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Tantra, Swinging and Polyamory

From: (nagasiva yronwode)
Newsgroups: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.religion.sexuality,alt.magick.tantra
Subject: Re: Tantra, Swinging and Polyamory (was Swinging and Neo-Tantra ...)
Organization: Sonoma Interconnect,Santa Rosa,CA(us),
Lines: 57
Message-ID: <8bhgpj$>
References:  <8b23sn$>  <8b8j6p$>  <8b9fp0$>  <> <>
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.4 (NOV)
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 04:54:07 GMT
X-Trace: 953960047 (Fri, 24 Mar 2000 20:54:07 PST)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 20:54:07 PST
Xref: alt.magick.tyagi:22268 alt.religion.sexuality:41115 alt.magick.tantra:14905

50000325 IVom kali

mdhjwh :
>Taking Guru hypocrisy to mean the contrast between the explicit statements 
>and practice provides a clear basis for evaluation. 

unless, as I said elsewhere, the guru makes it clear that a different
standard applies to chelas than to gurus (which seems reasonable to me).

>However if siddhi are 
>used to spellbind in a traditional guru-chela relationship 

are you aware of instances of this? if so, could you describe them in
more detail?

>or NT 
>relationship, how can the new initiate protect themselves from exploitation
>in the form of sexual and/or psychic rape ?

by taking certain precautions:

	* surveying the field across a wide spectrum of instructors and
	  students before making any kind of energetic or monetary
	  commitment in order to establish in the mind of the student
	  what a guru *should* be like, what kind of relationships
	  *should* fall under the umbrella of 'guru-chela', and when
	  they should consider themselves "ready" to engage such a thing

	* getting references from other chelas or reviewers of the guru
	  in question testifying as to the reliability and safety of
	  the individual

	* being extremely skeptical of gurus outside of any traditional
	  lineage (because traditional societies may exercise some kind 
	  of restraint, dissuading extreme or violating acts)

	* interviewing in some depth the guru, asking them about how
	  they see the guru-chela relationship, what they think about
	  the roles and their limitations (especially with regard to
	  intimacy and domination), and to what extremes they have put 
	  their chelas in the past.

those who balk at such prophylactic measures are probably not worth
the cautious aspirant's time.

the most foolproof method of avoiding sexual or psychic rape is by
not getting into such lopsided relationships that horrors like this
would become possible. barring this, such a choice will necessarily
include some risk.


-- ; ; 
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