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Navitae: An Invocation of Kali

From: (nagasiva)
Newsgroups: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick.tantra,,alt.religion.wicca,alt.pagan.magick,alt.magick
Subject: Navitae: An Invocation of Kali
Followup-To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick.tantra,alt.pagan.magick,alt.magick
Date: 17 Feb 1997 10:35:44 -0800
Organization: KudoNet On-Line Services
Lines: 126
Reply-To: (nagasiva)
Xref: alt.magick.tyagi:8786 alt.magick.tantra:2724 alt.religion.wicca:37427 alt.pagan.magick:2159 alt.magick:79180

[orig-to: (omkali-l Elist)]

49970217 AA1 Hail Satan!
			by Navitae
	1. Temple Furnishings
		* A red pentagram on the ground constructed of string, 
		  chalk, paint, or sand.  The top point should face
		  North, the direction of eternal night.
		* Pungent odors for incense, hot and spicy.
		* A black altar with scarlet cloth
		* Five black or red candles placed at the five points 
		  of the pentagram.  Black for Kali as the devouring 
		  destructive and creative force, red for Kali as the
		  dynamic destructive and creative force.
		* Weapons on the altar include: a daggor or sword, a 
		  hemp noose and a cup preferably made from a skull, 
		  stone will do.
		* The robe should be black, or the Adept wear nothing
		  (clothed by night).
		* Any jewelry worn should include onyx or ruby.
		* A bell for the opening and closing.
	 2. Preparation
		* Start with preferred method of banishing.
		* The Adept should light the incense and then sit in the
		  darkness at midnight.  He should meditate, either in
		  a warrior or death posture depending on the aspect of
		  the Goddess he wishes to invoke.  He should close his
		  eyes and visualize the Yantra of Kali whilst chanting
		  her mantra: Krim.
	 3. Opening
		* Light the candle.
		* Ring the bell five times.
	 4. Main Ritual
		* Chant the tribute to Kali while facing the North, the
		  direction of the night referred to above.  The tribute
		  to Kali is as follows:
			Om ya devi sarvabhutesu kalirupena
			samsthita namastasyai, namastasyai,
			namastasyai namo namah.
		* Turn to the first pentagram point on the right holding
		  the sword and saying: 
			I invoke thee who art Kali in thy strength 
			and destructive power.  May you destroy the
		  	barriers of ignorance I have erected around 
			myself and open the doors to the gnosis of 
			the great mysteries.
		* Turn to the next point and taking the cup say:
			I invoke thee who art Kali in thy fertility
			and compassion.  May you inspire in me the
			creative potential and ability to face my
			challenges and grow from them in new and
			positive ways.
		* Turn to the next point and taking the noose say:
			I invoke thee who art Kali the mistress of
			death, the bringer of the great sleep and
			rebirth.  May I learn to see beyond the
			veils of limited existence and understanding
			to reach your abode in the great night which
			is beyond creation and destruction.
		* Turn to the next point and making the mudra of
		  blessing say:
			I invoke thee who art the goddess of fear 
			and joy.  May you help me find the found
			of eternal bliss beyond the suffering of
			material existence.
		* Turn to the point of origin and meditate.
	 5. Closing
		* Ring the bell five times.
		* Put out the candles.
		* Perform final banishing.
	from 'Thanateros', Issue #3, p. 9.

aum krim namah kaliya

smashanakali, smashanakali, smashanakali. (nagasiva)
see  and  call: 408/2-666-SLUG!!!
 ----  (emailed replies may be posted)  ----  CC public replies to email  ---- 
 * * * Asphalta Cementia Metallica Polymera Coyote La Cucaracha Humana * * * 

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