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To: alt.magick.tantra From: "Emir Halilovic"Subject: Re: Male ejaculation control Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 01:14:52 +0200 > Ok, just for the lowest common denominator here (me) could you please describe > the difference between what is meant by Left hand and Right hand Tantra? I > know how these terms apply to Ceremonial Magick, but it doesn't seem to be the > same case here. > > Thanks for putting up with my naivete'. > > Agape, > Sienna Right Hand path/Left Hand path is a classification devised to separate "more traditional and more common techniques" (RHP), from other, non-comformist techniques (LHP). Right Hand path techniques comply with yama/niyama principles of yoga - Left Hand path not necessarily. It is usually said that Right Hand path techniques deal with most of the parts of human experience, and that the Left Hand path techniques deal only with the most problematic areas (sex and fear). Right Hand path techniques (all kinds of yoga, par example) work on sex and fear, too, but in a more subtle way, through changing the whole of the being. Left Hand path techniques work on the problematic fields AND use the energy contained there for much faster changing of the being. Simply put, yogi attains enlightenment using traditional techniques, he becomes fearless and his raw sexuality purifies into sensuality and sensibility (along the way), while tantrika attains enlightenment AFTER overcoming raw sexuality (and making it a device) and attaining fearlessness. Left Hand path is thus a kind of a shortcut, but it's very narrow and slippery - it shouldn't be practised by someone completely new to tantra. Most of the people who practice tantra (or what they call tantra) in the West, as far as I know, are perfect examples of deadly peril of the Left Hand path - they are obsessed with technicalities, their pleasure, philosophising, while completely loosing track of the aim. They just become more and more spiritually dead every day. It's interesting that none of them ever tried to work with fear, and it's a traditional field of Left Hand path. Narada PS: I mentioned yama and niyama, so I will explain them shortly YAMA = self-restraints Ahimsa=non-violence Satya=truth Asteya= honesty Brahmacharya=sexual control Aparigraha = non-posessivness NIYAMA = observances Shaucha = purity Santosha = contentness Tapas = austerity Shwadyaya = self-study Ishwara Pranidhana=self surrender (litterally "surrender to the Supreme") I tried to give the translation with as little interpretation as possible - after all, Patanjali described these, my explanation work only for me (maybe).
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