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Hymn to Libitina.

From omkali-owner Fri Jun  9 21:55:58 1995
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Date: Fri, 9 Jun 1995 21:55:54 -0700
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Subject: Hymn to Libitina.
From: (nagasiva)
Reply-To: (nagasiva)
Status: RO

From: Nyk Cowham 
Date: 7 Jun 1995 17:55:51 +0100


	"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

The following hymn/invocation is addressed to the Roman goddess, Libitina, in
whose temples all the accoutrement necessary for funerals and rites of the dead
were purchased. She is most likely an aspect of Proserpine, as the Queen of Dis,
ruling the underworld (like the Norse goddess Hel - from whence is derived the
English Xtian word Hell).

This correlation and expansion of the role and identity of Libitina is made
forcibly in the poem, and the roles and forms of the 'Kali-like' goddesses have
been merged into a single deity, whom I have called Libitina. The choice of
name is by way of acoustic similarity. Libitina is a pun on the word Liberty,
which refers to the freedom gained by opening oneself to the tide of cosmic
influx, which is prefigured by the dispersal of the limited ego. Also the stem
'Libit...', suggests a fusion of the latin words Libertas (freedom) and Libido
(lust or desire). For me there is a sort of hiero gamos involved here wherein
one reaches a point of no return, where death (or rather suicide) is the only
direction forward. My own sexual suicide (of the ego, or limited consciousness)
has become spiritually enfleshed in a female form, similar to Kali, and it is
she who must deliver the scorpion (Serket) sting which shall liberate
(Libitina) the energy of my Khu (shining body of light).

I hope that others may find something of use, which they can utilise in their
own personal growth. I deliver this hymn humbly and with potent love.

		"Love is the law, love under will."



	Sweet Libitina, Dark Goddess of Death,
	Exhale mystic vapours from thy breath,
	Give succour in caves of dark despair,
	Bathe my brow with cobwebs from thy hair.

	This is thy body, and this is thy blood,
	formed in the wasteland, of mire and mud,
	Host of the ages and age of the host,
	With the wine of thy blood I offer a toast.

	Sister of Proserpine, Queen of the Dead,
	Lay thee to rest on this death-ridden bed.
	Kiss my throat with thy blood-drenched lips,
	And drain-out my life with cold rhythmic sips.

	Ave Libitina; Libitina amo.
	Thy planet is Pluto; thy sign: Scorpio,
	Mistress of Darkness; Queen of Decay,
	This is thy hour and this is thy day.


	Cave Libitinam: in the waters of the West,
	Your soul she will claim and your heart infest,
	With a lust for death and foul-smelling mire.
	Your corpse she will place on the funereal pyre.

	See Libitina in her blood-splattered shroud,
	Pulchritudinous, regal and proud.
	Raven-haired Queen of the Endless Night,
	For mortals an evil and horror-filled sight.

	The Maiden of Misery; The Priestess of Pain.
	Sup from her cup, dark Salt of Henbane,
	And feel your life wilt, wither and wane,
	There is nothing to loose and nothing to gain.

	Sweet Libitina, Pale Daughter of Dread,
	Open your arms to the hope-stricken dead,
	Teach them thy ways: in the love of despair,
	That justice is empty and nothing is fair.


	Our Lady is summoned with dark shibboleth,
	'Atropos', 'Hecate', 'Persephone', 'Death'.
	Though her titles are many, her heart is the same,
	A Virgin of Venom, by any dark name.

	O! the vault of thy womb is a cromlech of doom,
	Thy soul is a cavernous worm-ridden tomb,
	But thy love has the purity of gold. And thy gloom,
	Enshrouds the cadaver of the rancid bridegroom.

	Sweet Libitina, Dread Queen of Despair,
	I invoke thee to enter this dark foetid lair,
	By sorcerer's circle and the 'Art Armadel',
	I bid thee to rise from the caverns of Hell.

	Do what thou wilt is the whole of thy law!
	Thy children shall live by the talon and claw,
	In the silence of death and the vigour of war,
	Thou shalt cherish the strong and devour the poor.

Balandrophis-13                                        "Fiat voluntas mea"
                          IN NOMINE BABALON
"I am the Daughter of Fortitude, and ravished every hour, from my youth...I am
deflowered, and yet a virgin: I sanctify, and am not sanctified...I am a harlot
for such as ravish me, and a virgin with such as know me not."

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