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to occult, mystical, and spiritual subjects.



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Copyright (c) 1988 by Phil Hansford. This article is is licenced
for free non-commercial distribution only.


  The ancients described man as mind, body, and soul.
Psychologists of the twentieth century added the subconscious to
that deffinition. This produces a four-fold classification. The
universe is also divided into four corresponding parts ('worlds'),
as shown below:

WORLD              BODY                           QUALITY
=====              ====                           =======
spiritual world    spiritual body (soul or kia)   intuition
mental world       mental body (conscious mind)   rational thought
astral world       astral body (subconscious)     emotions
physical world     physical body                  physical senses

  The astral body (subconscious) is the intermediary for
intuition, magical and psychic phenomena, and is the 'psychic
link' to the physical world. J.H. Brennan says that the astral is
the realm of visual imagination. It seems to be both a 'place' and
a 'state of mind' at the same time. Most occult and magical
phenomena originate in the invisible, non-sensate, non-physical
realm (ie. without physical senses). Each of the four worlds
interacts with the other worlds. Psychic energy flows from the
spiritual to mental to astrl to physical. The physical world is a
projection (manifestation, reflection, or shadow) of the higher
worlds. Our center of consciousness is generally within these
higher worlds. "We are", to quote the rock music group the Police,
"spirits in the material world".

  There are many similar terms used by other occult groups. For
example, 'astral light' is another name for astral world, although
it may sometimes also refer to the entire non-physical realm, as
may 'inner planes' or 'the invisible world'. Planes are
essentially the same as worlds.  Vehicles or sheaths are the same
as bodies. Some groups include an etheric or vital body between
physical and astral: it is mostly 'physical' with a little of the
lower 'astral' besides. And sometimes astral and mental are each
divided into two parts (upper and lower). The 'causal body' is the
upper 'mental'.

  We have been describing 'traditonal' occult philosophy here, and
certainly an important part of the tradition is the idea (and
terms) microcosm and macrocosm.  The greater universe, known as
the *macrocosm*, includes everything that exists. It corresponds
with the *microcosm*, or tiny universe, ie. man -- who is thought
of as a miniature replica of the macrocosm (whole universe).  This
basic magical relationship is demonstrated in the Bible (Genesis
1.27), where God is the macrocosm; and in the writing of
Trismegistus ("As above so below"). Since man is in the image of
God (universe) it follows that God is in the image of man (in
other words, man and the God/universe match each other). The
magician, as a microcosm is thus connected with the macrocosm.
There is an intimate relationship of energies between you and
everything else.  The universe is reflected within us and we are
projected into the universe. This is an important theory behind
magick and astrology.

  'Personal magick' is that magick used to affect the self; often
involving affirmation, self-suggestion, and self-hypnosis. 'Active
magick' is outer directed magick (as in PK) used to affect someone
or thing, or to bring about an event. 'Passive magick' is to be
affected (as in ESP) by an outside non-physical cause. Everyone
possesses some magical (and psychic) potential. Some are
especially gifted. Usually people are better at one kind of magick
(ie. active or passive) than they are at the other kind; only
rarely does an individual excell at both. Traning and practice
will, of course, improve ability somewhat.

  Although the forces of magick are neutral, various systems may
take on the qualities of good and evil. There is so-called white
magick or good magick, black magick or evil magick, and gray
magick between them. When many people refer to white magick they
mean magick for unselfish purposes, also healing and mental
influence with specific permission. By black magick they refer to
magick for self-interest and healing *without* specific
permission.  Using magick to forcefully control another's will is,
in a sense, black magick too. There are also some people on the
occult fringe who claim to be, possibly even think they are,
'Satanists', devil worshipers, or black magicians. These people
are most likely charlatans, hoaxters, dablers, or merely
misinformed. They may be attracted by the 'art' of black magick,
or even by the 'glamor' of doing something against the 'rules'.
But a real black magician is very dangerous. Because he has
dedicated his life to evil. We usually think of 'white magick' as
having *unselfish intent*, and (in the extreme case) of 'black
magick' as being actual Satan worship, human or animal sacrifice,
dangerous unconventional magical practices, and other bizarre
stuff as makes a nightmare. It is all a matter of degree. Most
mild self-interest magick (one of the most common kinds) would be
called 'gray'. Better terms may be *constructive magick* as being
beneficial; and *aversive magick* as magick intended to work
against the natural order, and to tear down. There is also the
*high magick* of spiritual alchemy (ie. spiritual growth), also
known as 'the Great Work'; and conversely there is 'low magick'
which is concerned with materiality.

  Any magick act is likely to produce side effects regardless of
whether or not the desired result is achieved.  Such side effects
are no problem for constructive magick, since they are benificial
as well. However, aversive magick can produce aversive side
effects which may even harm the magician -- aversive magick is

  What we have been calling 'magick' is actually a continuous
process. Since your subconscious never rests, your environment is
continually being shifted into lne with your model. This is true
whether you study magick or not.  For most people, these effects
are usually very subtle, and they are probably not aware of them.
However, as you work with the occult, the flow of psychic energy
and your awareness of it increases. Your true will is more likely
to be strongly expressed. Your luck may be affected (either in a
positive or a negative way). Remember, our lives tend to follow
what we want down deep. That is why a positive outlook is so very
beneficial to us.

  Sometimes it is helpful to keep a diary of your magical
experiments and research. Such a diary should include the date,
perhaps even some astrological data (or anything else you think
may have a relationship to what you are doing).  This is also a
good time to begin recording your dreams -- at least the important
ones -- in a dream diary. Your dreams can tell you a great deal
about yourself, and may sometimes reveal premonitions. Dreams are
personal. Don't fall for the commercial 'dream book' gimmick.

  The mind is always open to suggestion -- especially the
subconscious. Most of the time we censor any suggestions according
to the model; but one way to break through the censor is with
repetition. An affirmation does this exactly. By suggestion, we
mean any statement which is capable of affecting your model.
Usually suggestion is in the form of a positive statement (such as
the hypnotist's patter -- " You are becomming sleepy"). An
affirmation is the same kind of thing -- a positive suggestion,
which you repeat (affirm) to yourself aloud or silently (for
example, "I remember my dreams"). If there is some quality you
wish to change or develope within yourself, an affirmation is
ideal. Repeat it several times every day at several different
times throughout the day, expecially when you go to bed.
Affirmations are subtle and may require a few months to work. Use
them for changes, not miracles.

  Visualization is another important method we use to influence
the subconscious. A good example of this is the simple banishing
technique which follows. Banishing is used in magick to 'clear the
air' of negative 'vibes' and interference...

  Visualize a strong white light flowing out the top of your head,
flowing down around you and covering you. At the same time imagine
you are throwing away any 'problem' vibes.  Maintain the
visualization for a half a minute or longer.  Good way to help you
handle your emotions, and to control worry or anger.

1) What is a microcosm?
2) List the four worlds. Explain.
3) What is an affirmation? Give an example.

Geoffry Hodson, Theosophy Answers Some Problems of Life.
Marc Edmund Jones, Key Truths of Occult Philosophy.
Marion Weinstein, Positive Magic.
Nelson & Ann White, The Wizard's Apprentice.
Beatrice Bruteau, The Psychic Grid.

Phil Hansford, 4/88 Mysteria (818) 353-8891 (modem)
P.O. Box 83 Tujunga, CA 91042

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