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The Kali Yuga

From: tyagi mordred nagasiva 
Subject: The Kali Yuga
Date: 49940613
Quoting: | (Jai Maharaj) 

|...I  present this
|translation from Sanskrit. The original can be found at the Indira
|Gandhi Center  in New Delhi  among millions of  other manuscripts.
|This  particular piece  dates back  to about  3,500 BCE  by modern
|dating methods and refers to the  Kalyug (one of four ages) we are
|presently  in. The  Kalyug began  5,094 years  ago and  is 432,000
|years long. Therefore, 426,906 years  remain. Then, after a period
|of twilight, the next era, Krtyug begins. Kalyug summary follows:
|                                                 """""""

This is very interesting.  I would like to know if there are other
estimates in relation to the Kali Yuga, since I wish to orient my
dating schema toward my devotional focus. ;>  If you have any idea
about alternative estimates about when the Kali Yuga began and how
many years have passed since that beginning, please post them in
response and email me a copy of that post.  I'll be out of town for
the next week or so, and would thus appreciate a copy of your post.

|-- All rulers occupying the Earth in the Kalyug will be wanting in
|    tranquility, strong in anger, taking  pleasure at all times in
|    lying and dishonesty, inflicting  death on women, children and
|    animals, prone to take the  paltry possessions of others, with
|    character  that  is  mostly  Tamas,  rising  to power and soon
|    falling.

As I understand it, the 'tamasic' element is the most heavy, earthy
element of this system and it makes much sense to me that it would
be the key element in the Kali Yuga.

|-- They  will  be  short-lived,  ambitious,  of  little virtue and
|    greedy.
|-- People  will  follow the  customs of  others and be adulterated
|    with   them;  peculiar,   undisciplined  barbarians   will  be
|    vigorously supported by the rulers.  Because they go on living
|    with perversion, they will be ruined.
|-- The destruction  of the world will occur  because of profit and
|    the departure from virtue, little by little, day by day.
|-- Money alone  will confer nobility.
|-- Power will be the sole definition of virtue.
|-- Pleasure will be the only reason for marriage.
|-- Lust will be the only reason for womanhood.
|-- Falsehood will win out in disputes.
|-- Being dry of water will be the only definition of land.
|-- Clothes and ornaments alone will distinguish holy persons.
|-- Praiseworthiness will be measured by accumulated wealth.
|-- Wearing  a  talisman  will  be  sufficient cause for religious
|    retreat.
|-- Impropriety   will  be  considered   good   conduct,  and  only
|    feebleness will be the reason for unemployment.
|-- Boldness and arrogance will become equivalent to scholarship.
|-- Only those  without wealth will show honesty.  Just a bath will
|    amount to purification, and charity will be the only virtue.
|-- Abduction will be marriage.
|-- Simply to be well-dressed will signify propriety.
|-- And any water hard to reach will be deemed a pilgrimage site.
|-- The pretense of greatness will be the proof of it, and powerful
|    men with many severe faults will  rule over all the classes on
|    Earth.
|-- Oppressed by their excessively  greedy rulers, people will hide
|    in  valleys between  mountains where  they will  gather honey,
|    vegetables, roots, fruits, flowers and so forth.

The previous notes were expected.  This last is very interesting.

|-- Suffering  from  cold, wind,  heat and  rain, they  will put on
|    clothes made of tree-bark and leaves.  And no one will live as
|    long as twenty-three years.

23 years, hm?  Shades of Greyface!

|-- Thus in the Kalyug humankind will be utterly destroyed.

Yes, isn't it exciting?!  I am told that this is to be followed by
a period of almost pure nothingness, succeeded by a reCreation.
Which god does that recreating is dependent upon whom you ask, of
course.  Vaisnavites may tell you it is Visnu, perhaps Brahma.
Some who worship Kali-ma may tell you it is Kali.

|jai maharaj 

Thank you for this post.  Additional information about Kali and the
Kali Yuga encouraged.

tyagi nagasiva

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