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Manifestation of Kali

From: (nagasiva)
Subject: Manifestation of Kali
Date: 31 Jan 1995 22:54:04 -0800

Quoting: Persona Navitae 353 ('The Manifestation of Kali in Universe as
				Astrophysical Anomaly')


The Manifestation of Kali in Universe as an Astrophysical Anomaly
By Persona Navitae 353.

...She is Nuit in Thelema, and her creation on the mundane level is Kali. 
In many systems they are considered one, which is rightly so. The job 
of Kali is to devour the ignorance of static non-creation and recreate 
Universe with new potential for mani-festation. Left to its own, Siva 
would freeze up Universe in a cage of entropy. This is known to 
physicists as the "Heat death of Universe". Heat is not a substance, 
not an energy. It is a process, "The transference of energy by virtue 
of a difference in temperature".  When all forms of energy, Sakti/Kali, 
have been equalibriated then no more growth is possible. Any divine sparks 
left in such a state would no longer develope, all life would stop.
...In early myths [Kali] is known to devour the demons who would upset 
the balance of space-time. Kali is the Goddess of time, Kala. In time 
all things die and are re-born.  In time all ignorance is replaced by 
divine Gnosis, if we accomplish nothing else in life we cannot help but 
learn. Experience is the great teacher. At the end of time there is no 
manifested existence, just the Satchidananda of bliss-being-consciousness.

Kali offers the bliss of Gnosis with one hand which holds the Sangrail, 
freedom from fear with another raised, with a third she holds the sword 
that destroys Universe, and with a forth she holds a head to remind us 
that all situations will change, death is the constant force of new life. 
She is naked because she has no veils of illusion, and to remind us that 
the secret of recreation is in sexual bliss. She is black because she is
beyond human comprehension, this also ties in with the freudian devouring 
mother, who is in the realm of shadow, we all will be swallowed by Kali 
in the little death and the greater ones. She dances on the corpse of Siva, 
who has over extended himself in the attempt for divine Order.  However, 
her dance has aroused him even in death and she stands over his erect penis 
to accept the seed of new creation.
Ishmael Reed referred to "Dark Isis". I found this very intriquing at the 
time, and later found the connection in Isis's dark twin, Nepthys. She is 
dark (like Kali) because she is hidden, manifested but unseen. In his book, 
Reed speculated that she became dominant when Isis was shedding lunar blood 
(sacred to Kali), this is when the unfertile seeds are being disgarded. For
the aspirant this is a time of great power, and danger. Nepthys is the 
goddess of the night magicks, the red magick of Vamamarg somtimes refered to 
as the "left hand path". Hers is the force of recreation which is so vital 
to the growth of the aspirant. IAO, Isis-creator, Apophis (Set, husband of 
Nepthys)-destroyer, and Osiris-re-creator. In Tantra, Kali is all three. 
She gives birth to Universe, devours it when all life has expended its 
energy, and re-creates it from the seeds of the old Universe.

If Kali/Nepthys manifests at the end of time, it will be as the mouths of 
numerous black holes, each larger one devouring the smaller, uniting in one 
undifferientiated monad of space-time, not only matter sucked in but the 
net of creation on which it resides as well. In the Dark Matter is the new 


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