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BhP - Anti-Jewish Kabbalists

To: alt.necronomicon,alt.magick.serious,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick
From: catherine yronwode 
Subject: BhP - Re: Anti-Jewish Kabbalists (was: Re: Qabalah NOT Jewish!
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 19:50:59 GMT

Cross-posted to alt.magick, due to recent threads on the Kabbalah.

> From: (-three,four,evil salvator)
> Newsgroups: alt.necronomicon, alt.magick.serious, alt.magick.tyagi
> Subject: Qabalah NOT Jewish!
> Date: 10 Apr 2002 11:02:01 -0700
> Message-ID: 
> In response to many opinions of the contrary, the Qabalah is NOT
> Jewish. Understand the difference between Jewish & Hebrew...they are
> different.
> Hebrews were in bondage in Egypt for hundreds of years. Moses was
> groomed in the Egyptian arts. The HEBREWS (Eber of Abraham line) 
> took this knowledge with them when they left Egypt. As Jesus also 
> left Egypt full of knowledge. When the Hebrews went into bondage 
> into Babylon, they left their captivity as JEWS.
> They went into Babylon as Hebrews, left as Jews, had a temple, came
> out with synagogues, had the Torah, left with the Talmud. Were
> Priests, left as Rabbis.
> Even Ezra says the jews lost their understanding. Jews are a mix of
> many races that IHVH had said to destroy, such as 
> Hittites,Edomites,. etc.
> Now, I believe the jews have added some to the Qabalah, but what 
> they added were their own superstitions to make it harder for the
> 'outsider' to penetrate. So if anything, they corrupted it. The 
> facts are mentioned, research it yourself & be truthful in your 
> quest.

BhP, i titled this thread with your name merely to catch your attention,
not to imply that you are "anti-Jewish" -- and this was the kind of
racist thinking to which i was referring when i spoke earlier of my
opposition to your statement that the Kabbalah was "more Christian" than

Here we see a poster implying that Kabbalah was Egyptian in origin. To
this error he also adds a tremendous lot of confusion and misinformation
about Jewish history and scripture, all of which boils down to the old
"The Jews are not the Jews" theorem -- which, briefly recapitulated, is
the belief that the people who are presently known in this world as
either cultural or observant Jews are NOT people whose ancestors 
   (a) wrote or received the Kabbalah, 
   (b) wrote or received the Pentateuch, 
   (c) built the Temple in Jerusalem, 
   (d) were related to Jesus of Nazareth. 

What follows from this belief is generally a two-fold consequence:
   (a) statements that present-day Jews are, in short, poseur-scum
       when it comes to their own religious history,
   (b) statements that present-day Jews are mixed-race "mongrels," 
   (b) statements that some other group ARE the true Chosen People
       (e.g. The British Israelites). 

In passing i also note -- in anticipation of a post from Blazin' Tommy
D, who has often pointed this out in other anti-Jewish posts made to 
alt.magick under the guise of discussing Kabbalah -- that, for what it's
worth, the poster fails to consistently capitalize the word Jew, but
DOES capitalize words like Hittite, Edomite, and so forth. This is more
of a symptom than an end in itself, of course, but, as BTD has noted, it
helps one to place the poster's embedded paradigms regarding Jews into a
known socio-cultural context. 

This takes us far away from the Kabbalah, but then, such discussions
usually do. They are not about the Kabbalah per se -- the Kabbalah is
only a hook used to drive a wedge of anti-Jewish racial prejudice into
the alt.magick* hiercarchy. 

Now, BhP, i know that what you have been posting has NOT been such
intellectual trash as this, but since you are relatively new to the
alt.magick.* hierarchy, i wanted you to see why your statement about the
Kabbalah being "more Christian" than Jewish was met with such resistence
from both Jews and non-Jews in alt.mgaick: It is a frequent occurance in
usenet's alt.magick.* hierarchy to see Jew-haters or Jew-dismissers such
as the above poster claim the Kabbalah as their own (or as ancient
Egyptian). It is tiresome, it is programmatic on their parts, and it
seems to require a response of some sort every single time, lest
non-Jewish newbies to the subject feel that such statements may gain in
value if they remain unopposed. 

I'm sorry if you felt caught in the crossfire of a battle which you did
not intend to join, but perhaps you will understand the nature of my
response to your "more Christian" remark now. 

I am enjoying the discussion, by the way. 

cat yronwode 

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