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to occult, mystical, and spiritual subjects. |
Subject: From _The White Lotus_, by Osho (Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh): A frank female rebel named Glutz Disdained any ifs, ands, or buts; When they asked what she'd need To be totally freed Of her hang-up, her answer was, "Nuts!" Everybody is in need of nuts, because everybody is nuts. Mad people are in need of other mad people, because only mad people can support your illusions. You support their illusions, they support your illusions. That is what is called friendship, love, companionship in the ordinary world: 'A friend in need is a friend indeed'. And when is the need? - when your illusions start disappearing he helps you to hold, to cling hard to them. He does not allow you to let go of your illusions. Whatsoever happens, he helps you to remain the same as you have always been. He does not allow you to change. Life is trying to change you every moment, but you have so many friends, protectors. parents, teachers, and your family. The whole management of the government, the church, is such that it helps you to remain as you are. It is the great conspiracy to keep people dreaming, because nobody wants you to be awake. It is dangerous, because any people who have ever become awakened have always proved dangerous to the status quo, to the established church, state, society - to the establishment as such. The awakened people have always proved a kind of nuisance, because they start helping other people to become awake. _The White Lotus_, by Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh, p. 164. tyagi
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