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Qabalah, BOTA, Case

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.tarot,alt.divination
From: hara 
Subject: Qabalah, BOTA, Case
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 05:13:33 GMT

50030620 viii om pisces-age-Y2006

we were talking about Kabbalah and 777, Tarot and personalities

>> is bota all right to study with?
>> here's a brief overview:

my impression, never having been a member of the Builders of the
Adytum (B.O.T.A.) in either european or other contingent is that 
it is not and does not claim to be a transmitter of data or 
practices of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), instead teaching the 
ideas and symbolism of Paul Foster Case, whose commissioned deck 
(artist: Jessie Burns Parke) has become very popular, especially 
as a teaching and meditation tool. the deck is usually black and
white, to be coloured by the student, facilitating meditation 
on the symbolism of the imagery and colour-composite, and is 
designed after the Marsaille and the Smith-Waite deck's figures.

Case's instruction on Holy Qabala probably owes much to Papus,
Waite, Levi, and the whole Hermetic entourage of alternative
(some would say counterfeit) Qabalistic sources. as such it may
be more restrictive and dogmatic than may otherwise be found in
Jewish mystical tradition. it really depends on what you're
seeking as regards 'what is alright to study'. if you don't mind
severely limited instruction and want to get someone's notions
of what the Cosmic Authorities are telling them about what is
True, then BOTA may be right up your alley. if you're looking
for tarot and number mysticism, then Case certainly offers an
intriguing system of magic which one may learn and employ. as
Case is now dead, there is obviously someone else in charge 
at this time, and I don't know how much they've changed or 
revised the curriculum since Case's dissolution.

> In other words, I find B.O.T.A. to be a really decent order 
> in its various flavors, but others may not like it so much.

the only complaint I can remember hearing about the BOTA
is that that OTO members were being discriminated against 
within the BOTA administration (prevented from assuming
positions of authority). I don't know if this continues.

re Case, I DO recommend his "The True and Invisible Rosicrucian
Order" for material not only about tarot but also about the
Rosicrucian grades in association with these cards and how they
are thought to signify the advance of spiritual adeptship.

corrections welcome.


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