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Stature and Attainment

From: (haramullah)
Subject: Stature and Attainment 

50000317 IVom

assalam alaykum, my kin.

a correspondent writes:
> The problem I have is this:  The phrase "hierarchy is dead" usually means 
> "I'm pissed because I'm not getting the recognition as an adept I think I 
> deserve in this organization" and/or "I'll call myself a student in a 
> spiritual school but I'm for damn' sure not letting anyone, least of all a 
> teacher, tell me what to do."

what are the characteristics of an "adept"? if I meet a complete stranger on
the street, perhaps we walk together and have lunch before noontime prayers,
what should I watch for in their behaviour, in how they treat me, in how they
react to me and others, that would indicate their adeptship, in comparison
to someone who is 'merely' a devout believer without adeptship? 

are adepts due different treatment than "ordinary folks"? if so, why?

> The first time I heard the term "synarchy" was from Pir Vilayat, about twenty 
> years ago.  He probably coined it.  It's one thing for a being of his 
> stature, who has paid his dues as a student and is the head of a worldwide 
> spiritual school with thousands of active members, to speak of synarchy.  

is being a part of a social group as an underling or lower-ranking member
a kind of "dues payment"? does one stop being a student as one moves into
a position of social responsibility? what are the absolute differences
between students and other people?

from what I can see you speak of a spectrum of personal development here:

	* uninvolved, unaware, ignorant 'ordinary folks'

	* students

	* adepts

is there something beyond this, like "scholars" or "imams", "saints" or 
"messengers", "prophets", and even "final messengers"? if you're going
to recognize an absolute hierarchy of development, then let's make it
very clear of what you think this consists.

> Coming from anyone of lesser attainment, it's really a little silly.   

does attainment always occur simultaneous with social stature? are
there those of social stature without attainment or those who have
personal attainment but lack social stature? if there are the latter,
are there means, as I have asked above, to identify them should they
deem it important to grace us with their presence? and likewise are
there means to identify those who have social stature who are lacking
in personal development?

> At the very least, it's not helpful to the new seekers who are 
> looking for direction.

are there means of directing new seekers to sources of inspiration
outside of an hierarchy? what about referrals? could I not say to
them "if you need help in finding direction, I would recommend that
you consult with my sister Fatima, whose attainment I can attest as
being sufficient to handle your course of development"? this does
not appear to require a diversification into organizations, status,
separation based on personal characteristics such as gender or
social connections, etc.

I find the subject of authority to be a very important one, often
overlooked or over-emphasized for the purposes of loyalty. I think
it is valuable to try to create social systems without rigid forms
of authority and simultaneously to recognize stratification of
experience and insight as we see them. at times these two become
confused and identified rather than seen as different categories
of status (i.e. social role and personal development).

thank you for your time. peace be with you,


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