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Pagan Kabbalah Fantasies

To: alt.magick
From: mefistof13@aol.comnospam (Mephistopheles)
Subject: Re: Pagan Kabbalah Fantasies (was Pagan Kabbalah)
Date: 07 Dec 2001 01:05:28 GMT

Hi Tyagi,

I won't presume to answer for Gnome, but to the points where I am quoted.

>"a pagan Kabbalah" is meaningless, because as far as I know 
>the sociocultural oral tradition cannot be shown to have 
>preceded Jewish mystics

In terms of the "Receipt" and its form, I quite agree. But as I maintain that
the "Receipt" is based in large part on earlier Pagan emanationist, this can
certainly be shown to predate Kabbalah.

>this is merely conceptual and hardly central.

That depends on whether one is theist or deist. Being Deist, the concept is
more central to me. To me it is central, anyway; you may differ, and if so, I
look forward to your thoughts on that.

>how does one determine where "the root of the Kabbalistic system"
>lies? is it conceptual? practical? social? symbolic? theological?

Conceptual, certainly; practical, doubtful except for a few; social, not at
all, outside the odd microcosm; symbolic, absolutely; theological is where the
Jewish students of Kabbalah get into the most trouble with their peers, rather
to my amusement.

>is Luria primary in Kabbalism or is it just the obsession of
>Hermetic mages?

Luria is primary in modern Jewish Kabbalah, yes. His was an important
historical stage in its development. Indeed, for the Jewish Kabbalist, it is
probably its golden age. It is Hermetic only inasfar as it received influence
from the coeval Hermetics; Luria did not deal with Hermetic Kabbalah at all, to
my knowledge, although some of the symbolism creeps in. For that matter, there
was Christian symbolism that crept into mainstream Judaism at that time, e.g.,
Yahrzeit candles and esoteric rather than maimonidean messianism.

>then why does Scholem slam Hermetic "qabalah" as largely
>unworthy of attention and attribute so little value to it?

We mustn't forget the third system: Christian Kabbalah. The early Christian
Kabbalists, Bruno et al., began to study it as part of a plan to convert Jews
to Christianity; they wound up converting themselves to Hermeticism instead, in
my view. Scholem was painfully aware that non-Jewish study of Kabbalah begins
with the sin of proselytism. I don't think he addresses Hermetic Kabbalah at
all, just Christian, as far as non-Jewish systems go. The Christian Kabbalah is
full of large errors based entirely on imperfect Hebrew. Inserting a He and
Shin between YH and WH are a good example. 

I am not unsympathetic with his viewpoint--from under the boot, the entire
out-group looks the same. 

But on another level, Scholem's interest in it is more theological than
conceptual, symbolic, etc., I think. He took even its conceptual aspects as
Jewish, without considering pagan emanationism at all. That is fine by me, mind
you; as Jewish Kabbalah is intensely torah-centric, particularly by Luria's
time; hence of limited usefulness or interest to me.

 It is entirely possible to pick up the pieces of a pagan emanationist system,
even a Gnostic (large "G") one, and develop it for modern intellectual use. But
nobody does this--as, indeed, why should one? The Jewish Kabbalah is richly
developed, and to go after Plotinus and to rebuild it is like building a new
road when a good freeway already exists. I have no problem with letting new
people use the same road, as long as they acknowledge the builders of it--who,
in the case of Kabbalah, were entirely Jewish. 

Thus, I do not argue that the Jewish Kabbalah is Pagan in origin; but rather,
that it has some Pagan roots, and that it both took and gave with them. Most
importantly, I argue that as a system of mysticism and formal emanationist
thinking, it is entirely appropriate that the non-Jew study it. 



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