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Anti-anti-anti-Jewish Kabbalists

To: alt.necronomicon,alt.magick.serious,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick
From: (Prophet 718)
Subject: Anti-anti-anti-Jewish Kabbalists
Date: 11 Apr 2002 06:17:03 -0700

catherine yronwode  wrote in message news:<>...
> Cross-posted to alt.magick, due to recent threads on the Kabbalah.
> > From: (-three,four,evil salvator)
> > Newsgroups: alt.necronomicon, alt.magick.serious, alt.magick.tyagi
> > Subject: Qabalah NOT Jewish!
> > Date: 10 Apr 2002 11:02:01 -0700
> > Message-ID: 
> >
> > In response to many opinions of the contrary, the Qabalah is NOT
> > Jewish. Understand the difference between Jewish & Hebrew...they are
> > different.
> >
> > Hebrews were in bondage in Egypt for hundreds of years. Moses was
> > groomed in the Egyptian arts. The HEBREWS (Eber of Abraham line) 
> > took this knowledge with them when they left Egypt. As Jesus also 
> > left Egypt full of knowledge. When the Hebrews went into bondage 
> > into Babylon, they left their captivity as JEWS.
> >
> > They went into Babylon as Hebrews, left as Jews, had a temple, came
> > out with synagogues, had the Torah, left with the Talmud. Were
> > Priests, left as Rabbis.
> >
> > Even Ezra says the jews lost their understanding. Jews are a mix of
> > many races that IHVH had said to destroy, such as 
> > Hittites,Edomites,. etc.
> >
> > Now, I believe the jews have added some to the Qabalah, but what 
> > they added were their own superstitions to make it harder for the
> > 'outsider' to penetrate. So if anything, they corrupted it. The 
> > facts are mentioned, research it yourself & be truthful in your 
> > quest.
> BhP, i titled this thread with your name merely to catch your attention,
> not to imply that you are "anti-Jewish" -- and this was the kind of
> racist thinking to which i was referring when i spoke earlier of my
> opposition to your statement that the Kabbalah was "more Christian" than
> Jewish. 
> Here we see a poster implying that Kabbalah was Egyptian in origin. 

  All scientific and archaeological evidence indicates the Hebrew
alphabet evolved from a proto-script based on Egyptian hieroglyphics,
first appearing in Egypt around 2000 BCE. This evidence flys directly
in the face of the claims made in the Sepher Yetzirah (Book of
Formations) that the Hebrew alphabet was created by 'God' when the
Universe was created. The facts are a good example of the difference
between 'religious history' (a likely candidate for oxymoronism), and
'religious tradition'. See below. With the heart of Jewish kabbala
consisting of the Hebrew alphabet, claims of kabbala originating in
Egypt are not unfounded.

> To this error he also adds a tremendous lot of confusion and misinformation
> about Jewish history and scripture, all of which boils down to the old
> "The Jews are not the Jews" theorem -- which, briefly recapitulated, is
> the belief that the people who are presently known in this world as
> either cultural or observant Jews are NOT people whose ancestors 

>    (a) wrote or received the Kabbalah, 

   Well the Jewish advocates certainly did not 'receive' or write all
of the elements found in their Kabbala. Would you like a list?

>    (b) wrote or received the Pentateuch, 
>    (c) built the Temple in Jerusalem, 
>    (d) were related to Jesus of Nazareth. 

   There were dozens of competent reporters and historians alive in
nations surrounding Jerusalem during period Jesus was supposed to have
lived. From them we have not a single corroboration of the account of
his life presented in the gospels. Casting further aspersions on the
historical accuracy of the gospel-accounts are letters attributed to
Paul and other biblical writers who make no mention whatsoever of the
life of Jesus, but instead refer to the 'Christos' much in the same
manner as the Gnostics did - not as as a person, but as a mystical

> What follows from this belief is generally a two-fold consequence:
>    (a) statements that present-day Jews are, in short, poseur-scum
>        when it comes to their own religious history,

  But the Rabbins will tell you, they are not teaching religious
history, but religious tradition. See above. This constant confusion
between the terms of history and tradition has become very tiresome to
seekers of genuine historical fact. Folktales are not history.

>    (b) statements that present-day Jews are mixed-race "mongrels," 

  A bizarre conclusion from several angles. If the Jews were of a
mixed-race descent, would it hurt their claims as the Chosen People?
If so, please explain why. On the other hand, if it could be proven
the Jewish people are of a pure blood, would it help their case in
claiming to be the Chosen people of the ultimate power in the
Universe? Biblical researchers have recently directed attention to the
Merneptah stele, a victory stele listing the military conquests of
Egyptian King Merneptah. One of the inscriptions states "Israel has
been laid waste; his seed is no more". The statement is being
presented as proof that Israel existed. What I find remarkable is the
failure to see the evidence as a two-edged sword. Clearly the
statement indicates the males of Israel were killed, and the women
taken by the Egyptians. If true, then the inscription not only serves
as evidence of the existence of Israel, but its racial destruction as
well, which endangers the idea of a pure semitic race of people,
descended from and chosen by the ultimate power of the Universe.

  Prophet 718

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