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Yugas: Kali

To: alt.astrology
From: (Jai Maharaj)
Subject: Yugas: Kali (
Date: 49940613

...the following table ...describes the duration and times of each 
of the Yug: (Age) as described in the ancient text of Soorya Siddhant: 
(Sun Principles)...
There are many meanings in many contexts of the Sanskrit words
used below and I have used just one set of the English equivalents. 
My emphasis here is on the systematic decrease in the duration of
each Yug:, which has great qualitative difference from the

% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
%           COMPOSITION OF A CHATURYUG (Quadruple) AGE          %
%         From the same source as the principle of Karm:        %
%                                                               %
%                          Divine Years    Solar Years          %
%                                                               %
%                     Dawn       400          144,000           %
%                 Krt: Yug     4,000        1,440,000           %
%                 Twilight       400 _____    144,000 _________ %
%    Total Krt: Yug: Duration        4,800            1,728,000 %
%                                                               %
%                     Dawn       300          108,000           %
%                Tret: Yug     3,000        1,080,000           %
%                 Twilight       300 _____    108,000 _________ %
%   Total Tret: Yug: Duration        3,600            1,296,000 %
%                                                               %
%                     Dawn       200           72,000           %
%              Dwapar: Yug     2,000          720,000           %
%                 Twilight       200 _____     72,000   _______ %
% Total Dwapar: Yug: Duration        2,400              864,000 %
%                                                               %
%                     Dawn       100           36,000           %
%                Kali Yug:     1,000          360,000           %
%                 Twilight       100 _____     36,000   _______ %
%     Total Kali Yug: Duration       1,200              432,000 %
%                                   ======            ========= %
%  Total Duration of a Chaturyug:   12,000            4,320,000 %
%                                                               %
%       Further,  1 Manvantar: = 71 Chatryug: + 1 Krt: Yug:     %
%                              = (71 x 4320000) + 1728000       %
%                              = 308,448,000 Solar Years        %
%           And,                                                %
%                      1 Kalp: = 14 Manvantar: + 1 Krt: Yug:    %
%                              = (14 x 308448000) + 1728000     %
%                              = 4,320,000,000 Solar Years      %
%                                                               %
% % % Om Shanti! Jai Maharaj, Vedic Astrologer  % % % % % % % % %
                             _ _ _ _
                jai maharaj |_|   |_| mantra corporation
 jyotishi, vedic astrologer |_|_ _|_| +1 808 948 4357
    |_|_|_|_| vedic prediction sciences

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