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Kali Text2

From: (nagasiva)
Newsgroups: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.pagan,,alt.hindu,alt.mythology
Subject: Kali Text2 (WWW)
Date: 24 Jul 1996 11:16:14 -0700
Organization: Portal Communications (shell)
Lines: 46
Message-ID: <4t5p9e$>
Xref: alt.magick.tyagi:9634 alt.pagan:167279 alt.hindu:2513 alt.mythology:28769


                              THE GODDESS KALIKA
   Kali's paramount place of worship is in the cremation ground,
   preferably at the dead of night, on a suitable day of the waning Moon.
   Here, her nature becomes clear and apparent. For an adept in the
   worship, the whole world is a cremation ground, and She, the true form
   of time, who by herself creates and destroys all, is personified as
   the pyre. There, after life, all mortals and their wishes, dreams and
   reflections come to their fruition, a pile of worthless ashes.
   The Yogini Tantra describes the goddess as the cosmic mother
   (Vishvamata), dark as a thunderstorm, wearing a garland and waist-
   band of skulls, with dishevelled hair, completely naked (digambaram).
   She has a rolling tongue, makes a terrifying roar, three reddened
   eyes, and has a wide open mouth. She wears a moon digit on her
   forehead, has the corpses of two boys as her earrings, and is adorned
   with various gems, which are of the brightness of the Sun and the
   Laughing loudly, she has two streams of blood pouring from her mouth,
   while her throat is red with blood. In her four arms she holds
   cleaver, head, and makes mudras dispelling fears and granting boons.
   She, the supreme Nitya, is seated in reverse (viparita) intercourse
   with Mahakala upon the corpse of Shiva. The whole scene is set in the
   cremation ground. Yet, as with most other tantrik symbolism, the
   meaning of this cremation pyre operates on multiple levels. The pyre
   is also the yoni. Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon), says Kali is the
   deity in her aspect as withdrawing time into itself. "Kali is so
   called because She devours Kala (Time) and then resumes Her own dark
   formlessness." Garland of Letters , page 235.
   The background gif is the Devanagari representation of Kali's bija or
   seed mantra, pronounced Kreem.
   View Her yantra, her secret sadhana, or see Hindu tantrik translations
   Artwork is © Jan Bailey, 1995. Translations are © Mike Magee 1995. For
   more information, send e-mail to

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