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The 100 Names of Kali

[from ]

Subject: The 100 Names of Kali
   "O Devi, you are the measure and you measure. You are beyond
   measure and measurer. You are one in many forms. You are the form
   of the universe. I bow to you." - Kaulavali Tantra.
   Here is the text and a translation of chapter 23 of the
   influential Brihadnila Tantra. If there are defects in my
   translation, I beg the indulgence of readers.
   Patala 23. Shri Devi said: Before, O Deva, when engaged in
   amorous play,you mentioned the 100 names of Kali. Lord, speak of
   this to me. Shri Bhairava said: Well asked, Mahadevi, I will tell
   you of that previously untold. Vararohe Sundari, you should
   conceal it like your own yoni. 
   Mohini, you who are as dear to me as life itself, I could not
   live for an instant without you, Parameshvari.  Like sight is
   inherent in the sun and as ghee is inherent in milk, so I, the
   Natha am everywhere present in you.  Listen Devi, I will speak
   to you of the japa giving all knowledge. Sadashiva is the rishi,
   it is said; Cchanda is the metre, the devata is Bhairavi
   Devi, bestowing the four aims of mankind.
   The application is that it gives all knowledge.  Mahakali
   Jagadhatri (creator of the world) Jaganmata ( mother of the
   world) Jaganmayi (consisting of the world) Jagadamba (world
   mother) Jagatsara (essence of the world) Jagadanandakarini (cause
   of bliss in the world) Jagadvighnasini (destroyer of world
   obstacles) Gauri (golden one) Dukhadaridyanashini (destroyer of
   unhappiness and poverty) Bhairavabhavini Bhavananta
   Sarasvataprada (bestower of eloquence).  Chaturvargaprada
   (giver of the four aims) Sadhvi (holy) Sarvamangalamangala
   (greatest fortune of all) Bhadrakali Vilakshi Kamadatri (giving
   desires) Kalatmika (self of kalas) Nilavani (blue Sarasvati) 
   Mahagaurasarvanga (greatly golden in all limbs) Sundaripara 
   (supremely beautiful) Sarvasampatprada (giver of all prosperity) 
   Bhimanadini (sounding terrifying) Varavarnini Vararoha Shivaruha 
   (riding Shiva) Mahishasuradhatini Shivapujya (worshipped by 
   Shiva) Shivaprita (loved by Shiva) Danavendraprapujita 
   (worshipped by Danavas) Sarvavidyamayi (consisting of all vidya)
   Sarvasarvabhisthaphalaprada (giver of the fruit of every possible
   desire) Komalangi (soft of limbs) Vidhatri (creatrix)
   Vidhatrivaradayini (giver of boons in creation) 
   Purnenduvadana (with a face like the full moon) 
   Nilameghavarna (the colour of a blue rain-cloud) Kapalini
   Kurukulla Viprachitta Kantachitta Madonmada (drunk with desire)
   Matangi (elephant lady) Madanaprita Madaghurnitalochana
   (eyes full of desire) Madottirna Kharparasinaramundavilasini 
   Naramundasraja (with a necklace of men's heads) Devi Khadgahasta
   (holding a cleaver) Bhayanaka (giving fear) Attahasayuta
   (laughing loudly) Padma (lotus) Padmaragopashobhita
   Karabhayaprada (hand removing fear) Kali Kalaratrisvarupini (true
   form of the night of time) Svadha Svaha Vashatkara
   Saradindusamaprabha (as bright as the autumn moon)
   Sharatjyotsna (light of the autumn moon) Samhlada
   Viparitaratatura (addicted to taking the superior sexual role)
   Muktakeshi (dishevelled of hair) Cchinnajata Jatajutavilasini
   Sarvarajayutabhima Sarvarajoparisthata Shmashanstha
   (dwelling in the cremation ground) Mahanandistuta (praised by
   Mahanandi) Samdiptalochana Shavasanarata (addicted to the
   corpse asana)Nanda Siddhacharanasevita (served by Siddhacharas)
   Balidanapriya (fond of animal sacrifice)Garbha (the womb)
   Bhurbhuvasvahsvarupini (true form of Bhurbhuvahsvar) 
   Gayatri Savitri Mahanilasarasvati Lakshmirlakshanasamyukta 
   (showing all the signs of Lakshmi) Sarvalakshanalakshita 
   (having every single characteristic) Vyaghracharmavrita (wearing 
   tiger skin) Madhya Trivalivalayanchita Gandharvaihsamstutasa 
   (praised by the Gandharvas) hi Inda Mahapara (greatly supreme one) 
   Parama (supreme) Maya Mahamaya Mahodaya. Maheshvari, so to you
   are declared the 100 celestial names Whosoever reads these
   at morning time for certain gains a treasure. Here in this world,
   he is happy and afterwards attains union with Devi. 
   He cannot be subjugated by siddhas, aughas, all which moves and
   does not move, whether they move on earth, in space or in heaven.
   The names are called 'Boon', Maheshani and one may give up
   the 1000 (names).  One should recite the 100 (names) Devi,
   the giver of the fruit of the four aims (of mankind). O
   Parameshani, without knowing these 100 names, there is no
   siddhi from Mahakali in this Kali Yuga.
   One who recites with devotion gains good results, listen!  He
   gains the resilts of hundreds of millions of Kalipujas. What use
   of more words? He will become the desired. 
   Artwork is (c) Jan Bailey, 1995. Translations are (c) Mike Magee
   1995. For more information, send e-mail to


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