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Islam a Prerequisite to Sufism?

From: James McCaig 
Subject: Re: Islam a Prerequisite to Sufism?
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 1996 10:15:29 -0500

At 12:04 PM 1/31/96 +0000, Ahmad Sheikh wrote:
>Did God not name mysticism before islam in Christianity as Ruhbania
>and abolished that particular way in Islam. I would be pleased if
>you could give some solid and conlusive evidence to support your
Dear Ahmad Sheikh,

Being no expert on Islam, I will again rely upon the wisdom of Hazrat Inayat
Khan who writes:

In Islam there is no caste, as the message was meant to unite humanity in
one brotherhood, and yet it was found necessary to train individuals
according to their evolution in life. A training was given in four grades,
namely Shariat, Tariqat, Haqiqat, and Marefat. 
Since the world of Islam became engaged in national and social affairs, the
religious authorities held on to Shariat only, and a few pious ones to
Tariqat. It was the latter who sought the door of the Sufi, wanting an
initiation into the inner light which was contained in the two remaining
grades, Haqiqat and Marefat.
Two immediate disciples of the Prophet, Ali and Siddiq, were initiated by
the Prophet, and they became the great masters of the inner teachings of the
knowledge of God. The Sufis who lived at the same time as the Prophet were
benefited by his presence and the inspiration they gained in Sufism, which
is soon reached through the path of Shariat, Tariqat, Haqiqat, and Marefat.
Shariat means the law which is necessary for the generality to observe, in
order to harmonize with one's surroundings and with one's self within.
Although the religious authorities of Islam have limited this law to
restrictions, yet in a thousand places in the Qur'an and Hadith one can
trace how the law of Shariat is meant to be subject to change, in order to
suit the time and place. The law of Shariat, unlike any other religious law,
deals with all aspects of life and that is why the Prophet of Islam had
personally to experience all aspects of life. The Prophet as an orphan, as a
warrior, as a politician, as a merchant, as a shepherd, as a king, as a
husband, as a father, as a brother, as a son and a grandson, had to play
different parts in various aspects of life in the world before he was ready
to give this divine law.
Tariqat means the understanding of law besides the following of it. It means
that we must understand the cause behind everything we should do or not do,
instead of obeying the law without understanding it. Those who are less
evolved are supposed to have faith and to submit to the law. The law is for
those whose intelligence does not accept things that cannot be explained by
Haqiqat means knowing the truth of our being and the inner laws of nature.
This knowledge widens man's heart. When he has realized the truth of being,
he has realized the one Being; then he is different from nobody, distant
from no one, one with all. This is the grade in which religion ends and
Sufism begins.
Marefat means the actual realization of God, the one Being, when there is no
doubt anywhere.
When these four grades are accomplished, then Sufism comes into full play.
Sufi comes from Saf meaning pure; not only pure from differences and
distinctions, but even pure from all that is learnt and known. That is the
state of God, the pure and perfect One.

Maharaj James McCaig                 	|  Sufi Center of Washington
Brotherhood/Sisterhood Representative	|  Keepers of Sufi Center Bookstore
United States                         		|


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