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To: alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan,alt.magick.tantra From: Nicole FreedSubject: Re: Tantric? Date: 20 Jan 1996 00:55:20 GMT Tyagi--In my understanding, 'tantras' are a body of texts accepted as authoritative and canonical by realized Tibetan Buddhist masters (I can only speak about the Buddhist tantras). They form the source material for the rituals, practices, and understandings of Tibetan Buddhism today. They also constitute what is known as 'kama,' or the 'long transmission lineage' within Tibetan Buddhism--i.e. that which is passed mouth to mouth, teacher to student. Other types of transmission lineage are 'terma,' in which teachings are discovered or revealed to enlightened teachers, then buried, then rediscovered again when the time is ripe. Terma is considered 'short lineage,' because it is rediscovered afresh in the exact form in which it was buried, without a chance for it to become corrupted by individuals' twisting or word-of-mouth transmission. It is easy to find out who received or discovered particular termas (they are generally attributed to their discoverers), but there is some dispute about who authored the tantras. Many (including realized Tibetan Buddhist masters) attribute some of them to the Buddha himself, but many others are attributed to one or another primordial Buddha, such as Vajradhara, Samantabhadra, Padmasambhava, etc. No, you can't write tantras--for the reasons described; they're an existing body of texts--although you might discover them; but can 'write' terma--if your mind is as spacious as the sky and completely free of any internal (or external) obstruction or thought of self. Try reading THE HEART TREASURE OF THE ENLIGHTENED ONES by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche or ENLIGHTENED JOURNEY by Tulku Thondup (both by Shambhala Publications).
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