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Invoking Allah's Names For Spells

From: (haramullah)
Subject: Invoking Allah's Names For Spells (was Allah's (SWT)...)

50000509 IVom

assalam alaykum, my kin.

a correspondent wrote:
>I was told by a shaikh that you should invoke Allah's name only with 
>permission.  For example, the shaikh may ask you to invoke "Ya Qahhar" 
>(O Destroyer).  In this case, He may ask you to call on Allah to 
>destroy your bad qualities, or to destroy obstacles between you and 
>Him.  If you use His names without permission, you may not know what 
>you would be destroying.  Just my two cents worth.

once my guide instructed me that I should invoke the negative names
(or neutral names applied in a way to negate) upon myself and a
thief who had stolen my only transport (a bicycle). as I understood
this it was a 'curse', or magical spell of resolution. upon us both
I invoked the Most Compassionate to have us feel the loss of those
which have a thing stolen, the complete absence of ownership which
we have when in the presence of She Who Owns All, and the wrath of
the Bringer of Justice for those who have broken the Law.

I used the bicycle hook which once held the vehicle and a paper
with these names written upon them, along with some tarot cards
that I had also integrated into the spell. it was most effective.
I never saw the bike again, but I did feel resolved about the theft.

peace be with you,


Subject: Re: Invoking Allah's Names For Spells (was Allah's (SWT)...)
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 20:44:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: (haramullah)

50000510 IVom

assalam alaykum, my kin.

>>once my guide instructed me that I should invoke the negative names
>>(or neutral names applied in a way to negate) upon myself and a
>>thief who had stolen my only transport (a bicycle). as I understood
>>this it was a 'curse', or magical spell of resolution. asks Brother Hafizullah:
>...Do you think an oppressed person would not be heard if he invokes 
>Allah's Names on his own, or it would harm him/her or others instead 
>of bringing justice and balance into the Universe?! Isn't Allah the 
>Most Wise, does not He own all intelligence? Or do you think the 
>danger was in the use of objects (like the hook of the bike, the 
>cards, etc. as in Haramullah's example) for it would release a Jinn?!. 
>or the danger was in the desire of "intiqaam/revenge" that is harming 
>the person and would lead them to harm others or revenge from them, 
>thinking it is approved by Allah?!

I wish to clarify something about that incident. during it I submitted
myself to every experience that I invoked upon both the thief and
myself. I sought to learn as much as to ground out my anger and desire
for revenge. later we had another bike stolen (a community bike) and
though I was the one who had cared for it most, my anger, my sense of
violation, was nowhere near the same. the spell had had a 
transformative effect upon me. neither bike was returned, and I felt
that I had achieved a beneficial result on the whole. 

I did not attempt to "instruct" the thief as to what he should do. I
did not consider myself "worthy" of revenge or even of retaining the
vehicle. I do not "own" anything, really, as I saw it (Allah owns
all things, if there is any owner). my intent was to find some kind
of rectification. it was completely possible that my actions had no 
effect (or inspired no response from Allah) upon the thief. it was not
my place to expect such a thing.

therefore while I may have had some feelings of wanting 'justice'
and 'revenge', I left these in the hands of the Most Compassionate
during the course of the spell. I acknowledged all of the feelings
which I was experiencing, the ambiguous relationship that I have
with all objects, and the ultimate ridiculousness of the situation.

>However, I recall a beautiful Hadith Qudsy, in which Allah warns us not to 
>rush to invoke against those who did injustice to us, because surly we too, 
>did injustice to someone else in our life "forgiveness" is a 
>much better choice. But sometimes, I wonder perplexed about the true meaning 
>of forgiveness?! What does it mean? To forget all the past?! when are we to 
>be considered unforgiving and when to be considered forgiving? Does 
>forgiveness bring balance and justice to the Universe, to people and how?! 

one of the Names I invoked was the Forgiver. my intent wasn't so much
to "invoke against" as to resolve what seemed to me a breach in the
moral fabric of my community (it was quite possible that a member of 
my household had staged the theft to sell to support his substance use). 
the possibility of "releasing a djinn" was never a problem to me, since 
I have dealt with the djinni for years and feel comfortable doing so, 
sometimes despite the protests of my Muslim kin who warned against it.

peace be with you,


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