showcasing other numbers less than
its value.

	1. GOD: f1 / gAd = 17
	2. GODS: f1 / gAdz = 18
	3. HAD: f1 / haad = 17
	4. HAD: f1 / hAd = 18
	5. HOUSE OF GOD: f2 / hoUse Uf god = 1718


	This is a short list of words that equal 418:

	1. DO WHAT THOU WILT: f1 / du whAt thou whIlt = 4018
	2. PROPHET THY STATURE: f2 / prophet thy staatur = 4018
	f2 / lEt mi servants be fu secrt = 4018
	4. RA-HOOR: f2 / ra hEr = 418
	5. HADIT: f4/ hAdt = 418
	6. COPH NIA: f2 / sAfh nhea = 418

	The final proofs of this primer are related to chapter III-47 of
Liber AL:

47. This book shall be translated into all tongues:  but always with the
original in the writing of the Beast; for in the chance shape of the
letters and their position to one another:  in these are mysteries that
no Beast shall divine.  Let him not seek to try:  but one cometh after
him, whence I say not, who shall discover the Key of it all.  Then this
line drawn is a key:  then this circle squared in its failure is a key
also.  And Abrahadabra. It shall be his child & that strangely.  Let him
not seek after this; for thereby alone can he fall from it.

	Abrahadabra was my problem child for months. It was the one
glaring discrepancy in an otherwise rich harvest of symbolism produced
by the Star Key. ABRAHADABRA: f3 / abrahadabra = 428. No matter how I
attacked the word with the key, I was denied the prize of  418. The only
way I could achieve it was by removing the H completely from the word.

	In the weeks before I discovered the Star Key, I used the line
and circle drawn on the page of the text to extract letters from within
the grid-squares. I constructed two phrases: “Key of Beast is to say”,
and “shape position its in”. I thought the first phrase was an
encouragment to adapt the English alphabet into a sound-based magical
alphabet. This is exactly what the Star Key is, but I had already
conceived the idea; I considered the phrase to be an affirmation of my
plans. I was wrong. Both phrases are practical instructions which
provide the solution for my problem with the enumeration  of
Abrahadabra. This means the solution to the problem was provided weeks
in advance of the problem itself. I interpreted “shape position its in”,
 to suggest changing the positions of the letters within a word. This
seemed to be a completely futile gesture since the value of the word is
the same.

	Two months later, while pondering my problem with the value of
Abrahadabra, I thought about the phrase. I realized the sound of the
letter A was masked by the sound of the letter H before it. If I rotated
the position of the letters, the reverse would happen; the sound of the
A would be prominent and the sound of the H would be diminished:
Abraahdabra. Despite this change, the word still equals 418 in Hebrew or
Greek. Next, I had to simply follow the advice given, “Key of Beast is
to say”. By spelling the word the way it sounds. The result is
ABRAAHDABRA: f1 / abra a dabra = 418. This means that Abrahadabra equals
418 by all three alphabets.

	By extracting every word I could from the isolated grid-text, I
was able to produce this sentence: “shape position to one no Beast shall
seek to try: but whence I say not, who the Key of it all drawn is a
key”.  It is quite clear the phrase “Key of it all” is being singled
out as a key. Drawn means written. The word “Key” is capitalized,
denoting a proper name. As explained, Key = 956 and 56, the values of
the names of Nu, Hadit, and Amon-Ra. The word “all” sounds like AL: f3 /
al = 61, the numeric key of “nothing”.

	When the entire phrase “Key of it all” is analysed, the result
is nothing short of amazing. KEY OF IT ALL: f2 / ky f t l = 1, 418.



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