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From: (Robin Lunn)
Newsgroups: alt.mythology,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.religion.wicca,alt.magick,talk.religion.misc,
Subject: Re: Hecate
Followup-To: alt.mythology,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.religion.wicca,alt.magick,talk.religion.misc,
Date: 24 Apr 1996 14:22:46 GMT
Organization: No organisation supplied
Lines: 48
Message-ID: <4lldfm$>
References: <4iimni$>   <4j5iuv$> <4j9hr2$> <4jhagf$>  <> <4k2rv1$> <> <4ked5e$> <>
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Xref: alt.mythology:26650 alt.magick.tyagi:7835 alt.religion.wicca:27066 alt.magick:72312 talk.religion.misc:215741

jody ( wrote:
: Roel van Leeuwen wrote:

: There are many ways Kali is viewed by people from within and without
: shaktism in India.  My fault is finding fault with your view of Her.
: Your view is not unreasonable, my reaction was.  It's just that I
: really feel like Her child, and find myself taking sudden offense to
: things that I read that I don't agree with.
: [snip]

: > As I understood it the Thugees murdered just about anyone apart from
: > Europeans, and initally, women.  Later they got carried away and
: > concentrated on the richer travellers and women and looted their
: > victims as well, and when the British started their purge the older
: > Thugees saw this as a sigh that Kali had withdrawn her madate on the
: > murder/sacrifices.  I was entily unaware that their ritual murders
: > still had karmic consequences attached to them, I was under the
: > impression that it was 'debit free'.

: I quote the following article, "Kali in Hollywood's Temple of Misogyny"
: by Fran Nowve in issue 3 of The Beltane Papers:

:      The Thuggee considered Brahmins, the top caste, to be the
:      enemies of Kali.  Sacrifices were taken exclusively from
:      this group.  Women were never sacrificed. . .  It would
:      seem that the Thuggee were actually engaged in a class
:      war. . .  Their side of the fighting took the form of 
:      guerilla warfare, highwaymen waiting to take the enemy
:      by surprise.

One of Kali's more influencial trait/vices was that of deciet.  The Thuggee
were decievers.  An important part of their sacrifice was to decieve their
victims/sacrifices, preferably taking them at a moment of great pleasure,
but always taking them unawares.  This almost always involved getting to be
trusted or unsuspected of their intentions, it was not enough to simply

Hecate was never cast in this light to my knowledge.  Her dark aspect was
more the dealving into the primaeval, lust/desire for something at any
cost, usually in a magical context.  Kali is one of the images of Destroyer
and in that She is similar to Hecate.  Hecate's methods were always subtle
though were Kali's were more blatant.
_ __                       | Only my ideas here unless I say otherwise...
' )  )     /               | (BeamJack@IRC)
 /--' ____/___o  __        |
/  \_(_) /_) (__/) )_      | "I didn't know it was impossible when I did it!"

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