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From: (haramullah)
Subject: Presumption

50000411 IVom

assalam alaykum, my kin.

a correspondent writes:
> The part where Haramullah talks about "brazenness" at the end, reminded me
> of one of my favorite books when I was a kid (I am still a kid compared to
> those who heard Jimmy Hendrix live, but never mind that):  The once and
> future king.  By TH White about King Arthur, I am certain that several
> people on this list may have read all or parts of it at some point.

I have read that book more than once and love it dearly. the character
of Merlin/Myrddin is quite important to me, as are other depictions of
him (and Mordred) in Arthurian and quasi-Arthurian legend.
> ...So when we are on the Path -- is there ever a time when presumption 
> is the RIGHT thing to do?  

how do we tell if we are even on the Path, as you put it? where are the
signs and omens? what if we have mistaken them? so many variables we
take for granted, sure in our meandering through the Garden. so we 
have ALREADY presumed that we are on some special route rather than 
running the same course as all the others. here is where the presumption
begins. is it "right" to presume we are on the Path, or anything
else, for that matter? I think it may serve us a little while, but it
is not foolproof. too many have taken turns from the Straight Path
and contended them to be 'Short Cuts' only to find that we are the 
butt of Shaitan's joke one more time. 

but is exploration WITHOUT presumption valuable? if we do not at least
TENTATIVELY presume, then won't we stagnate in our indecision and
torpitude? this is where the Testimony of Faith comes in. it is the
start of every spiritual path, whether this be in the form of the
classic Shahadah (concerning the One and Hir Glory) or some other,
the acceptance of guidance in the Faithful Testimony is essential.
given this initial impetus of presumption based on our heart and
the advice of our better(s), perhaps only the first presumption 
is what is required? after that should we rest assured?

accepting a guide, we set ourSELVES upon the Path. what more could 
there be for us to presume given such a journey? and yet our guide
is not always an intermediary between us and the world. nor may
she always be available to us for consultation such that we can
rely upon hir evaluation. the Most Compassionate makes available
our own abilities to assess, discern, judge, indeed even tentatively
presume. to avoid refining these through trial and error is to
disregard these precious gifts. even our guide(s) will agree that
there comes a time when all the study and training we may have
received must be tried and tempered in what we call the 'Real
World'. refraining from using our mind and heart to discover the
Beloved whom we have overlooked and misconstrued is a sorrowful
and shameful error, especially when we are of a strength and
confidence due to the support of our guide(s) as to make these
important, if potentially mistaken and error-ridden, choices.

it is only when the presumption occurs before we are ready that
the problems grow. otherwise we can proceed with care and the
attention that such a Path requires. stabilized and grounded by
our faith and guide(s), we can proceed to try, fail, try again,
discipline and enjoy ourselves as we pursue the Great Work.
> Is there a cathartic time when we HAVE to be presumptuous?  

yes, when we are testing out our new skin, when our training-
wheels are firmly in place and our sources of authority are
aligned in watching us attempt to apply the secrets that they
have imparted to us.

> Perhaps this is a question that even the spiritual
> guide will refuse to answer for us.

indeed, some guides will attempt to deny it until there is no
other means of maturation. constraining the student until she
is able and willing to break free, the guide may have strengthened
hir so as to resist other dominating influences which unfairly
bend or influence the will toward service of something other than
that which she may worship and in which she may have faith.
an ability to adhere to the mast while sailing into stormy weather 
may have been facilitated by our guide trying to take something we 
think we want away from us, while we do not understand that we are 
being prepared for an adventure on the High Seas.

peace be with you,


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