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Questions For Kali

From: (nagasiva)
Subject: Questions For Kali
Date: 17 Jan 1995 19:59:11 GMT
Organization: Portal Communications (shell)
Lines: 102
Message-ID: <3fh7if$>
Reply-To: (nagasiva)
Xref: alt.pagan:86209 alt.magick.tyagi:1870

Orig-Date: 910423

Q(uestion): How can I tell whether I am fickles or follow Tao?
K(ali): Watch yourself.
Q: For how long?
K: Always
(!) Ugh!!

:I don't wish to be a projection screen for others.
Q: How can I stop this from happening?
K: Be.  Feel.  Think.  Simply be.  [i.e. you cannot overtly affect them

Q: What can I do for those who yearn to be with me wherever I am?
K: Tell them that they may, yet only after they have taken a vow of
silence for over a year, given up their possessions, and followed
you around during that period.  You are becoming a monk and while
your Way may bring you within the bounds of society, you travel in
the company of monks [or nuns].
	Wander, forsake the bonds of familiarity, feel, and above
all else, watch yourself.  You are my special one.
Q: But Kali, won't I leave a trail of grasping, wounded people?
K: They are already wounded.  This is a world of psychosis.  Treat
them kindly and be on your Way.
Q: What about compassion?
K: Give up compassion.  Give up wisdom too.  These are objective
labels of aspiration.  Monks do not aspire.  Feel deeply.  That is
Q: And what of my feelings to be with others in both sexual and
nonsexual ways?  Need I give these [actions] up too?
K: Need you?  The monk's is a world of freedom.  Do what you feel
appropriate to your condition.
Q: What about selfish desire and egotism?
K: You shall likely ostracize others by your efforts no matter
*which* way you go.  Your Way is solitary until you find other
monks [or nuns].  It is seldom as easy as some would like to think.
Besides, if you forsake possessions, release ownership of people and
places, make yourself available to all who approach, and watch your-
self carefully, your ego (as such) will dissolve.  Is this egotism?
	Treat people like straw dogs.  Remember their divinity, then,
when it is time, cast them aside, release them, let them to their Way
as you follow yours.  There are many mountain paths to the Temple.
Some are too difficult for man, and thus are less frequently travelled.
Release your ideas.  Go with your feelings for a time.
Q: And what about those who will see me as deserting them?  As unable
to handle intensity over duration; emotional expression in depth?
K: Watch for Truth in their statements.  They are authorities concern-
ing themselves.  As are you.  Watch yourself and find the Truth of the
	People may be frightened of those that do what they want to do.
Q: Will you send me a teacher, Kali?
K: I send them to you all the time!
K: There is a gradation.  It is best to be [sit and watch].  When you
cannot be, then read or write.  When you cannot read or write, then
listen.  When you cannot listen, then speak.  Thus it is most difficult
for you to be and least difficult to speak.
Q: Can I write this down?
K: Yes, but you will be distracted [from the meaning and relevance of
					the conversation]
Q: (Getting out paper and pen) Why is this?
K: For it comes of memory and you shall forget the present.
Q: Please explain the elements of gradation.
K: To be is to not-do (wu-wei).  Through being, all things arise in
perfection.  To read is to intently focus and derive meaning.  Through
reading we come to understand other perspectives and, eventually,
nonperspective.  To write is to express the thoughts/feelings which 
arise as a result of focus in a symbolic, and therefore meaningful form
(where meditation is concerned).  To listen is to ride the winds of
imagination at the direction of another.  Listening involves a relin-
quishing of control and a more mild focus than reading or writing.  To
speak is to express the flights of imagination which present themselves.
Focus brings clarity and meaning here.


Q: I feel violated when another attacks me (emotionally).  I feel as if
I cannot trust them to be kind to me.
K: Attacks and defenses are not easily understood.  Neither are kindness
and cruelty.
Q: Kali, why do I sometimes laugh when another accuses me of wrongdoing
or false motive?
K: Because in some way you fear that they are right.
Q: Are they (right)?
K: There is no right or wrong in Heaven.
Q: Is this a 'stage' that I'm going through?
K: There is no 'you' to go through stages.
Q: What can I do to get beyond this fear?
K: Plow through it.  Don't let it paralyze you.  If in fear you must
act, then act through the fear, guided by intuition.  Never run from
fear, for it will lead only to more pain.  Dispense with 'tradition'
and 'morals' as quickly as you would 'human-heartedness' (jen) or
Q: And what of those who criticize (me)?
K: Listen and execute [test and consign illusion to the void], but
do not contradict.  They need to hear what they say about others.
Eventually they will understand themselves.  This applies to you
also.  Heed your words about others most carefully.  Watch and be.


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