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From  Sat Nov  4 19:10:25 1995
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From: (joe william)
Subject: Re: Kali-Yuga
Date: 05 Nov 1995 01:07:32 GMT
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Organization: DigitalPopcorn Online Services
Status: RO

"Manu Smriti" , " the Memorandum of Manu" , the Divine Law-Giver to mankind,
described the life span of the universe as merely a speck in the Creation of
God. He also specified calculations of the eternally cyclic life span of
Brahma. The Divine Agency of the Creative Attribute of God, large and minor
Religious Cycles of Virtues comprising of various aeons, ages, epocs and
their linking periods, His book is known as the Source of all laws, or
"Law-Codes of Manu", also Yug-Shastra" means " the Book of Yug," in which
Manu has declared the beginning of a long big cycle of 12,000 years
containing within itself 4 minor and uneven periodic cycles, at the
termination of which the beginning of a new "Krit Yug" which means the "Cycle
of Truth in Deeds" will start.
The exact calculations given in the Manu Smriti (Chapter 1 Verses 68-72) are
as follows:

Name of Yug   Prelink  Duration   Post Link  Full Period
Sat Yug             100       1000        100            1200
Treta Yug           200       2000        200           2400
Dwapar Yug        300       3000        300            3600
Kali Yug              400      4000         400            4800
Grand Total   12,000 years

In India we have the history of about 5,000 years. We have no records of the
prehistoric Yugas. Of course, we have all legendary records about Sat Yug,
Treta Yug and Dwaper Yug, along with Manifestations of God Who appeared in
succession, one after the other, during those three Yugas and even those
before Manu.

We can pick up the calculation with historical accuracy from a little more
than 5,000 years ago, from the time of Bhagwan Shri Krishna, The Divine
Revealer of the Holy Gita.

>From Vishnu Puran (Part IV, Chapt.24, Verses 109,113) we learn that "on the
day Bhagwan Krishna ascended to His Holy Abode (at the age of 126 years
according to the Shri Krishna Samvat Calender) Kali Yug did put it's first
foot on earth.

In 56 B.C. the king Vikramaditya inaugurated the Solar Calender, but Shri
Krishna's devotees observe their religious rites and sacred duties according
to the Shri Krishna Samvat calender.
The year 1844 A.D. is the year 5065th year of Shri Krishna Samvat

Subtracting the 126 years of Bhagwan Krishna's lifetime from 5065 we get,
4939 years of 355 days each (Their years are 355 days each). Converting into
solar years of 365-1/4 (4939x355/365.25) we get 4800.3969 years, which is the
4800 year period of the Kali Yug which ended in 1844. The fraction 3969
depicts 4 months 24 days 23 hours 13 minutes and 31 seconds of the year 1844.
The prophesy says that KaliYug will end at this particular year, and by the
end of the age there will appear a Manifestation of God Who will inaugurate a
New "Krityug" which means "the Age of Deeds". This is exactly what the Bab
had done on the 23rd of May 1844 A.D. 2 hours and 11 minutes after sunset,
and fulfilled the great and long standing prophecy.

taken from the book "1844 A.D. Pinpoint Target of All Faiths" by Dr.
H.M.Munje, Baha'i Publishing Trust P.O. Box 19 New Delhi 110001, India

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