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Da'ath and the Abyss

To: thelema93-l now
From: (nigris (333))
Subject: Da'ath and the Abyss

50000114 IVom Hail Ain Soph Aur! Hail Malkuth! Hail Kleppah!

a correspondent wrote:
> Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

The word of Sin is Restriction
> Da'ath, the theoretical Sepheroth, identical to the concept 
> of the Abyss?  

Da'ath is an anti-sphere, a vacuum into the digestive Hole which
is the Darkside or Underside of the Tree (shells, kleppah). the
Abyss is the appearance this anti-sphere provides to those who
are insufficiently courageous to dare its depths. as an expanse
of air (crevasse), water (sea), earth or fire (desert), it is
projected as an OBSTACLE TO BE OVERCOME, much as is the Dweller
on the Threshhold, whether Maniacal Raver Choronzon or Sky-Walker
Dakini, who is sometimes said to oppose one's progress 'into
the Upper Triad' in this cartograph of consciousness.

> I have noticed that during the performance of the Qubalistic 
> Cross, Kether is formulated above the head, cooresponding to 
> the Sahasrara chakra and then brought down and to rest at 
> the pineal gland or slightly above and between the eyes. 
> Superficially, this appears to cooresond to Da'ath. My 
> assumption was that it requires Knowledge to formulate the 
> Qubalisic Cross and perform the banishing and/or that the 
> action was symbolic of the descend of Light into Darkness 
> or matter. Does anyone else have a take on this? Thanks.

a great deal of ambiguity surrounds the subject of Da'ath,
and with good reason. it transcends linguistic and logical
categories, being transcendental in scope. some contend
this also means its purport is post-mortem, but I think
this is overly simplistic.

the Hebrew and Indian metaphysical maps were formulated
separately from another. in one a tree contains 'spheres'
sometimes said to reside in a diversity of manifested
worlds, its uppermost reaches arguably inaccessible to all 
but the most diligent and perfect of adepts. in another all
bodies contain a system of 'disks' typically identified as
having a kind of physical locality and effect, yet their
harmonization and uppermost activation are similarly
supposed to be beyond the level of the vulgar to effect.

how these might be related is of course easily debated,
and the vast expression on each will not match up with
that of the other. the best which can be brought to bear
on the subject would be a comparison of concept amongst
those who considered them coincidentally-referential or
a survey of all pertinent commentaries from each culture
and those who steal from them (such as the Hermetic and
the so-called 'Thelemic' which is a part of the Hermetic). 

the Qabalistic Cross has a few variations, the most
rational of which I have seen is the one I created as
a holistic alternative to the luxocentric obsessive model.
the uppermost chakra or disk is not always located above 
the head, though this is not uncommon. neither is Kether 
so rigidly located, though rationally a concentration on
a Lurianic model would indicate the correspondence. those
such as concentric spheres or other orientations (such as
my own Tetraktys) might be more difficult to coordinate
with any rigidity. 

as others have made plain, there is some popular
speculation that the sephira or sphere of Da'ath is most 
accurately associated with the Throat Chakra, and its 
relation to digestion of the infernal or recycled garbage
of the Creation in Hebrew mystical cosmogenesis makes
this quite attractive.

whether this ought also be considered to be equivalent
to or identical with the Abyss should be a discussion
with a greater degree of variance. I would suggest that
its typical nondual character (the contrast made, for
example, between 'that which lies below the Abyss' and
'that above the Abyss', especially in the Hermetic
community) makes an association with the Throat Chakra 
somewhat problematic due to its association with the
very dualistic nature of language given manifestation
in the throat, and that nonduality might more plainly 
point to the Third Eye or Crown Chakras. there is a
great deal of room for argument here, as I have said.

Invoke me under my stars.

> Love is the law, love under will

blessed beast!

nigris (333)

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