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The Kulachudamani Tantra: 1

[from ]

Subject: The Kulachudamani Tantra: 1
   The Kulachudamani Tantra, previously serialised in Azoth
   Magazine, is an important Kaula text and, most likely, far older
   than many others. Here, Shiva asks Shakti questions, making this
   a nigama rather an agama.
                             First Chapter
   Sri Bhairava said: Innumerable are Tripura (tantras), innumerable
   those of Kalika, countless those of Vagishvari, numberless the
   beautiful Kulakulas known as Matangini, Purna, Vimala,
   Candanayika, Tripura-Ekajata, Durga and Kulasundari.
   Numberless the Vaisnava, Ganapatya, Saura, Shaivite, and the
   different doctrines of Shankara. The highest of the doctrines are
   the 64 tantras: the Mahasarasvata, Yoginijala, Shambhara, Tattva-
   Shambhara, the eight Bhairavas, the eight Bahurupas, the Jnana,
   the eight Yamalas, the Tantrajnana, the Vasuki, the
   Mahasammohana, the Mahasuksma, the Vahana and the Vahana Uttaram,
   the Hrdbheda, the Guhyatattva, the Kamika, the Kalapaka, the
   Kubjika Mata, the Maya Uttara, the Vina, the Trodala Uttara, the
   Pancamrta, the Rupabheda, the Bhutadamara, the Kulasara, the
   Kullodisa, the Visvatmaka, the Sarvajnatmaka, the Mahapitrmata,
   the Mahalakshmi Mata, the Siddhi Yogesvari Mata, the Kurupika
   Mata, the Rupikamata, the Sarvaviramata, the Vimalamata, the
   tantras of east, south, west and north, the Niruttara, the
   Vaisesikajnanatantra, the Sivabali, the Arunesa, the Mohanesa and
   the Visuddhesvara.
   O Lovely Hipped One, now speak to me of their essence if you have
   love for me.
   Devi said: Listen Deva, supremely blissful quintessence, the Lord
   of Kula, to the very essence of knowledge of the ocean of Kula
   tantra, concealed by my Maya.
   I am Great Nature, consciousness, bliss, the quintessence,
   devotedly praised. Where I am, there are no Brahma, Hara, Shambhu
   or other devas, nor is there creation, maintenance or
   dissolution. Where I am, there is no attachment, happiness,
   sadness, liberation, goodness, faith, atheism, guru or disciple.
   When I, desiring creation, cover myself with my Maya and become
   triple, becoming ecstatic in my wanton love play, I am Vikarini,
   giving rise to the various things.
   The five elements and the 108 lingams come into being, while
   Brahma and the other devas, the three worlds, Bhur-Bhuvah-Svah
   spontaneously come into manifestation.
   By mutual differences of Shiva and Shakti, the (three) gunas
   originate. All things, such as Brahma and so forth, are my parts,
   born from my being. Dividing and blending, the various tantras,
   mantras and kulas come into being. After withdrawing the five
   fold universe, I, Lalita, become of the nature of nirvana. Once
   more, men, great nature, egoism, the five elements, sattvas,
   rajas and tamas become manifested. This universe of parts appears
   and is then dissolved.
   O All-Knowing One, if I am known, what need is there for revealed
   scriptures and sadhana? If I am unknown, what use for puja and
   revealed text? I am the essence of creation, manifested as woman,
   intoxicated with sexual desire, in order to know you as guru, you
   with whom I am one. Even given this, Mahadeva, my true nature
   still remains secret.
   Devi said: Listen son, to the very plain exposition of the
   teachings of utmost bliss. I speak of the method relating to the
   yoga of liberation. This is the one essence of all tantras,
   worshipped by all devas, giving every sort of knowledge, secret,
   giving a clear idea of the essence of enlightenment, free of good
   or evil, giver of both enjoyment and liberation, consisting of
   all paths. Dear son, it deludes even the wise!
   It is of various and numerous meanings and is the goal and refuge
   of all pure disciples. It is known as the best path according to
   all the paths, yet is reviled by all doctrines. It should be
   known only through the best of teachers. It should be protected
   and hidden in the heart very carefully, as I did not reveal it to
   Vishnu, Dhatra or Ganapati.
   Dear son, whoever is unaware of this tantra is incompetent.
   Dearest, I speak of the pure knowledge of Kulacara.
   Arising at dawn, a sadhaka should bow to a Kula tree. After
   meditating on the Kulas from the Muladhara to the one thousand
   petalled lotus, he should meditate on the gurus.
   Then he should meditate on and worship the Kulagurus
   Prahladanandanatha, Sanakanandanatha, Kumaranandanatha,
   Vasistanandanatha, Krodhanandanatha, Sukhanandanatha,
   Jnananandanatha, and Bodhanandanatha as being intoxicated by the
   nectar of the absolute, whose blissful hearts show in their eyes,
   their darkness cut and crushed by their having embraced
   Kulasastra, merciful to Kula disciples, complete, compassionate
   and effulgent, giving boons and dispelling fear, knowing the
   essence of all Kulatantras.
   After bowing to the Kulagurus, one should give worship to the
   Kula Matrikas, fashioning a Kula place and bathing oneself in all
   the holy waters (tirthas).
   Dear son, a Kulaguru is an accomplished being and said to be the
   vehicle of happiness. Dear son, conceal this very secret
   marvellous doctrine from the sight of pashus.
   They who should reject the Kulanatha, who alone is a Shakta,
   served by the Kulas, for them initiation and sadhana is black
   magic. Because of this, one should by every effort resort to a
   Kulina guru. It is said a Kulina is competent in all vidyas and
   is able to initiate in all mantras.
   Artwork is (c) Jan Bailey, 1995. Translations are (c) Mike Magee
   1995. For more information, send e-mail to

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