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Fishing For Whales

From: (haramullah)
Subject: Fishing For Whales

50000404 IVom

assalam alaykum, my kin.

a correspondent wrote:
> ...I don't know why my posts are looked at as imposing my beliefs 
> on others? I try to use words like I think, I guess, my speculation. 
> In fact I feel the other way round, I feel some fellows are trying 
> to impose on me a style to use, or puts limits on whom I quote and 
> what issue I discuss or even on my speculations!. Those, who 
> think I'm imposing, look again...why not, you too are imposing?

is it not beautiful that we are drawn to those with whom we share
a need for instruction on similar if not the same issues? I have
struggled with this exact problem during a portion of my life. at
times previous and occasionally of late I am told that I am *not*
forceful enough, not well-enough defined and resolute in expression.

being meek and battered for speaking without thought, I withdrew
to the safety of quietude and imperceptibility. I found a place
which nobody could touch and rested there, as perched on a nest
and waiting for my wings to feather. studying and wrestling with
the great teachers of the ages (philosophers), I debated them
and railed at them in their stoic solidity, like battling with
a punching bag or a target into which I may shoot holes. 

criticized for 'never taking a stand during discussion', I then
explored, venturing out on long piers to fish for whales. at
times I would be consumed by large monsters from the sea. in
more pacific waters I learned that I could walk to the other
end of the pier and the fishing would be nearly as good. 

but the fish I caught would sometimes cry for the pain of the
hook in their mouth. I took pity on them and began to coax the
littlest ones near to the pier with portions of bread, small
questions of large import that every beginner asks and for
which every arrogant "teacher" knows the Answer (conclusive,
ask no more questions here, student!). so it was that I found
no difference between teacher and student, save that the one
is comfortable with the process of reflection and consideration
while the latter will sometimes anger and impatiently demand
easy solutions of their own or someone else's selection.

and I suppose that I have also wanted easy solutions. finding
none, perhaps I set about challenging all the easy solutions
that seemed to satisfy others. bested by an inflatable clown,
perhaps I wished to pit this clown against others to see how
they would fare. is it not humbling that the difficulties
we experience we project upon our comrades and ascribe to
them the exact obstacles we ourselves cannot overcome? 

> what my Sufi friend in PA told me:"We only have the illusion 
> that our life is stable, but we all have no stability just as 
> you, for life is about change and you don't know what change 
> will happen next or how huge is it". I love her ways...she 
> gives assurance and hope.

what compassion! what breadth of forgiveness and insight!
> ...I was afraid to open the letters seeing my name on the 
> titles. I felt I want to stay in the group, yet I don't know 
> how to deal with it, or if I would be accepted. 

so easy to finger a member of the cast and make them the
subject of the play. often this is done to those who are
shy or on the verge of some personal growth. sometimes it
is an aggressive attempt to squelch the certitude of another
and 'put them in their place'. usually it results from
personality clashes.

you are accepted here, kindred. rest easy and know that
there are those of us who understand your struggles, 
welcoming you in all your facets, your stridency and
your uncertainty. your heart is true, and there is no
rebuke coming from this quarter. only a handshake and a
smile while greeting.

peace be with you,


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